Rumble Viral showcases this unbelievable collection of some very clever and bright dogs that will definitely leave you left for words. Watch this compilation and try to pick one favorite!
Teaching our dogs some basic commands can be a lifesaver. You start with the usual command of sit, stay, heel, down, but when the dog masters the simple commands, you can start with tricks, like roll over, high five, play dead and so on.
These dogs have taken learning tricks to a stellar level! With some perseverance and a lot of training, you too can teach your dog to play the piano, fetch you a beer or do some acrobatics.
This German Shepherd has some serious talent. Watch her turn on the piano by using her nose to push the button and starting to play with her back straight and paws on keyboard, obeying owner’s command. It is amazing that every time she makes a mistake by pushing the wrong key, she covers her nose with her paw, blushing with embarrassment. She then takes a bow and waits for our applause!
Little Corgi mastered one adorable strategy to avoid going outside. Everytime owner suggests going outside, approaching the dog with a leash, the dog lies on the ground and refuses to move. The next time owner tries to put on a leash, Corgi put its all four paws in the air, surrendering to her owner.
This Golden Retriever puppy outsmarts his older brother by crawling underneath the table, leaving the adult dog running in circles around the table, and having his younger pal outrun him every time! The little pup found a shortcut to beat his older brother!
This clever dog is well-trained to fetch a beer! Watch him go through the doggy door and inside the house just to get his owner a bottle of beer and quench his thirst! Footage shows the dog opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle, all by himself! Good boy!
By now we have probably proven just how clever dogs can be. They can play the piano, avoid going outside by basically playing dead, find all the different nooks and crevices around the house in order to avoid getting caught by their older brother. What we are really fascinated by are the way they get around with fetching stuff like bottles of beer! This one clever god, for example, fetches beer from fridge and even remembers to close the door afterwards! Not only that, but the pooch makes sure not to let the door smack open with all its weight; instead, he steadies it by the chord. We are in awe!
How about solving a puzzle game for treats? What dog does not love treats? Pet owners prepare to laugh and be amazed as this is one video that should not be missed! In this video, meet Bella - the Belgian Malinois! According to her owner, "I've had this toy made for Bella because she eats too fast when I put food in her bowl. Also because she has a lot of energy, her breed is extremely intelligent, she has a big will to please, and she wants to play all the time!" Watch Bella in action as she attempts to beat the game for a few treats!
It is so hard to be a successful thief nowadays. Security systems in the modern age are so developed, that they can send push notifications via Wi-Fi to alert you about any unusual activity at your home. Two million house break-ins are reported in the United States every year, which is one burglary every 15 seconds.
This failed robbery happened approximately 50 minutes after midnight on February 14th in Shanghai, China. The two burglars who failed in their mission, didn’t lack confidence or bravery – only brains. Their unsuccessful criminal attempt ended up being a viral laughing material. And you can see the reason by watching the video.
Equipped with bricks in their hands, the world’s ‘dumbest’ criminals walk towards the building in Shanghai. You can see the first man throwing a brick at the window to break the glass, but as soon as the second man propels his brick, everything goes wrong. The brick accidentally hit the other burglar into his face, and he loses consciousness. His accomplice drags him away from the crime scene in such a hurry. Eventually, it all ended up well for the object they tried to break-into. This is the best instant karma , that's for sure!
Shanghai police has uploaded this funny video fail and said: ‘If all thieves were like this, police department wouldn’t have to work overtime.’ This surveillance footage has reached over 12 million views in such a short period!
If you have any video that captured thieves in the act by your security system, feel free to share it with us!
Credit: Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Public Security
Music in stores is there to have you feeling at home, or should we say, entertained just enough so that you will keep spending your money. Most might say that they don’t even notice the sounds that come out of the speakers. But if we were to ask the shoppers who found themselves in Sam’s Club in New York recently, they would probably say they noticed when a woman treated them with a performance all of her own.
