'Now You See TV' interviews Gary Wayne the author of "Genesis 6 Conspiracy". We are discussing the different Enoch's of the scripture and how they play a role in the world we live in.
To buy his book go to...We discuss Nephilim (Giants) Enochian Magic and the freemasons root foundations.
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SOURCE: The Root of Freemasonry (illuminati) Enochian Magic, Enoch Vs Enoch. w/ Gary Wayne Sep 9, 2015
thank you for tuning into now you see TV this is your host John pounders please
be sure to share like subscribe and comment on this video so that others can hear and understand the truth in this
broadcast today we have our friend Gary Wayne the author of the Genesis 6
conspiracy I'm about three-quarters of the way through this book and let me tell you that this book hands-down has
the most information regarding secret societies bloodlines and their hidden knowledge than any other book I have
ever read tonight we'll be talking about a portion of Gary's book that has to do with the holy Enoch and the evil Enoch
from the line of Cain Inaki and magic secret societies pyramids Giants fallen angels and all
occult learning stem from one of these Enochs Gary welcome to the show glad to
be here John have been very much looking forward to getting to get through with you and I'm hoping it's going to be a very interesting night yeah let me start
by saying that your book has so many things with ample references and most of
these things I was completely unaware of and I've read a lot of books not only is your book full of information but it's a
great reference for any scholar that would be wanting to study this information because I'm pretty sure out
of all the books that I have combined your book has more references and more information in it than all those books
combined and I have quite a few of the books on this subject and but basically in this show we're gonna discuss we're
gonna discuss one one or two chapters I believe it's two chapters one is the Enoch and Hermes and then the other one
is the evil Enoch and we I mean we could really do a show about each chapter in
your book because your book is so full of information I mean I anybody this listen I really really really really
recommend this book I'm about three-quarters of the way through and I've had to read each chapter very
slowly so that I can filter all this information that's coming through because most of the stuff I've been
wondering about almost my whole life wondering where a lot of stuff comes from wandering about the
pyramids wondering about where who Hermes was wonder about where Enoch II and magic came from and this that's
pretty much this chapter right here feels a lot of that in so if you would let's go ahead and get started man I'm
really excited to one thing about we're gonna be meeting in Nashville coming up next month and doing a video interview
man and that's that's amazing I'm really looking forward to that I'm looking
forward to it too as well John and want to thank you for the nice comments you
made about the book and just want to underline that there is a lot of information in the book and there's over
a hundred pages of endnotes to support what I'm writing so that everybody can track it back and that was one of the
goals that I wanted to do when I wrote the book is I wanted to bring credibility to this whole genre and
bring new information that other people haven't thought about and connect dots that other people haven't connected
before and when we talk about the subject of Enoch this is one of those
unconnected dots in terms of who Enoch was and the far-reaching impacts that
Enochian literature has and so it's very very important to understand who Enoch
was and we're gonna talk about two Enochs tonight just to get people prepared but this is key to the whole
Nephilim narrative in my opinion I totally agree man it's a key to all the
hidden knowledge in my opinion as well I mean I mean this is where most of the stems from them right that's absolutely
correct Enoch is is the root to all of these different references whether people call
it the Golden Fleece or the pearls of wisdom or the archives of the Masons or
the golden apples or the the Grail quest or the information of the Ark of the
Covenant they're all allegories that go back to what happened before the flood
and with Enoch alright man well let's dig in go ahead and start us off at the
beginning of this whole Enoch thing and give us I guess a background on the both of both of the Enochs well I think
one of the first things that I always find interesting is people often overlook that there were two Enochs and
so if we're gonna look at Enochian literature and the impact that Enoch had
on prehistory and beyond the flood and even to our time we need to understand
that there were two Enochs because one has to realize that there were two
different scriptures and two different references to what was going on and we we have to keep straight through the two
Enochs were so let's just talk about Enoch that most people are familiar with
and he was seventh from the lineage of Adam in down through the lineage of Seth
and so he was born after Jared and Jared was the sixth generation when the
Nephilim came in into being it was that generation and that timeframe is very
important then caming Enoch then came Methuselah Lamech and then Noah conversely on the cain branch cain
son of adam bore his first son and his name was enoch and so he's born earlier
than Enoch and was around much before Enoch was and Enoch received all the
information and the knowledge that Cain would have received from Adam and when
we look at what happened in eating according to Gnostic recollections and
or Freemasonry recollections and masonry pre antediluvian masonry as they like to
call it they have many many legends about this in Adam received education
information knowledge from heaven and he passed it on to his two sons not King
are not able because Abel obviously was slaying by Cain but on to Seth and on to
Cain so both had this source of information that apparently
Eitan now biblically were not told that but we are told that you know Adam spent
a lot of time indeed inand it certainly is possible that he received great knowledge from God well in in heaven and
that he was a practitioner of the information that he would received or it's possible that Cain received this
information from the Dark Angels certainly biblically that's not clear but what is clear from the other
testimonies and particularly from the Gnostic religions and from the Masonic
organizations and secret societies is Cain received what they call the seven
sacred Sciences as did Seth no Seth practice mostly astronomy because his
descendants were agrarians in Cain and the people that he likely married into
were mostly nomads and hunters and gatherers until Cain came along and reorganized them but they used these
Sciences that they got in heaven and they were called the seven sacred Sciences and they included things like
music and arithmetic and geometry and
all the different sciences astronomy so there was seven in total there was
rhetoric involved there was ability to write and I list all of those seven sciences and even though they sound
mundane and they were a revolutionary at that time for civilizing humankind and
it's the level of knowledge that they took this knowledge - and so Cain indoctrinated Enoch in all of this
knowledge and at this time additional information was provided to the
descendants of Cain and Enoch in particular additional elicit knowledge
that came from heaven from the Dark Angels and so we have two different
levels of information coming to Enoch now what Enoch does is he starts to
develop how to organize this information and how to utilize them and how to
pervert them and from there he organizes in to secret societies with initiation
and he also formulates a religion a
religion that honors the fallen angels and no longer honors God and they start
to refer to all of this knowledge in ways that probably were not what God
wanted them to do but we can see such knowledge being manifested towards the
end of the the generations before the flood because they great built all of
these great monuments things like the pyramids and when we look at mythologies
from around the world we see the sub civilization and let's say several
civilizations from their perspective because they looked at more than just the Sumerian civilization but
civilizations that were all over the world and there was either three or four depending on which one you look at as
major civilizations or empires and they developed civilizations that had
significant technology significant information significant advancements and
the ability to build and they did it all to honor the Great Architect of the universe as they like to call on which
of course was Lucifer yes so basically
you know I this is this is on the subject I have had a friend that had
given me a book or he tried to give me a book I told him I didn't want to read it
but the book was about Hermes tell us how Enoch and Hermes are basically the
same one in the same yeah so Enoch from the king very very famous for the
development of all knowledge including inventing writing which probably were
hieroglyphs as the the Masons like to call it in that the writings that he not invented and other people believe it was
the cuneiform and he he did this to be able to record all this information so so that wouldn't be
lost and so he became fused with a number of people through history and
prehistory because of this knowledge and in some accounts they have Enoch
actually evolving into a God because of
the knowledge and he was the intermediary between the gods or the fallen angels and and the kings and so
over time Enoch is called different
names and in different civilizations and so we see Enochs name come up in all of
the ancient civilizations people just know him differently and one of those names was Hermes another one would be
mercury thought was another one the Quran would refer to Enoch as Idris but
when the Quran refers to Idris or they're actually referring to Enoch of the of the Seth line and so Enoch
preserves all of this information and he stores it 9-volts and there's some
descendants of Enoch that come along the sons of Lamech and again there's two Lemax one from the south line one from
the king line and the sons of of Lamech they also have a renaissance of these
Sciences but they're preserving this knowledge to cross over the deluge that
they know is coming they can't prevent it but they don't want to lose their history and they don't want to lose their knowledge and they somehow wanna
transport this information across the flood and so the information is stored in 9-volts and some people believe those
are stored below the the pyramids and they also create two pillars that
itemize what the seven sacred Sciences are in the location of the of the hidden
or lost knowledge and so when it crosses the flood there's another character that
comes along by the name of Hermes but before I touch on Hermes there's a
god of wisdom in Egypt that if you look at the mythology's and the religions of
H in Egypt his name was Thoth and he has a parallel
description in terms of what he did what his role was and he also became godlike
because of the knowledge and so he's known as Thoth in Egypt as well as
Hermes and I'll get into how that sort of comes together in a minute or so but
understand that in prehistory that there were seven angels that divided up the
earth and there were the seven angels that were also involved on the creation of the Nephilim and they essentially set
up different cult centers around the world in so this religion that Enoch had
developed and this knowledge went to all of these these empires particularly after the Nephilim had taken over and
they and as kings and they partnered together and so when we look at
prehistory on the legends Enoch gets merged with thought I actually think
Thoth is just another name for one of these seven angels that started these snake societies and brought this
religion and knowledge along and in the different civilizations that they that
were that had belonged to them but that's the first merging and then when you cross the flood you have Hermes of
Egypt and Hermes of Greece who the Greeks also called their Greek Hermes
mercury so that there is a separation in terms of how they understood Hermes as
to the Egyptian hermes but when we look at where Hermes came from he's not in
the Bible and so his name is very very difficult to to track except that if we
get into Masonic legends we understand that Hermes partnered with Nimrod at
Babel and it was Hermes who found these two pillars that I was talking about before
and so now he becomes along with Nimrod the two co-conspirators to have a
renaissance of this anti diluvian knowledge at Babel which was manifested
in the tower and we understand the power of this information that they had just
gotten their hands on and started to redevelop in the post alluvium world and we look at the Babel account and
paraphrasing what it says in Genesis about Babel is is that with one language
and working as one people there's nothing that they will not be capable of
doing and this goes to this this knowledge that I was talking about so Hermes after Babel he moves off to Egypt
with MS room and with him to start the Egyptian civilization again and Nimrod
stays in shell dia and and continues to develop as best they can with the
different languages and all the different things that they have to deal with their development of this this
knowledge and this religion again and people will know the Chaldeans as the Babylonians and the wise men who
produced the Magi I think everybody's really familiar with that but they don't really know exactly how they got that
information well the first resurfaced again at Babel and so Hermes once he
moves over with ham and and MS room to Egypt they start all of this development
of the religion in the mysteries again in Egypt and that's where hermie starts
to get fused with with Enoch and then there's a third hermes that comes along
quite a bit later who is the father of alchemy which is one of the offshoots of
the knowledge of these seven Sciences and understand that because I don't
think I underlined it well enough earlier is is that the power of this knowledge that was developed and what
they were trying to develop again had to be housed in secret societies for the elite because they felt that knowledge
was so powerful that it could destroy the world and they certainly didn't want this information in the hands of the
