,1,click below, this is if Joe Rogan was a cat
I decided to put this jacket a windbreaker from papa John's circa 2005 jacket on the floor for her, she always trys out things especially when they are new to sleep on. I think she was in the zone on this one.
,1,#Carhartt #mandate #covid19 they make clothes for people that work mostly outside now I know plenty of rednecks who have the vaccine and I know plenty of rednecks who don't but Alex Jones even talked about the global medical tyrannical takeover of large businesses as a way to fulfill the world economic forums plan for a great reset look at what's going on in Canada Canada made a rule that all truckers entering in from the US to show proof of vaccination now think about all the truckers that you know you might have heard of the thing called conservative talk radio I doubt these truckers are going to be willing to show proof of vaccination now when it comes to this so called proof there's probably a doctor or someone you could go to and actually have an actual medical record of an actual vaccination but for a few bucks they'll just squirt it into the air I personally don't know anyone that did this and I don't know of anyone who is planning on doing this but I've heard of it I've definitely also heard of fake vaccine cards but I would think if someone was to investigate the authenticity of a vaccine card that was faked they could quickly find out that the records do not match I'm not sure but it just blows my mind that Carhartt of all companies would enforce this now I do understand that they want their employees to be safe I wonder if the Carhartt employee is just grifting so he doesn't lose any business in the CBS News profile it said that from hipsters to hard workers now in my experience I have not seen any hipsters everywhere car hearts really just depends on what part of the country you're in you know even though we have this thing called the internet that connects everyone doesn't necessarily mean that trends of clothing and ideas are just unilaterally the same but it does help for when whipping people into lockstep for there to be kind of the same thing everywhere but now you know the power of the internet on everyone's phone and Facebook and massive data mining that it's much easier now more than ever to control and manipulate a large population of people in my 15 years of sales and then my 10 years I basically designing clickbait websites and articles for certain companies in certain fields mainly limousine companies and small businesses that work on plumbing heating air conditioning roofing and home improvement maintenance I definitely know the power of the internet when it comes to manipulation of people also my two years working for a contractor analyzing Facebook data for Facebook where we helped feed the algorithm information so that when advertisers wanted to put ads on someone's feed that the ads did not offend anyone and also we helped redesign the feed so it was not in chronological order but that it was an order that was designed to keep you on the feed to continue to scroll but also not just scroll but also engage based on things that you already liked in the behaviors that you already did I feel so bad for working for that contractor I will never get that time back
,1,#earthquake South Carolina the state below North Carolina it's a separate state has been having record earthquakes this year and last year they had way more earthquakes than normal in the past 30 days they have had over 15 earthquakes and it's just crazy do not move the South Carolina it is dangerous and you might could die because they are not really built for earthquakes I would not move to Charleston South Carolina it's a fun place to visit but trust me the bugs and the air conditioning you don't want to stay inside all the time with air conditioning you want to be outside but do not move there I live there for 8 years as an outsider and I saw more and more people moving there and just ruining the town life is not a game don't just go through life not knowing what the hell you're going to do you're probably boring somewhere and you think that town sucks no it doesn't it's you that suck so do not bring your bad attitude to some beautiful place trying to have some kind of spiritual Awakening we don't need none of that you need to get your act together and grow up you're grown up now so stop playing anyways South Carolina is having a lot of earthquakes and it's really crazy
,1,part 2 https://youtu.be/QqKgozHbicg
Tim pool is swatted AGAIN, interesting...
who t f is Tim pool? I dunno
here's a video of the members only section of them breaking the news
,1,never understood "CHEMTRAILS" comment let me know what you think. if you want to help me win this fight donate to my cash app, I seriously doubt you will, but I would appreciate it $DerekNC
,1,#masshysteria Canada did use the location data to see how populations moved. the New York post made a article about it. I can't find the original video. https://nypost.com/2021/12/25/canada-secretly-tracked-33-million-phones-during-lockdown/
sorry if this post was scary.