Christina Kokonis-Viggers, also known as Stina Marie, gave an impromptu performance at the wholesale warehouse one day. The video of the singer from Staten Island performing on a karaoke machine went viral, gaining her instant fame!
Christina decided to have some fun while out shopping with her friend Amanda Lasher, so she grabbed the mic on the machine and belted out “Maybe This Time” from the 1972 musical Cabaret. She later said how this was totally out of character for her since she saves her singing voice for the stage. Still, her innocent attempt paid off, since the video of the spontaneous moment gathered millions of views and got her calls from news sites and radio stations.
The 32-year-old admits she was overwhelmed by the attention and response she is getting, mostly from other ladies praising her for talent. The best thing she received was news of putting smiles on people’s faces, even though this is the first and probably the last time they will see her. Our hat’s off to you, Christina.
Who doesn't love a good performance? We know we cherish viewing capable artists and artists think of a brilliant routine for millions around the globe to appreciate—and this simply doesn't need to be on TV. Because of stages like YouTube, a ton of capable individuals have possessed the capacity to impart their craft to everybody who has a vested intrigued by singing and move.
For New York-based artist Christina Kokonis-Viggers, an unrehearsed karaoke execution amidst a swarmed Sam's Club is scarcely inside a character.
Despite the fact that she has an excellent voice, the 32-year-old artist nearly carries on with a twofold life. She's calm and held in her ordinary exercises, functioning as a senior shopper support master who assists with finance administration for incapacitated people. She typically, she conceded, spares her resounding tones for the stage, where she performs in her extra time.
While shopping at Sam's Club in Ulster, New York, however, the compulsion to experiment with some fun innovation won out finished her saved identity.
Needing to have a touch of fun, the companions turned on the demo machine that was sitting out — - and Kokonis-Viggers chose to give her kindred customers a return to the notable melodic Cabaret, belting out the renowned tune "Possibly This Time".
She saw the customers around her moving nearer, and companion Amanda Lasher, who had been shopping with Kokonis-Viggers, got this amazing performance on her telephone.
What do you think about this amazing voice and amazing performance? Credit to 'Diva In The Making'.
Are there such things as ghosts? Or have you ever seen or felt the presence of a ghost? While some people swear there’s no such thing as the paranormal, others are positive they regularly see ghosts all over the place. So you would ask the question: Are ghosts real? If you believe in ghosts, you're not alone. Cultures all around the world believe in spirits that survive death to live in another realm. In fact, ghosts are among the most widely believed of paranormal phenomenon. If you still not convinced that ghosts are real, take a look at this video and we believe soon you will convince others that they are real!
This is a hair-raising video filmed in Polezhaevskaya. It shows the emergence of a ghost train and a strange man leaving it! Well that’s spooky! Interesting footage filmed from a CCTV camera in Metro Station Polezhayevskaya in Russia! It may look like a spooky scene from a horror movie, but these creepy shadows appeared on a moving train in real-life. Could this be the Russian Orient Express? What makes the video more fascinating and even creepier by the fact that the train looks like is an old retro-fashioned model. Don’t worry we weren’t planning to sleep tonight also! Normally, we wouldn’t believe in this kind of things but after watching this footage we will definitely consider the possibility.
A large number of individuals have confidence in apparitions over the globe, however, there is no logical proof they really exist. They recommend we have a spirit that lives on after we kick the bucket and we would be able to see them in this world as a vitality. There are many earmarks of questions without clarification with respect to why ships would proceed with their excursions as phantoms in the wake of being demolished. It could be a parallel universe covering. Researchers accept there could be parallel universes because of the scale of the universe, yet there is no chance to get of entering between the two as of now. What's more, a third even guaranteed: "It's an imperceptible shroud meta material military test."