mundane mortals or the descendants of Noah or descendants of Seth so they wanted to keep it separated from
them along with their belief in reincarnation and the process that goes along with that and so in the post
alluvion world hermes is so bound to Enoch in the history that they sort of
come together as one figure and then with the third one you get the term
ethic the three Hermes or the term esketh Hermes that people might be
familiar with in in the occult world and so it's just to me it's a fusing of these three characters all into one to
try and make sense of all of this history and all of this knowledge that was that was originally developed in in
prehistory and crossed the flood and and so they came up with that title as sort
of the cosmology of all of this if that makes sense yeah that makes perfect
sense man and I you know I as far as the information goes so you said that they
might have knowledge to destroy the entire world obviously you know there's
a lot going on right now with CERN and organizations such as that and we all
know anybody this listen to this that doesn't know we know that there are elite class there are the Bob will cause
some spiritual powers Thrones just different kinds of spiritual powers that control our world that we live in how
close do you think you know the anti-crisis says he'll understand dark sentences do you believe that has to do
with this particular kind of knowledge that maybe a lot of people don't quite
understand yet but are there with technology they're getting towards the understanding yeah and I think a couple
things on that aspect is is certainly the Antichrist will be absolutely illuminated and I don't use that term
lightly because it's a specific term for the adepts and he'll be a super adept
and he'll be of genius-level and he will be totally familiar with all of this information and knowledge and we'll see
more of this knowledge coming out as we get closer to the end times and I think we'll see significant displays of it in the end
time so that it deludes the people into believing that the Antichrist is the is
the Messiah and they will lead the rebellion and they will leech humankind to freedom so that definitely is is all
connected and if we look at science today all of our sciences come out of
this and so when we talk about the seven sacred Sciences those are also known as the seven liberal arts and it's the
pillar of our scientific knowledge today there's an organization that was
organized in the 1600s called a
Freemasonry and amongst the Freemasons were the Rosicrucians were who are
forming Freemasonry and at the same time these people partnered to start a society called the Royal Society and the
Royal Society is also called the invisible college and if there's people who are familiar with the invisible
college term then there'll be a little bit more familiar with the mystic side of what I'm talking about because again
that has a very specific reference and Rosicrucianism as to what the invisible
college is but this is the this is the start of modern science and it was created to not only develop the sciences
but to pay honor to the Great Architect of the universe and who of course is
Lucifer and all of these terms are connected because it's part of their
belief system what's important about this is is all of the education and all
of the scientific communities pay homage to the Royal Society to this day so they're inundated with their religion
and their belief systems so one wonders why Christianity and Christian beliefs
don't get a hearing and are considered and any anything others long as it's not
got anything to do with the Bible is considered this is why and so this
knowledge that they're developing and what we're looking at the CERN whatever they're doing there and there's
a lot of speculation there but they're playing with technology and science that
is you know amazing on the surface level but very very dangerous
this isn't pursuit of their Luciferian agenda there is no doubt about it
because science is a slave to the Royal College to these ancient organisations
to the seven sacred Sciences to this whole conspiracy that's been going on
since prehistory and I think what you know people sort of need to realize
about this is is that we can see a lot of the armies still being paid in
education today or in different particular sciences so that they have to
wear rings and they have to do initiations when they're in college and we look at let's say the Medical Society
for example just look at any of those symbols that they're using in patan I'll
use the medical societies whether it's doctors or it's institutions they use this snake wrapped around a stick motif
and that's the Hermes motif and you're gonna see a dual snake motif and a
single snake motif and some of them will have Hermes sandals on the bottom every organization in the medical field will
have the variation of it and I'll even take that back where it goes back to Greek mythology and how that was
developed but both both of those lead directly back to the snake societies of
old and the knowledge that they possessed and certainly medical
knowledge has been always a big part of these sciences and knowledge one thing
the one thing when I was reading in your book on the chapters called anak de Ville
you were talking about a city in Egypt called her ma palace if I'm pronouncing
that right and it's a it was the home of the great white Brotherhood and I know
that you discussed that later in your book can you kind of explain that just a little bit to us chirps people are probably familiar with
the great right the great white Brotherhood of the Illuminati today and
so this term goes back in time to two locations from aa police and also it was
also in Heliopolis city of the Sun and it also goes back to Babel and so Nimrod
created the Constitution at Babel in the first great white Brotherhood of masonry
at the time of Babel and then it moved to Egypt to her ma police where it
thrived in parallel to the Chaldeans and later on the the the Constitution and
the sciences and the organization was Renaissance once more and sort of
reinvigorated this great white Brotherhood Society and what's important
about this as well is this is the linkage that the religion and a people
that people are familiar with from the Dead Sea Scrolls the Essenes they are a polytheist sect of Judaism very much
related with Kaabah lism and they believe they received all of their
information and their beliefs and their religion and their knowledge back to the
great white Brotherhood and of course it seems would wear white robes as the
people of the great white Brotherhood did back in the day and if people are looking for a good example of who the
Essenes were these were the people in the temple that Ezekiel referred to who
would turn their back to the temple in the mornings and pray in the direction of the Rising Sun did you have to
remember that the the mystical religion that Enoch developed was the Sun worship
worshipping religion and so the Sun is a significant part of this whole worship
and again you look at Sun worship all around the world in all of polytheist colors cultures this is not a
coincidence this is just taking it back to the root yeah I exactly man and you
can see Sun worship and a lot of Christianity you know it's been infiltrated into that you can see Sun
worship and so many different religions I mean I mean any religion is pretty
much been infiltrated with it one thing I wanted to ask do you think that most masons think that they're following the
teachings of the holy Enoch do they think that they're involved in this holy branch as opposed to the evil branch I
mean and I'm not talking about the elite that know that are in there not in the no not the not initiated but the average
Mason are they going to believe that they're involved in holy teachings yes
they the the lower level initiatives will be deceived in this manner and it's done for two reasons one is so that they
that they're not scared I guess scared away from the organization they'll be initiated into Luciferian doctrine at
the 33rd degree or the third level of perfection depending on which organization of masonry you're talking
about because there's two there's the Scottish Rite and then there's also the York Rite so but at that level of
perfection they'll learn who who the true God is that they worship but the
lower levels will think and believe that this is Enoch from the Seth loin second
reason that they did it was you have to look at Catholicism in the Roman Church
they were very very aggressive against any belief system or religion or
organization that ran contrary to the Christian religion and so they over time
in the last 2,000 years they meshed these two Enochs together to put on the
sort of cloak of being righteous as opposed to who you know who the true
enoch is that they recognized and they recognized Enoch as their true patriarch
and to both is is yet another one of those
patriarchs that they look to in a very very high regard just as they look at Lamech son of Kane
as a key player and a patriarch and in particular a few other of lamech s--
progeny I already mentioned tubal-cain but certainly nama jubail and jebel
those are the key ones that they certainly recognize from the seven sacred Sciences and developing in
prehistory but tubal-cain for the most part in Enoch in Cain are the most important figures in masonry as far as
their previous prehistory records go okay and another thing you know you're talking about the
two pillars well one one person that a lot of Freemasons like to refer to as
Hiram Abiff and the pillars that they build I guess would be jaqen and Boaz
and and most people say that you know I've talked to several Mason's that say the secret of Freemasonry lie in the
pillars of jaqen and Boaz is there any significance to those pillars that go
along with the the pillars that we're you mentioned in this chapter yeah so
what I mean Solomon is in the other belief system is considered one of the
great Magi one of the great Wizards one of the great Sorcerer's of all time and
also one of the grand superintendents of
masonry as well and that's more of a usurping of biblical stories and all of
the sort of allegorical things that went along with Solomon's reign but certainly
Hyrum a beef was a real figure and he
received this building knowledge down through the building organizations which
is again another arm of the 6,000 year conspiracy of the knowledge of how to
build these great temples and things and so his and all through the cretan builders where they
received their information from was utilized in help building the temple and
all of this is designed just to delegitimize christianity and to again
give them that sort of level of pedigree
and level of authority but really in
terms of going right to the pillar of their belief system it's just another allegory of several things that are
coming together in the pillars but and they're quite prominent in Freemasonry but I don't you know I don't think that
it goes to the core of their beliefs it's just it just another allegory just something to kind of confuse the the
members below 33rd degree yeah it's just again and the the illuminated
will have a different take on the meaning of that than what they teach the lower level so there's two meanings to
all of the allegories that they teach the lower levels there's the one to those who aren't ready yet to learn the
true message and then that's what the true message is and that's yep you have to understand that part of this whole
society that was built by Enoch in and Nimrod and the great white Brotherhood of Egypt is is that these organizations
have circles within circles so the Illuminati is at the small little circle of Freemasonry and only those who are
illuminated at the 33rd degree level know all of the information and what the true information is right yeah and you
know that's that's one thing that I if anybody's Mason's than they are listening to this they really need to
take heed to what is being said here and buy this book because all of the
information that Gary is giving right now is referenced in the teachings that
are probably in your library as a freemason and what you you really need
to figure out what you're doing I know that my uncle was a 32nd degree freemason use a Shriner and also
Scottish Rite and he was one of the potentates and and he was also a Baptist minister so he did
not he didn't know a lot of this stuff at his level at least I don't think he did he may have but if he did I didn't I
wasn't aware of it but this is something that's very important because you're linking yourselves together with a group
of people you know anybody that you have an oath with you don't know these people
you don't know who you're linking yourself with and I believe that Gary's lined it up pretty clear in his book who
you're linking yourself with and another thing area that I wanted to discuss is the the seven sacred Sciences the
different things as far as you know obviously astrology and stuff like that can you explain a few of these sacred
Sciences and what they are yeah so let's just go over each of these just quickly
and so the first one is of the seven liberal Sciences is as grammar and that
was the teach humankind to both speak and write the second one it was rhetoric
and that was to teach humankind to speak in subtle terms the third one is
dialectic to teach humankind to discern between truth and falsehood arithmetic
to teach humankind to compute all manners and numbers geometry to teach
humankind to measure the earth and all things and to build things music which
is also is numbers based in when you really get down to it and Pythagoras was
a big proponent of his musical and
numerology philosophy so music was
another one in astronomy was to teach humankind about the planets and the
stars and out of astronomy came astrology which was a noted perversion
of prehistory that survived and also an invention of Enoch and just so that
people understand a little bit more about rhetoric in its original state it was the art of persuasion and
grammar was more or less molding and educating men and teaching them to read so you can see how powerful these things
are just from civilizing human but humans but how far they could could
actually take it and when you look at some of the mythologies around
prehistory at what they were able to do and in some of the mythologies you know flying machines and in very powerful
weapons and incredible monuments that they built that they really did develop
these things to to a great level so those are this the original seven sacred
Sciences Batman I appreciate you you answering that now like when it comes to