Edward Snowden warned us about big tech and government spying on people for many many years now. most people are in a walking daze. I don't want to freak you out just be aware and live your best life you can. you don't have to be wearing a tinfoil hat, just wake up a little I would even say "go woke" but that's been taken. "no lives matter untill no lives matter" would probably be the slogan they use secretly in this bilderburg meetings they have. they denied those meetings for years but finally said hey it's real. Klaus Schwab, global reset, etc. the connections of Epstein to the Globalist elites are crazy, example Ghislaine Maxwell was at Chelsea Clinton's wedding ,(Hillary Clinton's daughter) Maxwell's sister is on the board on the World Economic Forum. its crazy how all this stuff is connected. it seems bill gates was hanging with Jeffery also, and Trump had Epstein at maralgo back on the 90's I think he banned him from coming, maybe after he realized this dude was a weirdo, who knows. comments are appreciated. thumbs up (or down) comment and subscribe , it helps me reach more people, I'm getting closer to 1,000 subs. so sub now, take an evening off and watch all my videos from oldest to newest, I would appreciate it. thank you
,1,#masshysteria Canada did use the location data to see how populations moved. the New York post made a article about it. I can't find the original video. https://nypost.com/2021/12/25/canada-secretly-tracked-33-million-phones-during-lockdown/
sorry if this post was scary.
Edward Snowden warned us about big tech and government spying on people for many many years now. most people are in a walking daze. I don't want to freak you out just be aware and live your best life you can. you don't have to be wearing a tinfoil hat, just wake up a little I would even say "go woke" but that's been taken. "no lives matter untill no lives matter" would probably be the slogan they use secretly in this bilderburg meetings they have. they denied those meetings for years but finally said hey it's real. Klaus Schwab, global reset, etc. the connections of Epstein to the Globalist elites are crazy, example Ghislaine Maxwell was at Chelsea Clinton's wedding ,(Hillary Clinton's daughter) Maxwell's sister is on the board on the World Economic Forum. its crazy how all this stuff is connected. it seems bill gates was hanging with Jeffery also, and Trump had Epstein at maralgo back on the 90's I think he banned him from coming, maybe after he realized this dude was a weirdo, who knows. comments are appreciated. thumbs up (or down) comment and subscribe , it helps me reach more people, I'm getting closer to 1,000 subs. so sub now, take an evening off and watch all my videos from oldest to newest, I would appreciate it. thank you
,1,#nashville #snowfall #snow Nashville Severe Weather Live update going to go down to 8 degrees tonight. very cold. don't go outside. dangerous. $DerekNC cash app if you want to help me win this fight against snow.
,1,#NashvilleSnow #WinterWeather #tennessee
Nashville Severe Winter Weather Storm snowfall Live noon Snowcast Snow Report. HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS, STAY inside don't drive. have emergency blankets Incase of power outages, temps will not get above freezing untill Saturday. if you know any homeless people outside that are stranded, I'd open up your home or basement to them. people will die outside if exposed to this cold. this is not a game. winter is here. I will be headed out to different parts to give rides to emergency winter shelter in my f-150 I have 18 wheeler experience and drove Limos so ice and snow I can handle, but to the inexperienced stay home. don't risk your life.
Nashville Polar Vortex 2022,
donate $DerekNC
,1,#nashville #snowfall #weatherreport
New Weather Update https://youtu.be/-sKiodaHYO4
http://NashvilleSevereWeather.com for more updates and their Twitter
its going to get cold on the night of 1/6/22 down to around 8 to 11 degrees, icy conditions. be careful don't leave if you have to. if you have a basement I would invite any homeless people you may know to stay down there bring em a space heater and soup, they may say they are o.k. but come on. anyways, be careful it's going to get deadly. with the snow fall and low temps power could go out so make sure you have emergency blankets. old moving blankets are great for when it's really cold they are usually wool. also getting wool blankets used or new in bulk and giving them to the homeless they will be more likely to survive. some freeze to death because they are drunk are high and pass out in the elements this happens allot. let's not let anyone die this winter. stay safe stay warm. tomorrow at 8 am expect a snowfall video I will be out and about recording the local conditions on the ground.
,1,#nashville #SNOW #tennessee DEREKast Live Weather FORCAST from the national weather service weather.gov / NOAA starting tomorrow morning around 7-8 the snow will start falling, it may start to melt or some freezing rain then go back to snow. total time from about 7am to about 5 pm. road conditions are not going to be safe drive slow, this will freeze overnight, Friday morning / Thursday night lows into the 10 degree digits. if you live outside get blankets and hit hands and tarps NOW! OR MAKE arrangements, stay on a basement stay underground, this is life or death. please comment below if you know or any emergency weather / shelter situations. in Asheville N.C. I just opened up my basement and let the local outside people sleep down there. I just let them stay there really for the winter we had a bed time, I made them buy food with food stamps that was their rent and I would cook food for everyone. community people. anyways..... donate to $DerekNC cash app I will buy supplies and things they need no problem, I'll make a video about it so we all know I'm not joking around.
anyways. looking forward to a video around 8 am tomorrow with a live update of the snowfall.
follow or Google "Nashville Severe Weather" they have a Twitter, you don't have to have Twitter to read it. not sure if they are on alternative platforms but I don't think they really need to be.
do you need help growing your biz? let me know 15 years experience with SEO and marketing looking for new clients. thanks. -derek
,1,#NashvilleWeather #Nashville #Snow New just after midnight snow update, seems to have covered trees and grass and roofs not sticking to sidewalks and the road. check Twitter @NashSevereWx for accurate weather updates, you don't have to have Twitter to see it, just to read comments and post. they are legends they have a YouTube channel where they go live.
