Better if your Rumble player is on the highest quality possible ⚙️ Bohemian Grove and the Bohemian Club started out as a vacation retreat for world leaders and the rich and famous in 1872 in San Francisco CA. Kind of like a global Camp David for men only with silly initiations and secretive membership. Today it is where the wealthiest communist industry titans and far left socialists world leaders meet to plan the destruction of nations and borders. They want an Earth with no countries or borders in which they control all the wealth and natural resources and dictate what is best for society. This is where they cooked up Covid - and lied about its lethality as a way to steal elections in every country that has still has them. Today there are 2,600 members. Follow Mark Dice for more details on how this all came about.
Now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Preliminary interview outtakes with Warren Fahy and James S. Valliant detailing events that led to their remarkable discoveries. (Sorry for the poor audio on Warren Fahy's mic)
Documentary based on the book by James S. Valliant & Warren Fahy
Created by Fritz Heede & Nijole Sparkis
Produced by Nlightning artZ