Pot, meet kettle.
Conservative pundit Scott Jennings was part of CNN’s coverage for the DNC on Aug 21, and argued that ‘nobody tonight said a damn thing,’ and continued to complain that Tim Walz and none of the others who spoke laid out any policy plans.
Anderson Cooper quickly reminded Jennings that that is pretty much Donald Trump’s MO: His last few campaign stops alone have consisted of him saying he’s ‘better looking than Kamala,’ and saying things like he’s going to ‘eliminate’ inflation, but with nothing to really back that claim up, or a plan on how his administration would even do that.
‘Donald Trump does not talk about any policy issue,’ Cooper said, to which Jennings claimed, ‘Sure he does.’
‘I understand your argument,’ Cooper said later in the clip, But given the candidate who you are backing, it rings a little hollow because there is no flesh on the bone of anything he’s talked about.’
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