Mike Huckabee: These people have lost their minds
Watch How CNN Treated J.D. Vance vs How They Treated Kamala and Walz
JENNINGS: “Look, she’s got a major problem: It’s Joe Biden and the fact that she’s his vice president. In our CNN survey yesterday, 51% of registered voters said that Trump had a successful presidency. Only 37% said the same about Biden and Harris."
Ari Fleischer: Kamala Harris is 'so out of tune' with where America is
Sean Hannity: Kamala Harris is the 'Squad on steroids'
MS-DNC Focus Group With Black Voters on Kamala Harris Doesn’t Go as Planned
HISTORY OF ITU: "The International Telecommunication Union" - 1966 United Nations Film:(Part 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TTbbEY4hd8(Part 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qadfs7prNLM.I.T.U. United Nations Telecommunications Union, Ian F. Akyildiz 5G-6G-7G (THE E.M.F. TERRORISTS) 👈 What The PFIZER "Lawfare" (PSYOP) People Don't Want YOU Looking At!https://rumble.com/v3ks9wd-september-25-2023.html.Sasha Latypova , CHD , Karen Kingston , Mike Adams, Alex Jones - Were You Ever Going To Tell Them? Visible Light Communication & Optogenetics-5G-6G-7G "Smart" City Surveillance Gridhttps://rumble.com/v3kpsa4-september-25-2023.html.Nonvaxer420 Telegram Group: (HELP SHARE)https://t.me/+Z2isyd4XW89hZTcx.Gettr (HELP SHARE)Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/factsoverfear19.CloutHub: (HELP SHARE) https://clouthub.com/p/omcSf6RA.Gab: (HELP SHARE) https://gab.com/FACTSoverFEAR.Wimkin Social: (HELP SHARE) https://wimkin.com/profile-291679.Appealing to the old sparkys - Malone,McCullough, ADAMS , Ruby, JONES, PETERS,ZEEE.... - 802.15.6-.5.-4. IEEE - Are We Being Truthful?‽? - WHY AREN'T ANY OF YOU TALKING ABOUT IT??? https://rumble.com/v363e1e-august-9-2023.html.Follow Sabrina Wallace Psinergy channel:https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f?Telegram P.D.F. D.L.: https://t.me/PsinergyPDF/14
Psinergy PDF:https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/compiledpdf-05-25-23:f
Biological male says coming out of transition was like leaving the twilight zone
Most in Washington DC will unplug your life-support to charge their cell phone