these sciences art I know in the book an actual Book of Enoch that was written by the whole Enoch it talks about the
Fallen Angels teaching men certain certain things I guess a lot of these
things line up with those seven sacred Sciences it does and more you know
because they brought in things like you know abortion and sacrifices and the art
of war and of course tubal-cain which is one of the famous people from Masonic
prehistory he was very much a military man and some believe he was actually a
giant which I suppose is possible but it
would not be through the day six not through the day six the Genesis six
Giants because tubal-cain was son of Lamech so unless Lamech married a female
giant that probably wouldn't be the case but legend has it that he was a giant
yeah and I know a lot of a lot of people hold to the belief that like for
instance Nimrod when it says he became a mighty warrior before the Lord it's
actually talking about him becoming a giant or of sorts and I know that yeah
you don't discuss this in your book but you know it's very possible you said that they worked with these fallen
angels on with these Nephilim to do a lot of these things so whether or not they were actually Giants or you
know things like you know and fallen angel or whatever they still were working together with these beans in
doing a lot of these things and the preservation of those things were in the
were in the pillars absolutely and I'm
gonna just I'm going to come back to that in a second I want people to understand that tubal-cain nama jubail
and jebel when you look at masonic writings these and other mythologies
these people have great great infamy and
in the legends of the craft from Freemasonry I mean to baal was he was a
as a Smith an artist artists artists fur of the highest level creating tools and
weapons a master craftsman military leader you know and from the Bible it
just sort of hints at that that tubal-cain had forged tools from a
bronze and iron and also in the book I'll make some surprising references at
least for me I thought was surprising that iron actually went back into prehistory you know spend a little bit
time on that because most people think iron didn't come along till about 1400 BC at least that's the standard thing
that's taught in in education nama was basically known as creating a craft
called weaving but nama has more importance than then this she was
thought to of married Sammael the fallen angel and produced
Giants through that marriage nama is also believed in the gnostic religion to
be a derivative of Nuria and Nuria has a few different names probably all five or
six different names and she was married to an interesting fellow named D Coolio and
soda kuleana nuria / nama where the two that survived the flood in the Greek
mythology and so Dooku Leone was the son of Prometheus so whether or not
Prometheus was a Nephilim or fallen angel it doesn't matter because this is
still another story of Mythology of giants surviving the flood on an arc which i think is rather interesting and
in the Sumerian mythology nama is traced back with a few different names but
understand her as a dragon queen of the original ring Lords and in Sumeria so
she has a very very infamous legacy that goes up through prehistory as did enoch
jubail was also noted in the legends of the craft as inventing music and jebel
who is noted for living in tents and ranching and farming in the bible and
his account was known for developing masonry so these were the four that
really took the Renaissance of the seven sacred Sciences to the new level from
the generation immediately following the entrance of the Nephilim and they would
have partnered with the Nephilim and it would have become the statewide religion of prehistory and we see that again in
so much entertainment so much mythology that when you see King ships you have these Merlin type wizards or the wizard
Wizards that you see in the Lord of the Rings or if you look at the priests of
Egypt and this is that partnership that happens so you had not only the religion
in the Kings but you had this knowledge and it was all centered and it was all
controlled through these secrets sake snake societies yeah my net my next question was going to be how did the
lineage of Cain go into the post-flood but I think you answered that now you mentioned the Lord of the Rings and ring
Lord I know you you talk all this stuff in your book that's why
people really need to get it but it's so interesting to me that that that and the Atlantis and all these things just tie
in together to be basically the same thing I mean you look at these history
books and and it's just it's amazing to me how they all tie together and and
people that don't know a lot of people like I've talked to people before they think we're Lord of the Rings as a Christian based film and that couldn't
be farther from the truth it it is as far from the truth as you
can imagine it does bring to you know reality some information of what that
pre-flood world was like but it is totally from a adversarial perspective a
totally from a polytheist perspective and you know the Annunaki from from that
time were the were the kings and so they were the ring lords they had a all of
the king's ships were were Nephilim and they were anointed at napur to be kings
to to rule the earth and that was a ring of kings a circle of a table that they
would meet at and that's you know you can see that reflected again in the King Arthur round table you know when you
talk when you see Lord of the Rings and you see the the two different kinds of
little people between the elves and Alexis actually there's three kinds of little people in there they're talking
about perhaps different beings that were
around before the flood because that
sort of legacy just apt and ethicists absolutely continues and and again we're
not going to talk about aliens in this show but there's a direct connection just those little people that they keep
that they keep track of in the various fairy tales and legends and new
literature there's one that looks very much like and it's likely they're the grey alien
so this is the furthest thing that you can possibly imagine from a Christian
perspective but it probably give us a little bit of glimpse into prehistory okay so I mean we got books
like Homer's Iliad the Theogony and stuff that mention all these all these
things and there's a lot of you know like the Roman culture and the Greek culture I was reading a book about Nero
the other day that said he had an ogre that fought in his gladiator stuff I mean all these things are mentioned in
these books that most of the cultures consider history and you know so like
like I said before if you if the people that are listening at our Freemasons or they're just normal people would go and
read their books that that their craft believes they would see this information
what do you what do you suggest I guess to people that are seeking this
information when you're in your book you have all these references for all these
different books how readily available were these books for you I know that I mean I can't imagine how many hours and
that upon hours that you spent putting this stuff together yeah so most of the
books are quite readily available it's
easy to get books and copies of books you know about Greek history and
Sumerian history but when you get into secret societies like the legends of the
craft those can be very very difficult to get getting the Vedas can be very
very difficult especially in English and you only get pieces at a time getting
the Popol Vuh was very very very difficult but you just you know unless
you're really into the umpteenth end of it like I am all of this other informations very easily gotten neither
you can get them from libraries or you can in order them online and I wanted to
stress this again to people they're listening get this book I mean I that
we're talking this is two very short chapters in the book that we're discussing in our show tonight I mean
these are these are probably one of the two of the shortest chapters in your book and we we just did a our show about us
so you really need to get this book you know there's there's so much more about this we're talking bloodlines that last
come from post-flood or pre-flood all the way to today and gary lines them all
out in this book and shows you how they all fit together over time and you know
that we were talking about muslim philosophy that uh you know hydrous it was one of the people i guess that would
be enoch am i right correct yeah so you're talking about you know buddha all
these different people they kind of all line out together and you know and they
they go all the way to bloodlines that are ruling the world right now to just
it's just amazing this book and what we're gonna do is we're going to end the show on this note because i know that
there's a ton we could talk about like i said we only got into two chapters of this book and there's so much more i
mean where you have over near a thousand pages of knowledge that goes all the way
to the end in this book gary and i'm really impressed with it man and i and i know that a lot of
people we make sure you subscribe and and do all that stuff on here because i am going to be interviewing gary in
nashville in october and i'm gonna be doing it via video and we're gonna be
talking about different things about his book and and just a whole nother subject and and so make sure to get the book
it's a I'm telling if you're a scholar whatever you are this book has everything that you need to study for
these subjects yeah and I'd like to sort of finish on a couple of things to be
careful with Enoch and Enoch literature and I touched on a little bit here earlier but the book of Jubilees is a
book that the Essenes is their most sacred scripture and that is Enoch the
evils book and so when you're reading anything on Enoch make sure you continually are reading it with a
critical analysis does it line up with what the Bible says because if it's not it's probably a
scripture from the other Enoch that that's been blended in somehow somehow over time also understand Enoch the evil
Enoch as partnering with the potentates of prehistory he's kind of like the
false prophet and so you have the universal religion that he created at
that time which was in all of those civilizations and he's the Prophet false prophet and you have the powerful
potentates which is the Nephilim and so you need to keep that in mind because again if you go across the flood and you
go to Babel you have Hermes who is like the false prophet you have the Antichrist finger in Nimrod
and you have the whole world working together and and under a mystical
religion this is a similar thing that takes place in the end time so we need to understand what happened in history
so that we can better understand what is coming so I encourage people to learn
about the different allegories and take it right back to history because all of
this is is defined in the Bible as to how it relates to the end time you just
have to take the time to learn about it exactly and one thing I will ask you is
if people are looking to find out there is a book of enoch that is mentioned in
the book of jude and that is you know referenced in the scripture that i've read before and i personally my personal
opinion on this and and you know done' you know i'm not i'm not saying that my
personal opinion is always a hundred percent correct but i believe the book of enoch is inspired personally as
scripture what can you give people a a
good place to buy the real book of enoch because it give us a lot of information that is left that is not in genesis that
kind of ties everything together can you give them a idea of what book of enoch
they're looking for well there's a there's a few books of enoch they don't usually come separate although i think
there might be a few publications out there they usually mixed in with Gnostic scriptures or in the neg Hammadi library
and so there's the first book of Enoch and the second book of Enoch and then
there's the Enoch book of Giants those are both the only three that I would say
that you could probably read and not look at as a different scripture as to
what's in the Bible and I would also underline that you know many it was you know at one time the books of Enoch were
part of the original canon but they were apocryphal even even at that time and
many of the church fathers used to quote from the books of Enoch alright Gary I
appreciate it man and I and I I really appreciate you coming on today because a lot of the questions that I had about
Enoch and and Hermes and all these figures that are actually Enoch is I've
been answered today and also answered in your book I just wanted to make it clear to people because I know so many people
personally that are deceived by this information and by the information that
they've been given because they are I have friends that are freemasons I have family that are freemasons and I really
want them to know I've explained you know a lot of it to them and I've actually told them to check out your book and and I really want I really want
everybody listening to really just take heed to what is being said here by the book don't it's one of the only books
you're gonna need on this subject I'm telling you and I don't I don't promote tons of different books but I can tell
you right now that this book is almost a one-stop shop when it comes to this kind
of information because it has everything in it and so Gary I appreciate you being on the show and I look forward to seeing
you next month in Nashville terrific I've really enjoyed the evening
if people want to have a closer look at the book they can go to WWE know six
conspiracy calm I've got the ninety-eight chapters with some pictures and a little bit about each chapter and
you can also link in to Barnes & Noble calm and
komm to purchase the book in either softcover or kindle format or if
somebody wanted a personalized or autographed copy they can order direct for me on the website as well so really
want to thank you for this opportunity hopefully we've covered some material that people haven't heard before or that
they want to pursue a little bit further alright once again this is john pounders
with now uctv and you guys have a good night or a good day or whatever it may be in your neck of the woods thank you
Oct 20, 2016 Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Attend Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner. ... Everyone knows, of course, Hillary has believed that it takes a village, which only makes sense, after all, in places like Haiti, where she has taken a number of them.