I seen a bunny out in the snow, a snow bunny. lol.
I am concerned with the wind that power may go out overnight because of trees, we will see. the cold weather reminds me that there is people outside, give them warm blankets. uhual and other places usually throw away the old moving blankets, those are great for keeping warm, been there before lol.the green military sleeping blankets are great. kind of went in a rant not about the weather. tomorrow when I wake up will have a full weather update with a drive. location at my friend's apartment in east Nashville. subscribe for more updates and just because I'm trying to get 1,000 subs by Feb 1st lol.
please comment about yourself, what you want to see , what got you here etc. drop your Twitter or gettr or what ever you use. go ahead and promote your local biz or services in the comments.
,1,contact me for use if this video
DEREKast Live: snow report
current time 8pm the snow is falling
subscribe, hit bell notification, thumbs up and share
I appreciate it.
@NashSevereWx for Nashville Severe Weather Updates
,1,#dojacat #Vip #backstage I got to alot of concerts, mom got me tickets included was VIP with backstage greenroom access. this is my video
#youtubemusic #music
@localwebsfast exclusive Instagram
derekjams.bandcamp.com is my music if you want to check it out
not sure what I'm doing with YouTube, going to be doing more things like this, check our my Earliest videos they are more skits and short films.
not sure if I should be a funny funny man, or try and start a business and get all serious.
would like to do a mix, where I can be an artist but also help people and also make money.
so it maybe doing my own commercials for business, not sure. I went to school more digital media and business marketing. if you have a business and need more leads, I can give you a free audit of what your doing and what you should do 100 percent free. normally would charge $4000 to start then a min of $300 a week, you could be a plastic surgeon, a dentist, junk removal, limo service, these are the current clients I've been working with for about 5 years now on average I make good money with this. ... subscribe. I will be dropping videos about my biz ventures soon and if you want to start and do what I do I can give you some tips. or like I say d I'd you have a biz and need more leads comment below and let me know what you are working with and I will give you a brain dump on everything a $4000 value for FREE
,1,#Nashville #newyear2022 #fireworks
time to make New Years Resolutions and stick to them . about this video: I got on top of a parking deck right by the fireworks, got a great view. happy new years everyone. I left my house at 11:30 drove downtown and went to a parking deck. new years for Nashville was broadcasted on cbs Nashville's Big Bash it was a big deal I guess
IF YOU LIKE art and comedy go to my oldest videos and check out my skits and music videos, over the years I've gotten board and just started making different content not sure of what direction I want to go in. I will eventually make a new type of channel but this will always be my old school original one, so please subscribe so I can update you on what's going on. I also made some really cool music www.DerekJams.BandCamp.com
if you want to help fund the video operations please donate via cash app $DerekNC
more live streaming of downtown Nashville coming soon, I also have another channel where I talk about internet and business marketing. seo Google maps how to start a business and how to start advertising for it to get leads. if you need lead generation and seo I can help for a good price, $300 / week t $4000 starting cost I know it sounds like alot, depends on what type of business you are in. you could be a plastic surgeon or a dentist, you could be a plumber or a roofer, you could have a limo company I have worked with all of them and took them Zero to Hero. most likely I will be make my a new channel in 2022 around Seo and Business marketing free info but also info for interested clients who want to to biz with me so they know I am serious, videos with case studies, I may even do follow along videos around this topic so you can see behind the scenes of me consulting and building someone's biz marketing from he ground up. let me know in the commens.
,1,#whistleblower #merrickgarland #patriotact
donate via cash app $DerekNC all donations will go to my crypto fund.
just reading breaking news today.
thanks for watching, check out my videos oldest to newest comment like share etc.
if you are reading this you are the resistance.
I've got strange vans parked out of my house at night fully tinted windows.
who do you think the extra guest are? what do you think?
I would most def say Alex Jones and Joe Rogan it's a no brained.
