#mugen Two cheapies from the DOS days fight! Zero_Col fights his arch nemesis, the Psycho Shredder! We have Psycho Shredder ver. 2.4 by DarkMasterS vs. Zero_Col by Zero_Col. If you download the Old Zero_Col, it contains the Historia.doc which contains the epic dialog between Psycho Shredder and Zero_Col (in Portuguese)!
#mugen Custom Tetsu travels back in time to prevent Evil Ken from ever being born and losing to him, but Evil Sean is guarding the place! We have Custom Tetsu by iloveflash aka Agent Z vs. Evil Sean by IAteMySink.
#mugen Two cheapies from the DOS days fight! Zero_Col fights his arch nemesis, the Psycho Shredder! We have Psycho Shredder ver. 2.4 by DarkMasterS vs. Zero_Col by Zero_Col. If you download the Old Zero_Col, it contains the Historia.doc which contains the epic dialog between Psycho Shredder and Zero_Col (in Portuguese)!