January 29, 2010 â Clinton friend, Laura Silsby, is arrested for child trafficking in Haiti
Wikileaks tweeted about the investigation on Thursday, claiming emails âshow how the Clintons supported child stealer Laura Silsby,â whose attorney was a convicted sex trafficker, including an email âwhere they are literally pricing how much it costs to transport childrenâ.
Laura Silsby was director of the New Life Childrenâs Refuge (NLCR), an NGO run by American missionaries that attempted to set up shop in the Dominican Republic. Silsby claims they tried to set up an orphanage, but Domican officials claim an application was never submitted. The New Life Childrenâs Refuge then moved their operations to Haiti.
This part of the story is discussed in WikiLeaks emails here and here.
After the Jan. 12 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the NLCR, led by Silsby, gathered forty Haitian children â claiming they were orphans â and set off for the Dominican Republic. They were stopped by a policeman, who explained that their actions were illegal.
Undeterred the group set out to collect orphans from the devastated town of Calebasse and from the slum of Le Citron in Port-au-Prince. 33 children (20 from Calebasse and 13 from Le Citron) were put under the missionâs care. On the night of January 29, the missionaries were arrested while trying to cross the Dominican border without proper authorization.
They denied any wrongdoing and maintained that they were doing Godâs will by helping orphaned victims of the quake. The children were sent to the SOS Childrenâs Village orphanage in Croix-des-Bouquets, a suburb of Port-au-Prince, and it became clear that most (if not all) of them were not orphans.
NLCR missionaries maintained that they were told that the children were orphaned. In turn, people in Calebasse and SOS Childrenâs Villages accused the missionaries of lying about their intentions.
Although the childrenâs relatives were told that they would be able to visit them and eventually take them back, the NLCRâs mission statement clearly outlined plans for sending the kids to America for adoption.
The ten missionaries were charged with criminal association and kidnapping for trying to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti. In an interview, the United States Ambassador to Haiti Kenneth Merten, stated that the U.S. justice system would not interfere and added âthe Haitian justice system will do what it has to do.â
The internet sleuths point out that Huma Abedin was constantly forwarding information about Laura Silsby and her NGO to Hillary Clinton during this period.
Eight of the ten missionaries were released, but Silsby was found guilty of the lesser charge of âarranging irregular travelâ and was sentenced to the time she had served in jail prior to the trial.
A Harvard Law School Journal article titled Owning Laura Silbyâs Shame claims that getting Silsby off the hook was one of the first things Clinton did after arriving on the scene in Haiti.
Read the highlighted text from the article in this link to get a clearer picture.
But the story gets sketchier from here. Not only did Silsby get help from Clinton, the attorney who represented her in court has been exposed as convicted sex trafficker.
As Reuters reported: âA Dominican Republic man who acted as legal adviser to a group of U.S. missionaries held for several weeks in
Haiti on child kidnapping charges has been arrested in Santo Domingo, local police said on Friday.
Jorge Puello Torres, wanted by El Salvador as a suspect in a human trafficking ring, was detained at a car wash in the city late on Thursday, a spokesman from the Dominican Republicâs police anti-narcotics unit said.
He was arrested in the Dominican Republicâs capital on a warrant issued by Interpol, the international police organization.
U.S. and Dominican Republic authorities had been looking for Puello after El Salvador officials said they suspected him of being involved in running a human trafficking ring that recruited Central American and Caribbean women and girls and forced them to work as prostitutes.â
And the disturbing finds by internet sleuths continue. This WikiLeaks email exposes discussion of pricing regarding the transport of children.
This is an email from a lawyer responding to Hillary Clintonâs request for advice regarding the Americans facing child kidnapping charges.
More info: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/clinton-convicted-child-stealer-sex-trafficker/
On January 29, 2010, less than three weeks after the earthquake, Haitian authorities arrested ten U.S. Baptist missionaries for attempting to take 33 children by bus across the border into the Dominican Republic without proper documentation. A week later, the missionaries were charged with child kidnapping and criminal association. While the missionaries claimed good intentions and ignorance of Haitian laws, Haitian prosecutors argued that there had been intentional wrong doingSuspicions about Silsbyâs intent to smuggle or traffic the children to the Dominican Republic further increased, when on March 19, 2010, Silsbyâs legal advisor, Jorge Torres-Puello, an American-Dominican living in the Dominican Republic as a fugitive was arrested and accused of human trafficking. U.S. authorities revealed that Torres-Puello was âlinked to a network that trafficked in Haitian and Central American children and [was]wanted in the United States, El Salvador and Costa Rica.â (Read more: Shani R. King/Harvard Human Rights Journal/2012)
âHillary has a long history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Lauraâs NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti.â (Wikileaks, 2/12/2010), (Wikileaks, 2/17/2010), (Michael Smith News, 11/04/2017)
Oct 20, 2016 Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Attend Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner. ... Everyone knows, of course, Hillary has believed that it takes a village, which only makes sense, after all, in places like Haiti, where she has taken a number of them.
'The Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal And The Media Cover Up: The True Origin Of PizzaGate'
Contrary to reports in the media, the crowd sourced investigation labeled by some as âPizzagateâ did not begin with internet sleuths digging through the WikiLeaks Podesta Files releases looking for pizza parlors and encoded language discussing human trafficking. It began with the shocking discovery that Hillary and Bill Clinton provided assistance to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby(aka Laura Gayler), resulting in a reduced sentence for child trafficking.
Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti without documentation. Her sentence and charges were reduced after an intervention by Bill Clinton. In the aftermath of Silsbyâs arrest, her originally retained lawyer Jorge Puello was arrested in connection with an international smuggling ring accused of trafficking women and minors from Central America and Haiti. The revelation of this news in November was either ignored by the Western media or attacked by Clinton controlled publications.
I. Hillary Clinton Intervened Politically on Behalf of Laura Silsby
Laura Silsby is the former director of The New Life Childrenâs Refuge. Emails from her organization can be found in WikiLeaksâ Hillary Clinton Email Archive discussing the NGO before her arrest. Silsbyâs organization also appears in Clintonâs emails, soliciting donations for their âministry.â The Refuge was founded by Silsby and Charisa Coulter, both attendees of the Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, Idaho. Silsby was reported to have a history of bad debts and unpaid wages.
Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but a State Department diplomatic cable revealed that authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti.
On January 29, 2010, Silsby was arrested with nine other American nationals attempting to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families according to some reports. CNN reported on February 9, 2010 that this was not the first time Silsby had attempted to traffic children out of Haiti. Haitian police acting on a tip had intercepted Silsby in an earlier, separate attempt to remove 40 children out of the country. She was turned back at the Haitian border. For a brief period, Haitian authorities were considering adding a new kidnapping charge based on this evidence.
Hillary and Bill Clinton took an extraordinary interest in Silsbyâs case from the moment she was arrested and almost immediately stepped in on her behalf. The Harvard Human Rights Journal stated that one of Bill Clintonâs first acts as special envoy for the United Nations in Haiti âwas to put out the fire of a child abduction scandal involving American citizens.â On February 7th, 2010, The Sunday Times reported that Bill Clinton had intervened to strike a deal with the Haitian government, securing the release of all co-conspirators except for Silsby. Prosecutors ultimately sought a six-month sentence in Silsbyâs case, reducing charges for conspiracy and child abduction to mere âarranging irregular travel.â A shockingly light penalty given the circumstances of her arrest, which would likely not have been possible but for the intervention of the Clintons in Silsbyâs case.