I made a post on Reddit about t
his and people where saying if I'm wrong I would never make a post like this again
I got on twitch 🤔 thinking it was an alternative to YouTube. I may get on TikTok next under the same name. not sure of my "brand" I need to expand on this. maybe just being a timcast irl and Alex Jones responder guy? it seems my passion is politics and news, I'm very informative and informed.
I would like to know how to day trade crypto and day trade stocks.
if you want to donate do it through cash app
$DerekNC all donations will go to Bitcoin and Ethereum savings. my plan is to save as much as I can and sell in the year 2031 March 1st
#AlexJones #infowars #elonmusk
,1,it will impact everyone not just low income, but it will "hurt" the most. imo I would start Today, buy 20-30 pounds of rice buy the gigantic bags of rice, dried beans and bulk of peanut butter with no hydrogenated oils, you will save alot.
I'm on twitch now
donate cash app $DerekNC
,1,the jury may aquit, watch till the end. I had my attorney present with me today giving commentary. non of this is legal advice. the prosecutor has been trying everything, the judge yells, his phones ringtone is "proud to be an American" it's up to the jury, even if Rittenhouse does 10 years he's gonna come out well protected and taken care of financial, t.v. shows, book deals, movie deals, radio shows, positions in government, jobs I think the nra will probably give him a bunch of money
I'm on twitch now https://twitch.tv/DCrockAfella
donate via cash app if you can I'm really sick and need to pay for medical bills $DerekNC
,1,the jury may aquit, watch till the end. I had my attorney present with me today giving commentary. non of this is legal advice. the prosecutor has been trying everything, the judge yells, his phones ringtone is "proud to be an American" it's up to the jury, even if Rittenhouse does 10 years he's gonna come out well protected and taken care of financial, t.v. shows, book deals, movie deals, radio shows, positions in government, jobs I think the nra will probably give him a bunch of money
I'm on twitch now https://twitch.tv/DCrockAfella
donate via cash app if you can I'm really sick and need to pay for medical bills $DerekNC
,1,Live. using stream labs, streaming TimCast IRL, with live reactions featuring me and my Cat. on a Wednesday.
word. check out my other videos I sometimes talk about the news and the Globalist.
,1,Trump re-stream reeeeeee just checking the quality of my streaming on trump from Saturday. the Stream stops because of bad internet connection. I figured I'd leave this video up for the hardcore trump fans. the theory is he will go ballistic and fire everyone who crossed him and be like a red flaming bull. even if covid ends, I'm just not sure about the economy recovery in the next 2 years. so now it's 2022, we've got untill 2024. 2 years is a long time in the world of politics, alot can happen.
and damn it's crazy when your his age how much 3-4 years js. I noticed the office did age him he did get fat he also was not as witty in a way, I just hope he's ok. and I hope Biden is ok mentally also. now Kamala I don't know about her, but alot of people don't know about Mike pence, he was a smooth talker and imo a great vp for Trump he would.make a good president.
,1,#freedomconvoy #freedomconvoy2022 #mandates
help me win this fight against the media blackout on this topic donate to $DerekNC
watch the whole video it helps the alogrithm suggest it to other people, also liking helps and commenting and sharing.
I made this video yesterday but forgot to upload it.
this is one of the longest news style videos I have made in this format, if you like this style let me know in the comments thank you. more news coming everyday at 4 pm EST Monday - Friday
,1,2804 Gallatin Pike #3713, Nashville, TN 37216
Chicago Style Gyros
Places To Eat In Nashville
food review / recommend
$12 for a philly gyro plate
make your own, or just eat all of it and save the pit bread or later.
it was good
if you want me to review more food
send me some money via cash app
$DerekNC it will help out. thanks
more food stuff coming soon. maybe a whole new channel just dedicated to this. we will see.
I'm full, $12 poorer but full.
I just bought a 10 lb bag of rice for $3 at dollar general. money is getting tight. will be another 4 we eks untill I eat out again.
,1,#nashville #snow today @nashvillesevereWX twitter for the most accurate weather and severe weather information,
NOAA.gov and Weather.gov are great
#Nashville #Snow #tennessee
snowfall at 4 pm weather reporting today from East Nashville, driving around the area, the easy coast and north east are getting a freeze. even in Florida they are planning to get into the 30s
Miami Florida is expected to get into the low 30s the first time in a decade.
make sure to have plenty of blankets and emergency food and water Incase of power outages don't go out if you don't need to.
this is if it gets severe
I don't expect it to stick to the ground at all.
tomorrow will be cold not as of now 4:34 pm CST I don't expect to see any snow on the ground by noon tomorrow.
subscribe for more National and global news, look back at my oldest videos they are short films and skits and some music those are the best ones. share, comment, subscribe.
if you want more weather or any topic you have seen let me know in the comments
if you want to donate to help me win this fight
donate via cash app my tag is @DerekNC
,1,A news Breakdown from hell
my news today came from
story links
Trade deficit 1trillion
sub Varient of omicron
police using robot dog to interact with the homeless
elon musk jet tracker Twitter a security risk, Elon trys to pay him to go away
frogs regrow missing limbs 5-drug cocktail n research lab
cell phone usage maybe frying dudes sperm
subscribe, like, share comment
help me win this fight by donating
$DerekNC is my cash app, need gas money to go to work.
