#masshysteria Canada did use the location data to see how populations moved. the New York post made a article about it. I can't find the original video. https://nypost.com/2021/12/25/canada-secretly-tracked-33-million-phones-during-lockdown/
sorry if this post was scary.
Edward Snowden warned us about big tech and government spying on people for many many years now. most people are in a walking daze. I don't want to freak you out just be aware and live your best life you can. you don't have to be wearing a tinfoil hat, just wake up a little I would even say "go woke" but that's been taken. "no lives matter untill no lives matter" would probably be the slogan they use secretly in this bilderburg meetings they have. they denied those meetings for years but finally said hey it's real. Klaus Schwab, global reset, etc. the connections of Epstein to the Globalist elites are crazy, example Ghislaine Maxwell was at Chelsea Clinton's wedding ,(Hillary Clinton's daughter) Maxwell's sister is on the board on the World Economic Forum. its crazy how all this stuff is connected. it seems bill gates was hanging with Jeffery also, and Trump had Epstein at maralgo back on the 90's I think he banned him from coming, maybe after he realized this dude was a weirdo, who knows. comments are appreciated. thumbs up (or down) comment and subscribe , it helps me reach more people, I'm getting closer to 1,000 subs. so sub now, take an evening off and watch all my videos from oldest to newest, I would appreciate it. thank you