On February 9th, 2010 Hillary Clinton consulted with Counselor Cheryl Mills and other attorneys in an email discussing the U.S. Governmentâs âoptionsâ regarding the arrested Americans. The heavily redacted memo attached to that email does not reveal what these âoptionsâ consisted of. However, the State Departmentâs American Citizens Services is only authorized to offer lists of local, English-speaking attorneys to Americans arrested or detained abroad. To go beyond that authorization is a severe violation of protocol and is illegal. Additional emails reveal that the State Department was concerning with making statements on the Silsby scandal and preparing to assist Silsbyâs co-conspirators with their return to the United States, although this is consistent with State Department protocol in these situations.
II. Silsbyâs Lawyer and His Wife Were Both Arrested For Involvement in Human Sex Trafficking of Minors and Women
On February 11th, the New York Times reported that Silsbyâs original lawyer, Jorge Puello, was suspected of leading an international human trafficking ring involving women and minors. According the Harvard Human Rights Journal Puello was ultimately arrested in an investigation being led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in connection with the ring. He was wanted in the United States, El Salvador and Costa Rica for his involvement with a network trafficking Central Americans and Haitians.
At the time of his arrest, his wife was already imprisoned in El Salvador and âfaced charges of presumed sexual exploitation of minors and women.â Puello was ultimately sentenced to three years in federal prison for âalien smuggling.â Another surprisingly light sentence given the original charges he was sought for. It it not known at this time whether or not Laura Silsby was associated with Puelloâs criminal enterprise.
III. The Daily Beast Engaged in an Illicit Cover Up Operation of the Above Information
On November 3rd, 2016, this author made a post to Reddit containing preliminary research and information on the above story. The post was made to the pro-Trump subreddit r/the_donald due to the forumâs reputation as the only outlet on Reddit where news was not being censored during the U.S. Presidential Election. The same day, WikiLeaks tweeted a link to the Reddit post labeling it as a âsignificant, if partisan, find.â
On November 4th, 2016 The Daily Beast wrote a non-factual and intentionally misleading article covering the Clinton-Silsby scandal. They accused WikiLeaks of publicizing a âReddit conspiracy theoryâ which was âriddled with incorrect information.â The author, Ben Collins neglected to do basic research on the totality of the links presented in the post as evidence. Mr. Collins attacked the policies of r/the_donald towards freedom of speech and accused the forum of being racist without citing extensive or definitive proof. At no point did The Daily Beast provide proof that the allegations were not true, and did not disprove any of the evidence submitted. A link to an extensive study of the case by the Harvard Human Rights Journal which clearly linked Bill Clinton to the scandal was totally ignored. They similarly failed to acknowledge or address emails published by WikiLeaks between Hillary Clinton and her legal counsel which may potentially indicate that she violated State Department policy for the treatment of U.S. citizens arrested or detained abroad.
The Daily Beast is a holding of American media conglomerate InterActiveCorp. Chelsea Clinton, Vice President of the Clinton Foundation and daughter of Hillary and Bill Clinton, sits on InterActiveCorpâs Board of Directors. The proximity of the Clinton family to the organization responsible for oversight and direction of The Daily Beast raises questions about the publicationâs journalistic independence and their commitment to factual and ethical reporting on current events and topics of public interest. Given their slanderous and incorrect reporting on the Clinton-Silsby scandal, it seems clear that they do not hold these values in high regard.
Since her release from detention in Haiti, Laura Silsby has returned to Idaho. In 2015, she married and took the last name Gayler. Silsby is currently employed by software company AlertSense as their Vice President of Marketing. AlertSense works with the Federal Government on FEMAâs Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS). One of IPAWS functions is to issue Amber Alerts during kidnapping events.
Video source: https://old.bitchute.com/video/QLejfk1tbVAh/
They were calling for a man-made flu around 2018 to depopulate the world to 800 million. (Pretty close!)
I'd say that they were two years late since Trump was unexpectedly elected in 2016
Also a Fake UFO invasion in 2024.
United Nations 1994 Global Depopulation Agreement by 160 Countries to Kill Off 7 Billion by 2030.
Rockefeller Calls for Depopulation Dec 8, 2008.
Genocide, in their Own Words
Is Joseph Spencer really a MIB or CIA?
Is he saying all ...are true?
Proof: An old BANNED testimony of FORMER "MEN IN BLACK" Joseph Spencer, LEAKED and released by an insider in South America during late 90s
This is a video testimony of Joseph Spencer. In his words, he was an employee of the US government, a member of a "secret operation" called MEN IN BLACK, from May 1970 to October 1997. See and draw
your own conclusions.
He wants to scream to the world as what's to come... He was an Ex-ILLUMIN*TI agent talks to us about the terrifying agenda...
He also accounts for all the murders of well known UFOLOGISTS over the period of time.
In his words:
â I found that not every man in black is a man, one third of them are other peopleâs hybrids. A distinctive feature was the lack of white in their eyes. Their eyes are just black.
â My tasks were mainly related to witnesses of UFO encounters and crashes. My task was to eliminate witnesses and eyewitnesses, regardless of gender or age. I also worked on the liquidation of
researchers and ufologists who came too close to a forbidden topic.
â In 1954, US President Dwight David Eisenhower signed the so-called âcontract of the Grenadinesâ with the extraterrestrial race of the âGraysâ in exchange for receiving extraterrestrial technology.
The âGraysâ according to the contract, can kidnap a certain number of people for research, they have also insisted so that the public does not know about these contacts and contracts. Soon after, human
technology made a huge leap.
â On Earth there are 1477 underground alien bases on which they conduct experiments on humans.
â In 1994, a secret summit was held, in which 160 countries took part and everyone agreed to Agend* 21 that the human population is getting out of control, because natural resources are depleted and
the population should be reduced to 800 million by 2030.
â In 2024, an âAlien Invasionâ will take place on Earth, but in fact, the inhabitants of the Earth will see in the sky not an armada of real ships, but a very advanced hologram that looks like a real
object and can even be touched. The absolute reality of what is happening will be created, but not aliens and not holograms will bomb the cities, but earthlings under the cover of these holograms.
âThe world will witness a massive invasion of aliens, thousands of holographic alien warships will cover the sky, immerse people in global panic and real military aircraft between the holograms will
deliver a real blow.â
â As a result, a Single World Government will be created and none of the people will be against it. It will lead the surviving people in this New World of total control.
SOURCE: https://odysee.com/@NotTheBoilingFrog:f/Joseph-Spencer-a-MIB-or-CIA:e
Hundreds of Ukrainian children living in slavery were liberated by Russian special forces this week as Putinâs Adrenochrome Task Force made a series of grisly discoveries deep inside Ukraine.
Reports from the front line reveal that hundreds of children were found in degrading âfactory farmâ conditions at a location in Ukraineâs Donetsk region, the focal point of Russiaâs slow advance along the eastern part of the front line.
Russian soldiers are describing finding children with fragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodies were expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global adrenochrome trade.
The adrenochrome industry in Ukraine is larger than previously expected and Putin is determined to use the leads generated to destroy the global adrenochrome supply chain and punish those committing crimes against children â including the politicians and celebrities who are hooked on the drug he calls âthe devilâs work.â
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This is the complete series. All music has been edited out of this version. This practically have no influence on the understanding of this series, and will save you hours in the end. Originally the series is 43 hours long, but with removed pauses, and removed talk about out-dated meetings, I have saved you around 4-5 hours. (Edit: I missed a song in Hour 1 - Dawn of Man.)
Apart from that, nothing has been touched, and is presented here as it was in The Hour of The Time radio show, hosted by William (Bill) Cooper.
You might want to keep a pencil and paper to hand. Try to listen to all the lectures in order. Otherwise you will fail to fully comprehend latter episodes .
It's hard to explain what it's all really about, but all you have to do to find out, is watch it all in it's entirety. You will not regret it.
Rest in peace, Bill.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research."
Source: https://rumble.com/v1t0biu-bill-cooper-mystery-babylon-hour-14-the-skull-and-bones..html
'Now You See TV' interviews Gary Wayne the author of "Genesis 6 Conspiracy". We are discussing the different Enoch's of the scripture and how they play a role in the world we live in.
To buy his book go to...We discuss Nephilim (Giants) Enochian Magic and the freemasons root foundations.