,1,this is INSAINE
if you want to help me win this fight, share this video far and wide, show them they are trying to manipulate and control the narrative with censorship and corralling of people like herds of useless eaters.
donate to me via cash app $DerekNC
subscribe share, like and comment get the discussion going on this. I'm actually shocked, actually. not even click bait shocked I'm actually pissed off, I've heard of stuff like this but to actually catch them doing it red handed trying to trick me mentally, no way.
I'm on getter.
gab and rumble and bitchute coming soon
what is a good alternative platform for content?
Alex Jones General Shepherd Infowars
general Shepard the answer to 1984 is 1776
,1,ATTENTION! I have been Silenced a STRIKE for medical Misinformation on monday Feb 8th, no uploads. Help me win this Fight , Subscribe Here, Share cool Videos, Comment, LIKE.
RUMBLE.com.. @ https://rumble.com/c/c-1387826 ------------ FREE SPEACH PLATFORM ?!!??!!!!!
GETTr link.... @ https://Gettr.com/user/DcRockAfella
and TWITCH!... @ https://Twitch.tv/DcRockAfella
More "feedom" or Alternatives coming soon. Need better equipment Please Donate via CASHAPP at $DerekNC is my cash app name. GAB.com coming soon Vimeo Coming soon Twitter coming soon Parler coming soon Bitchute.com coming soon What tech platforms other then youtube would you like to see me on? what kind of content would you like to see from me in the future? take a look at my oldest videos to see my "art films" and "sketch comedy" style videos, i also play music and have made some amatuer music videos and you may like it. in any case im looking for feedback and critisim as i go to my next level. slowing inching to 1,000 subs here currently at 310 but i have decided youtube is saturdated and i need to expand to better platforms that may actual help my life versus stress me out and have me watching everything i say and do as far as following the rules. i want to follow the rules but they change so much and they are so critical, the censorship is real. and some trolls really bother me sometimes but im ohkay. i feel like some people use the report button as a form of abuse. working really hard on some big projects with video and social justice and freedom, youtube wont see that. i may promote it here but it wont be on youtube. thanks youtube. like i said please if you can which you wont if your reading this , beacsue you have No ..ZERO money to spare.. please donate to my fund to grow this channel $DerekNC if you donate $30 i will mail you a flash drive or DVD that has all my videos and deleted videos with all the music i ever made all on one Flashdrive or CD and DVD, thanks.
#joerogan #thejoeroganexperience #rogan
Video Description: Joe Rogans sad response video because someone took clips of him saying the "N-word". show me the audio clip of papa John saying the N-word, I've heard it he was using it in context of qouting KFC founder Mr. sanders saying he would call black "n*****$" all the time and no one made a fuss about it. but remember the click bait and media around this led people to think that papa actually called a person the N-word, papa doesn't have a direct line podcast to the people, Joe is lucky he's good at PR and putting out fires. this will only help Joe Rogan. the whole "they are racist" thing is getting so so so old I don't think in 2022 people fall for this anymore.
Alex Jones, Infowars, info wars, general shepherd, general Shepard, the Alex Jones show
Joe Rogan is a racist video
,1,#joerogan #spotify #alexjones
UPDATE: JOE ROGAN MAKES AN APOLOGY VIDEO ABOUT A VIRAL VIDEO OF CLIPS OF HIM SAYING THE "N-WORD" a video someone made the day after the 71+ videos where deleted, I don't know of the connection but it will all come out in time
here is Joe's horrible video (horrible because I don't think this was the best public relations thing to do)
p.r. firms are probably telling people to create a controversy and take down their content from Spotify as a way to get free p.r.
even the woman who posted the Joe Rogan N-word video has gotten p.r. the classic if it bleeds it leads. but like I said the truth will come out in the in and Joe will laugh allllllll the way to the bank with this one, I'm sure.
Alex Jones General Shepherd Infowars