Some scheme scholars propose that administrations utilize 3D images to make impacts, for example, this on the populace to test their response to paranormal occasions. There is no confirmation for any such tasks to have proceeded. Nonetheless, a few doubters were slanted to trust that it was either a reflection or two CCTV channels covering, making the impact or only an absolute lie. Late reviews have demonstrated that a critical part of the populace believes in ghosts, driving a few researchers to presume that we are seeing a restoration of paranormal convictions.
Ghost “sightings” result in part from the power of suggestion. If you think you might see a spirit, say, while entering an empty house at night, you’re more likely to perceive an experience—whether it’s a cold draft or a moving shadow—as an apparition. So, do you believe in ghosts?
Mama, 59 years old and the oldest chimpanzee and the matriarch of the famous chimpanzee colony of the Royal Burgers Zoo in Arnhem, the Netherlands, was gravely ill. Jan van Hooff (emeritus professor behavioural biology at Utrecht University and co-founder of the Burgers colony) who has known Mama since 1972, visited her in the week before she died of old age in april 2016. It took a while before she became aware of Jan's presence. Her reaction was extremely emotional and heart-breaking. Mama played an important social role in the colony. This has been described in "Chimpanzee Politics" by Frans de Waal, who studied the colony since 1974.
Paige, Payton, Percy, Phillip, Phoebe, Piper and Prue were all in foster care with some of MHS' In-Home Heroes, and they are already adopted. Keep checking our adoption page and the MHS Facebook page to find out more!
Stories like this happen all the time here at the Michigan Humane Society, but it's only possible because of your support. Please give today: (855) MHS-GIVE
To learn more about the Michigan Humane Society’s lifesaving work, visit
Rumble Viral showcases this unbelievable collection of some very clever and bright dogs that will definitely leave you left for words. Watch this compilation and try to pick one favorite!
Teaching our dogs some basic commands can be a lifesaver. You start with the usual command of sit, stay, heel, down, but when the dog masters the simple commands, you can start with tricks, like roll over, high five, play dead and so on.
These dogs have taken learning tricks to a stellar level! With some perseverance and a lot of training, you too can teach your dog to play the piano, fetch you a beer or do some acrobatics.
This German Shepherd has some serious talent. Watch her turn on the piano by using her nose to push the button and starting to play with her back straight and paws on keyboard, obeying owner’s command. It is amazing that every time she makes a mistake by pushing the wrong key, she covers her nose with her paw, blushing with embarrassment. She then takes a bow and waits for our applause!
Little Corgi mastered one adorable strategy to avoid going outside. Everytime owner suggests going outside, approaching the dog with a leash, the dog lies on the ground and refuses to move. The next time owner tries to put on a leash, Corgi put its all four paws in the air, surrendering to her owner.
This Golden Retriever puppy outsmarts his older brother by crawling underneath the table, leaving the adult dog running in circles around the table, and having his younger pal outrun him every time! The little pup found a shortcut to beat his older brother!
This clever dog is well-trained to fetch a beer! Watch him go through the doggy door and inside the house just to get his owner a bottle of beer and quench his thirst! Footage shows the dog opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle, all by himself! Good boy!
By now we have probably proven just how clever dogs can be. They can play the piano, avoid going outside by basically playing dead, find all the different nooks and crevices around the house in order to avoid getting caught by their older brother. What we are really fascinated by are the way they get around with fetching stuff like bottles of beer! This one clever god, for example, fetches beer from fridge and even remembers to close the door afterwards! Not only that, but the pooch makes sure not to let the door smack open with all its weight; instead, he steadies it by the chord. We are in awe!
How about solving a puzzle game for treats? What dog does not love treats? Pet owners prepare to laugh and be amazed as this is one video that should not be missed! In this video, meet Bella - the Belgian Malinois! According to her owner, "I've had this toy made for Bella because she eats too fast when I put food in her bowl. Also because she has a lot of energy, her breed is extremely intelligent, she has a big will to please, and she wants to play all the time!" Watch Bella in action as she attempts to beat the game for a few treats!