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SOURCE: The Root of Freemasonry (illuminati) Enochian Magic, Enoch Vs Enoch. w/ Gary Wayne Sep 9, 2015
thank you for tuning into now you see TV this is your host John pounders please
be sure to share like subscribe and comment on this video so that others can hear and understand the truth in this
broadcast today we have our friend Gary Wayne the author of the Genesis 6
conspiracy I'm about three-quarters of the way through this book and let me tell you that this book hands-down has
the most information regarding secret societies bloodlines and their hidden knowledge than any other book I have
ever read tonight we'll be talking about a portion of Gary's book that has to do with the holy Enoch and the evil Enoch
from the line of Cain Inaki and magic secret societies pyramids Giants fallen angels and all
occult learning stem from one of these Enochs Gary welcome to the show glad to
be here John have been very much looking forward to getting to get through with you and I'm hoping it's going to be a very interesting night yeah let me start
by saying that your book has so many things with ample references and most of
these things I was completely unaware of and I've read a lot of books not only is your book full of information but it's a
great reference for any scholar that would be wanting to study this information because I'm pretty sure out
of all the books that I have combined your book has more references and more information in it than all those books
combined and I have quite a few of the books on this subject and but basically in this show we're gonna discuss we're
gonna discuss one one or two chapters I believe it's two chapters one is the Enoch and Hermes and then the other one
is the evil Enoch and we I mean we could really do a show about each chapter in
your book because your book is so full of information I mean I anybody this listen I really really really really
recommend this book I'm about three-quarters of the way through and I've had to read each chapter very
slowly so that I can filter all this information that's coming through because most of the stuff I've been
wondering about almost my whole life wondering where a lot of stuff comes from wandering about the
pyramids wondering about where who Hermes was wonder about where Enoch II and magic came from and this that's
pretty much this chapter right here feels a lot of that in so if you would let's go ahead and get started man I'm
really excited to one thing about we're gonna be meeting in Nashville coming up next month and doing a video interview
man and that's that's amazing I'm really looking forward to that I'm looking
forward to it too as well John and want to thank you for the nice comments you
made about the book and just want to underline that there is a lot of information in the book and there's over
a hundred pages of endnotes to support what I'm writing so that everybody can track it back and that was one of the
goals that I wanted to do when I wrote the book is I wanted to bring credibility to this whole genre and
bring new information that other people haven't thought about and connect dots that other people haven't connected
before and when we talk about the subject of Enoch this is one of those
unconnected dots in terms of who Enoch was and the far-reaching impacts that
Enochian literature has and so it's very very important to understand who Enoch
was and we're gonna talk about two Enochs tonight just to get people prepared but this is key to the whole
Nephilim narrative in my opinion I totally agree man it's a key to all the
hidden knowledge in my opinion as well I mean I mean this is where most of the stems from them right that's absolutely
correct Enoch is is the root to all of these different references whether people call
it the Golden Fleece or the pearls of wisdom or the archives of the Masons or
the golden apples or the the Grail quest or the information of the Ark of the
Covenant they're all allegories that go back to what happened before the flood
and with Enoch alright man well let's dig in go ahead and start us off at the
beginning of this whole Enoch thing and give us I guess a background on the both of both of the Enochs well I think
one of the first things that I always find interesting is people often overlook that there were two Enochs and
so if we're gonna look at Enochian literature and the impact that Enoch had
on prehistory and beyond the flood and even to our time we need to understand
that there were two Enochs because one has to realize that there were two
different scriptures and two different references to what was going on and we we have to keep straight through the two
Enochs were so let's just talk about Enoch that most people are familiar with
and he was seventh from the lineage of Adam in down through the lineage of Seth
and so he was born after Jared and Jared was the sixth generation when the
Nephilim came in into being it was that generation and that timeframe is very
important then caming Enoch then came Methuselah Lamech and then Noah conversely on the cain branch cain
son of adam bore his first son and his name was enoch and so he's born earlier
than Enoch and was around much before Enoch was and Enoch received all the
information and the knowledge that Cain would have received from Adam and when
we look at what happened in eating according to Gnostic recollections and
or Freemasonry recollections and masonry pre antediluvian masonry as they like to
call it they have many many legends about this in Adam received education
information knowledge from heaven and he passed it on to his two sons not King
are not able because Abel obviously was slaying by Cain but on to Seth and on to
Cain so both had this source of information that apparently
Eitan now biblically were not told that but we are told that you know Adam spent
a lot of time indeed inand it certainly is possible that he received great knowledge from God well in in heaven and
that he was a practitioner of the information that he would received or it's possible that Cain received this
information from the Dark Angels certainly biblically that's not clear but what is clear from the other
testimonies and particularly from the Gnostic religions and from the Masonic
organizations and secret societies is Cain received what they call the seven
sacred Sciences as did Seth no Seth practice mostly astronomy because his
descendants were agrarians in Cain and the people that he likely married into
were mostly nomads and hunters and gatherers until Cain came along and reorganized them but they used these
Sciences that they got in heaven and they were called the seven sacred Sciences and they included things like
music and arithmetic and geometry and
all the different sciences astronomy so there was seven in total there was
rhetoric involved there was ability to write and I list all of those seven sciences and even though they sound
mundane and they were a revolutionary at that time for civilizing humankind and
it's the level of knowledge that they took this knowledge - and so Cain indoctrinated Enoch in all of this
knowledge and at this time additional information was provided to the
descendants of Cain and Enoch in particular additional elicit knowledge
that came from heaven from the Dark Angels and so we have two different
levels of information coming to Enoch now what Enoch does is he starts to
develop how to organize this information and how to utilize them and how to
pervert them and from there he organizes in to secret societies with initiation
and he also formulates a religion a
religion that honors the fallen angels and no longer honors God and they start
to refer to all of this knowledge in ways that probably were not what God
wanted them to do but we can see such knowledge being manifested towards the
end of the the generations before the flood because they great built all of
these great monuments things like the pyramids and when we look at mythologies
from around the world we see the sub civilization and let's say several
civilizations from their perspective because they looked at more than just the Sumerian civilization but
civilizations that were all over the world and there was either three or four depending on which one you look at as
major civilizations or empires and they developed civilizations that had
significant technology significant information significant advancements and
the ability to build and they did it all to honor the Great Architect of the universe as they like to call on which
of course was Lucifer yes so basically
you know I this is this is on the subject I have had a friend that had
given me a book or he tried to give me a book I told him I didn't want to read it
but the book was about Hermes tell us how Enoch and Hermes are basically the
same one in the same yeah so Enoch from the king very very famous for the
development of all knowledge including inventing writing which probably were
hieroglyphs as the the Masons like to call it in that the writings that he not invented and other people believe it was
the cuneiform and he he did this to be able to record all this information so so that wouldn't be
lost and so he became fused with a number of people through history and
prehistory because of this knowledge and in some accounts they have Enoch
actually evolving into a God because of
the knowledge and he was the intermediary between the gods or the fallen angels and and the kings and so
over time Enoch is called different
names and in different civilizations and so we see Enochs name come up in all of
the ancient civilizations people just know him differently and one of those names was Hermes another one would be
mercury thought was another one the Quran would refer to Enoch as Idris but
when the Quran refers to Idris or they're actually referring to Enoch of the of the Seth line and so Enoch
preserves all of this information and he stores it 9-volts and there's some
descendants of Enoch that come along the sons of Lamech and again there's two Lemax one from the south line one from
the king line and the sons of of Lamech they also have a renaissance of these
Sciences but they're preserving this knowledge to cross over the deluge that
they know is coming they can't prevent it but they don't want to lose their history and they don't want to lose their knowledge and they somehow wanna
transport this information across the flood and so the information is stored in 9-volts and some people believe those
are stored below the the pyramids and they also create two pillars that
itemize what the seven sacred Sciences are in the location of the of the hidden
or lost knowledge and so when it crosses the flood there's another character that
comes along by the name of Hermes but before I touch on Hermes there's a
god of wisdom in Egypt that if you look at the mythology's and the religions of
H in Egypt his name was Thoth and he has a parallel
description in terms of what he did what his role was and he also became godlike
because of the knowledge and so he's known as Thoth in Egypt as well as
Hermes and I'll get into how that sort of comes together in a minute or so but
understand that in prehistory that there were seven angels that divided up the
earth and there were the seven angels that were also involved on the creation of the Nephilim and they essentially set
up different cult centers around the world in so this religion that Enoch had
developed and this knowledge went to all of these these empires particularly after the Nephilim had taken over and
they and as kings and they partnered together and so when we look at
prehistory on the legends Enoch gets merged with thought I actually think
Thoth is just another name for one of these seven angels that started these snake societies and brought this
religion and knowledge along and in the different civilizations that they that
were that had belonged to them but that's the first merging and then when you cross the flood you have Hermes of
Egypt and Hermes of Greece who the Greeks also called their Greek Hermes
mercury so that there is a separation in terms of how they understood Hermes as
to the Egyptian hermes but when we look at where Hermes came from he's not in
the Bible and so his name is very very difficult to to track except that if we
get into Masonic legends we understand that Hermes partnered with Nimrod at
Babel and it was Hermes who found these two pillars that I was talking about before
and so now he becomes along with Nimrod the two co-conspirators to have a
renaissance of this anti diluvian knowledge at Babel which was manifested
in the tower and we understand the power of this information that they had just
gotten their hands on and started to redevelop in the post alluvium world and we look at the Babel account and
paraphrasing what it says in Genesis about Babel is is that with one language
and working as one people there's nothing that they will not be capable of
doing and this goes to this this knowledge that I was talking about so Hermes after Babel he moves off to Egypt
with MS room and with him to start the Egyptian civilization again and Nimrod
stays in shell dia and and continues to develop as best they can with the
different languages and all the different things that they have to deal with their development of this this
knowledge and this religion again and people will know the Chaldeans as the Babylonians and the wise men who
produced the Magi I think everybody's really familiar with that but they don't really know exactly how they got that
information well the first resurfaced again at Babel and so Hermes once he
moves over with ham and and MS room to Egypt they start all of this development
of the religion in the mysteries again in Egypt and that's where hermie starts
to get fused with with Enoch and then there's a third hermes that comes along
quite a bit later who is the father of alchemy which is one of the offshoots of
the knowledge of these seven Sciences and understand that because I don't
think I underlined it well enough earlier is is that the power of this knowledge that was developed and what
they were trying to develop again had to be housed in secret societies for the elite because they felt that knowledge
was so powerful that it could destroy the world and they certainly didn't want this information in the hands of the
mundane mortals or the descendants of Noah or descendants of Seth so they wanted to keep it separated from
them along with their belief in reincarnation and the process that goes along with that and so in the post
alluvion world hermes is so bound to Enoch in the history that they sort of
come together as one figure and then with the third one you get the term
ethic the three Hermes or the term esketh Hermes that people might be
familiar with in in the occult world and so it's just to me it's a fusing of these three characters all into one to
try and make sense of all of this history and all of this knowledge that was that was originally developed in in
prehistory and crossed the flood and and so they came up with that title as sort
of the cosmology of all of this if that makes sense yeah that makes perfect
sense man and I you know I as far as the information goes so you said that they
might have knowledge to destroy the entire world obviously you know there's
a lot going on right now with CERN and organizations such as that and we all
know anybody this listen to this that doesn't know we know that there are elite class there are the Bob will cause
some spiritual powers Thrones just different kinds of spiritual powers that control our world that we live in how
close do you think you know the anti-crisis says he'll understand dark sentences do you believe that has to do
with this particular kind of knowledge that maybe a lot of people don't quite
understand yet but are there with technology they're getting towards the understanding yeah and I think a couple
things on that aspect is is certainly the Antichrist will be absolutely illuminated and I don't use that term
lightly because it's a specific term for the adepts and he'll be a super adept
and he'll be of genius-level and he will be totally familiar with all of this information and knowledge and we'll see
more of this knowledge coming out as we get closer to the end times and I think we'll see significant displays of it in the end
time so that it deludes the people into believing that the Antichrist is the is
the Messiah and they will lead the rebellion and they will leech humankind to freedom so that definitely is is all
connected and if we look at science today all of our sciences come out of
this and so when we talk about the seven sacred Sciences those are also known as the seven liberal arts and it's the
pillar of our scientific knowledge today there's an organization that was
organized in the 1600s called a
Freemasonry and amongst the Freemasons were the Rosicrucians were who are
forming Freemasonry and at the same time these people partnered to start a society called the Royal Society and the
Royal Society is also called the invisible college and if there's people who are familiar with the invisible
college term then there'll be a little bit more familiar with the mystic side of what I'm talking about because again
that has a very specific reference and Rosicrucianism as to what the invisible
college is but this is the this is the start of modern science and it was created to not only develop the sciences
but to pay honor to the Great Architect of the universe and who of course is
Lucifer and all of these terms are connected because it's part of their
belief system what's important about this is is all of the education and all
of the scientific communities pay homage to the Royal Society to this day so they're inundated with their religion
and their belief systems so one wonders why Christianity and Christian beliefs
don't get a hearing and are considered and any anything others long as it's not
got anything to do with the Bible is considered this is why and so this
knowledge that they're developing and what we're looking at the CERN whatever they're doing there and there's
a lot of speculation there but they're playing with technology and science that
is you know amazing on the surface level but very very dangerous
this isn't pursuit of their Luciferian agenda there is no doubt about it
because science is a slave to the Royal College to these ancient organisations
to the seven sacred Sciences to this whole conspiracy that's been going on
since prehistory and I think what you know people sort of need to realize
about this is is that we can see a lot of the armies still being paid in
education today or in different particular sciences so that they have to
wear rings and they have to do initiations when they're in college and we look at let's say the Medical Society
for example just look at any of those symbols that they're using in patan I'll
use the medical societies whether it's doctors or it's institutions they use this snake wrapped around a stick motif
and that's the Hermes motif and you're gonna see a dual snake motif and a
single snake motif and some of them will have Hermes sandals on the bottom every organization in the medical field will
have the variation of it and I'll even take that back where it goes back to Greek mythology and how that was
developed but both both of those lead directly back to the snake societies of
old and the knowledge that they possessed and certainly medical
knowledge has been always a big part of these sciences and knowledge one thing
the one thing when I was reading in your book on the chapters called anak de Ville
you were talking about a city in Egypt called her ma palace if I'm pronouncing
that right and it's a it was the home of the great white Brotherhood and I know
that you discussed that later in your book can you kind of explain that just a little bit to us chirps people are probably familiar with
the great right the great white Brotherhood of the Illuminati today and
so this term goes back in time to two locations from aa police and also it was
also in Heliopolis city of the Sun and it also goes back to Babel and so Nimrod
created the Constitution at Babel in the first great white Brotherhood of masonry
at the time of Babel and then it moved to Egypt to her ma police where it
thrived in parallel to the Chaldeans and later on the the the Constitution and
the sciences and the organization was Renaissance once more and sort of
reinvigorated this great white Brotherhood Society and what's important
about this as well is this is the linkage that the religion and a people
that people are familiar with from the Dead Sea Scrolls the Essenes they are a polytheist sect of Judaism very much
related with Kaabah lism and they believe they received all of their
information and their beliefs and their religion and their knowledge back to the
great white Brotherhood and of course it seems would wear white robes as the
people of the great white Brotherhood did back in the day and if people are looking for a good example of who the
Essenes were these were the people in the temple that Ezekiel referred to who
would turn their back to the temple in the mornings and pray in the direction of the Rising Sun did you have to
remember that the the mystical religion that Enoch developed was the Sun worship
worshipping religion and so the Sun is a significant part of this whole worship
and again you look at Sun worship all around the world in all of polytheist colors cultures this is not a
coincidence this is just taking it back to the root yeah I exactly man and you
can see Sun worship and a lot of Christianity you know it's been infiltrated into that you can see Sun
worship and so many different religions I mean I mean any religion is pretty
much been infiltrated with it one thing I wanted to ask do you think that most masons think that they're following the
teachings of the holy Enoch do they think that they're involved in this holy branch as opposed to the evil branch I
mean and I'm not talking about the elite that know that are in there not in the no not the not initiated but the average
Mason are they going to believe that they're involved in holy teachings yes
they the the lower level initiatives will be deceived in this manner and it's done for two reasons one is so that they
that they're not scared I guess scared away from the organization they'll be initiated into Luciferian doctrine at
the 33rd degree or the third level of perfection depending on which organization of masonry you're talking
about because there's two there's the Scottish Rite and then there's also the York Rite so but at that level of
perfection they'll learn who who the true God is that they worship but the
lower levels will think and believe that this is Enoch from the Seth loin second
reason that they did it was you have to look at Catholicism in the Roman Church
they were very very aggressive against any belief system or religion or
organization that ran contrary to the Christian religion and so they over time
in the last 2,000 years they meshed these two Enochs together to put on the
sort of cloak of being righteous as opposed to who you know who the true
enoch is that they recognized and they recognized Enoch as their true patriarch
and to both is is yet another one of those
patriarchs that they look to in a very very high regard just as they look at Lamech son of Kane
as a key player and a patriarch and in particular a few other of lamech s--
progeny I already mentioned tubal-cain but certainly nama jubail and jebel
those are the key ones that they certainly recognize from the seven sacred Sciences and developing in
prehistory but tubal-cain for the most part in Enoch in Cain are the most important figures in masonry as far as
their previous prehistory records go okay and another thing you know you're talking about the
two pillars well one one person that a lot of Freemasons like to refer to as
Hiram Abiff and the pillars that they build I guess would be jaqen and Boaz
and and most people say that you know I've talked to several Mason's that say the secret of Freemasonry lie in the
pillars of jaqen and Boaz is there any significance to those pillars that go
along with the the pillars that we're you mentioned in this chapter yeah so
what I mean Solomon is in the other belief system is considered one of the
great Magi one of the great Wizards one of the great Sorcerer's of all time and
also one of the grand superintendents of
masonry as well and that's more of a usurping of biblical stories and all of
the sort of allegorical things that went along with Solomon's reign but certainly
Hyrum a beef was a real figure and he
received this building knowledge down through the building organizations which
is again another arm of the 6,000 year conspiracy of the knowledge of how to
build these great temples and things and so his and all through the cretan builders where they
received their information from was utilized in help building the temple and
all of this is designed just to delegitimize christianity and to again
give them that sort of level of pedigree
and level of authority but really in
terms of going right to the pillar of their belief system it's just another allegory of several things that are
coming together in the pillars but and they're quite prominent in Freemasonry but I don't you know I don't think that
it goes to the core of their beliefs it's just it just another allegory just something to kind of confuse the the
members below 33rd degree yeah it's just again and the the illuminated
will have a different take on the meaning of that than what they teach the lower level so there's two meanings to
all of the allegories that they teach the lower levels there's the one to those who aren't ready yet to learn the
true message and then that's what the true message is and that's yep you have to understand that part of this whole
society that was built by Enoch in and Nimrod and the great white Brotherhood of Egypt is is that these organizations
have circles within circles so the Illuminati is at the small little circle of Freemasonry and only those who are
illuminated at the 33rd degree level know all of the information and what the true information is right yeah and you
know that's that's one thing that I if anybody's Mason's than they are listening to this they really need to
take heed to what is being said here and buy this book because all of the
information that Gary is giving right now is referenced in the teachings that
are probably in your library as a freemason and what you you really need
to figure out what you're doing I know that my uncle was a 32nd degree freemason use a Shriner and also
Scottish Rite and he was one of the potentates and and he was also a Baptist minister so he did
not he didn't know a lot of this stuff at his level at least I don't think he did he may have but if he did I didn't I
wasn't aware of it but this is something that's very important because you're linking yourselves together with a group
of people you know anybody that you have an oath with you don't know these people
you don't know who you're linking yourself with and I believe that Gary's lined it up pretty clear in his book who
you're linking yourself with and another thing area that I wanted to discuss is the the seven sacred Sciences the
different things as far as you know obviously astrology and stuff like that can you explain a few of these sacred
Sciences and what they are yeah so let's just go over each of these just quickly
and so the first one is of the seven liberal Sciences is as grammar and that
was the teach humankind to both speak and write the second one it was rhetoric
and that was to teach humankind to speak in subtle terms the third one is
dialectic to teach humankind to discern between truth and falsehood arithmetic
to teach humankind to compute all manners and numbers geometry to teach
humankind to measure the earth and all things and to build things music which
is also is numbers based in when you really get down to it and Pythagoras was
a big proponent of his musical and
numerology philosophy so music was
another one in astronomy was to teach humankind about the planets and the
stars and out of astronomy came astrology which was a noted perversion
of prehistory that survived and also an invention of Enoch and just so that
people understand a little bit more about rhetoric in its original state it was the art of persuasion and
grammar was more or less molding and educating men and teaching them to read so you can see how powerful these things
are just from civilizing human but humans but how far they could could
actually take it and when you look at some of the mythologies around
prehistory at what they were able to do and in some of the mythologies you know flying machines and in very powerful
weapons and incredible monuments that they built that they really did develop
these things to to a great level so those are this the original seven sacred
Sciences Batman I appreciate you you answering that now like when it comes to
these sciences art I know in the book an actual Book of Enoch that was written by the whole Enoch it talks about the
Fallen Angels teaching men certain certain things I guess a lot of these
things line up with those seven sacred Sciences it does and more you know
because they brought in things like you know abortion and sacrifices and the art
of war and of course tubal-cain which is one of the famous people from Masonic
prehistory he was very much a military man and some believe he was actually a
giant which I suppose is possible but it
would not be through the day six not through the day six the Genesis six
Giants because tubal-cain was son of Lamech so unless Lamech married a female
giant that probably wouldn't be the case but legend has it that he was a giant
yeah and I know a lot of a lot of people hold to the belief that like for
instance Nimrod when it says he became a mighty warrior before the Lord it's
actually talking about him becoming a giant or of sorts and I know that yeah
you don't discuss this in your book but you know it's very possible you said that they worked with these fallen
angels on with these Nephilim to do a lot of these things so whether or not they were actually Giants or you
know things like you know and fallen angel or whatever they still were working together with these beans in
doing a lot of these things and the preservation of those things were in the
were in the pillars absolutely and I'm
gonna just I'm going to come back to that in a second I want people to understand that tubal-cain nama jubail
and jebel when you look at masonic writings these and other mythologies
these people have great great infamy and
in the legends of the craft from Freemasonry I mean to baal was he was a
as a Smith an artist artists artists fur of the highest level creating tools and
weapons a master craftsman military leader you know and from the Bible it
just sort of hints at that that tubal-cain had forged tools from a
bronze and iron and also in the book I'll make some surprising references at
least for me I thought was surprising that iron actually went back into prehistory you know spend a little bit
time on that because most people think iron didn't come along till about 1400 BC at least that's the standard thing
that's taught in in education nama was basically known as creating a craft
called weaving but nama has more importance than then this she was
thought to of married Sammael the fallen angel and produced
Giants through that marriage nama is also believed in the gnostic religion to
be a derivative of Nuria and Nuria has a few different names probably all five or
six different names and she was married to an interesting fellow named D Coolio and
soda kuleana nuria / nama where the two that survived the flood in the Greek
mythology and so Dooku Leone was the son of Prometheus so whether or not
Prometheus was a Nephilim or fallen angel it doesn't matter because this is
still another story of Mythology of giants surviving the flood on an arc which i think is rather interesting and
in the Sumerian mythology nama is traced back with a few different names but
understand her as a dragon queen of the original ring Lords and in Sumeria so
she has a very very infamous legacy that goes up through prehistory as did enoch
jubail was also noted in the legends of the craft as inventing music and jebel
who is noted for living in tents and ranching and farming in the bible and
his account was known for developing masonry so these were the four that
really took the Renaissance of the seven sacred Sciences to the new level from
the generation immediately following the entrance of the Nephilim and they would
have partnered with the Nephilim and it would have become the statewide religion of prehistory and we see that again in
so much entertainment so much mythology that when you see King ships you have these Merlin type wizards or the wizard
Wizards that you see in the Lord of the Rings or if you look at the priests of
Egypt and this is that partnership that happens so you had not only the religion
in the Kings but you had this knowledge and it was all centered and it was all
controlled through these secrets sake snake societies yeah my net my next question was going to be how did the
lineage of Cain go into the post-flood but I think you answered that now you mentioned the Lord of the Rings and ring
Lord I know you you talk all this stuff in your book that's why
people really need to get it but it's so interesting to me that that that and the Atlantis and all these things just tie
in together to be basically the same thing I mean you look at these history
books and and it's just it's amazing to me how they all tie together and and
people that don't know a lot of people like I've talked to people before they think we're Lord of the Rings as a Christian based film and that couldn't
be farther from the truth it it is as far from the truth as you
can imagine it does bring to you know reality some information of what that
pre-flood world was like but it is totally from a adversarial perspective a
totally from a polytheist perspective and you know the Annunaki from from that
time were the were the kings and so they were the ring lords they had a all of
the king's ships were were Nephilim and they were anointed at napur to be kings
to to rule the earth and that was a ring of kings a circle of a table that they
would meet at and that's you know you can see that reflected again in the King Arthur round table you know when you
talk when you see Lord of the Rings and you see the the two different kinds of
little people between the elves and Alexis actually there's three kinds of little people in there they're talking
about perhaps different beings that were
around before the flood because that
sort of legacy just apt and ethicists absolutely continues and and again we're
not going to talk about aliens in this show but there's a direct connection just those little people that they keep
that they keep track of in the various fairy tales and legends and new
literature there's one that looks very much like and it's likely they're the grey alien
so this is the furthest thing that you can possibly imagine from a Christian
perspective but it probably give us a little bit of glimpse into prehistory okay so I mean we got books
like Homer's Iliad the Theogony and stuff that mention all these all these
things and there's a lot of you know like the Roman culture and the Greek culture I was reading a book about Nero
the other day that said he had an ogre that fought in his gladiator stuff I mean all these things are mentioned in
these books that most of the cultures consider history and you know so like
like I said before if you if the people that are listening at our Freemasons or they're just normal people would go and
read their books that that their craft believes they would see this information
what do you what do you suggest I guess to people that are seeking this
information when you're in your book you have all these references for all these
different books how readily available were these books for you I know that I mean I can't imagine how many hours and
that upon hours that you spent putting this stuff together yeah so most of the
books are quite readily available it's
easy to get books and copies of books you know about Greek history and
Sumerian history but when you get into secret societies like the legends of the
craft those can be very very difficult to get getting the Vedas can be very
very difficult especially in English and you only get pieces at a time getting
the Popol Vuh was very very very difficult but you just you know unless
you're really into the umpteenth end of it like I am all of this other informations very easily gotten neither
you can get them from libraries or you can in order them online and I wanted to
stress this again to people they're listening get this book I mean I that
we're talking this is two very short chapters in the book that we're discussing in our show tonight I mean
these are these are probably one of the two of the shortest chapters in your book and we we just did a our show about us
so you really need to get this book you know there's there's so much more about this we're talking bloodlines that last
come from post-flood or pre-flood all the way to today and gary lines them all
out in this book and shows you how they all fit together over time and you know
that we were talking about muslim philosophy that uh you know hydrous it was one of the people i guess that would
be enoch am i right correct yeah so you're talking about you know buddha all
these different people they kind of all line out together and you know and they
they go all the way to bloodlines that are ruling the world right now to just
it's just amazing this book and what we're gonna do is we're going to end the show on this note because i know that
there's a ton we could talk about like i said we only got into two chapters of this book and there's so much more i
mean where you have over near a thousand pages of knowledge that goes all the way
to the end in this book gary and i'm really impressed with it man and i and i know that a lot of
people we make sure you subscribe and and do all that stuff on here because i am going to be interviewing gary in
nashville in october and i'm gonna be doing it via video and we're gonna be
talking about different things about his book and and just a whole nother subject and and so make sure to get the book
it's a I'm telling if you're a scholar whatever you are this book has everything that you need to study for
these subjects yeah and I'd like to sort of finish on a couple of things to be
careful with Enoch and Enoch literature and I touched on a little bit here earlier but the book of Jubilees is a
book that the Essenes is their most sacred scripture and that is Enoch the
evils book and so when you're reading anything on Enoch make sure you continually are reading it with a
critical analysis does it line up with what the Bible says because if it's not it's probably a
scripture from the other Enoch that that's been blended in somehow somehow over time also understand Enoch the evil
Enoch as partnering with the potentates of prehistory he's kind of like the
false prophet and so you have the universal religion that he created at
that time which was in all of those civilizations and he's the Prophet false prophet and you have the powerful
potentates which is the Nephilim and so you need to keep that in mind because again if you go across the flood and you
go to Babel you have Hermes who is like the false prophet you have the Antichrist finger in Nimrod
and you have the whole world working together and and under a mystical
religion this is a similar thing that takes place in the end time so we need to understand what happened in history
so that we can better understand what is coming so I encourage people to learn
about the different allegories and take it right back to history because all of
this is is defined in the Bible as to how it relates to the end time you just
have to take the time to learn about it exactly and one thing I will ask you is
if people are looking to find out there is a book of enoch that is mentioned in
the book of jude and that is you know referenced in the scripture that i've read before and i personally my personal
opinion on this and and you know done' you know i'm not i'm not saying that my
personal opinion is always a hundred percent correct but i believe the book of enoch is inspired personally as
scripture what can you give people a a
good place to buy the real book of enoch because it give us a lot of information that is left that is not in genesis that
kind of ties everything together can you give them a idea of what book of enoch
they're looking for well there's a there's a few books of enoch they don't usually come separate although i think
there might be a few publications out there they usually mixed in with Gnostic scriptures or in the neg Hammadi library
and so there's the first book of Enoch and the second book of Enoch and then
there's the Enoch book of Giants those are both the only three that I would say
that you could probably read and not look at as a different scripture as to
what's in the Bible and I would also underline that you know many it was you know at one time the books of Enoch were
part of the original canon but they were apocryphal even even at that time and
many of the church fathers used to quote from the books of Enoch alright Gary I
appreciate it man and I and I I really appreciate you coming on today because a lot of the questions that I had about
Enoch and and Hermes and all these figures that are actually Enoch is I've
been answered today and also answered in your book I just wanted to make it clear to people because I know so many people
personally that are deceived by this information and by the information that
they've been given because they are I have friends that are freemasons I have family that are freemasons and I really
want them to know I've explained you know a lot of it to them and I've actually told them to check out your book and and I really want I really want
everybody listening to really just take heed to what is being said here by the book don't it's one of the only books
you're gonna need on this subject I'm telling you and I don't I don't promote tons of different books but I can tell
you right now that this book is almost a one-stop shop when it comes to this kind
of information because it has everything in it and so Gary I appreciate you being on the show and I look forward to seeing
you next month in Nashville terrific I've really enjoyed the evening
if people want to have a closer look at the book they can go to WWE know six
conspiracy calm I've got the ninety-eight chapters with some pictures and a little bit about each chapter and
you can also link in to Barnes & Noble calm and
komm to purchase the book in either softcover or kindle format or if
somebody wanted a personalized or autographed copy they can order direct for me on the website as well so really
want to thank you for this opportunity hopefully we've covered some material that people haven't heard before or that
they want to pursue a little bit further alright once again this is john pounders
with now uctv and you guys have a good night or a good day or whatever it may be in your neck of the woods thank you
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Old white lady, Chelsea Handler, took it upon herself to explain to 50 Cent that he can't vote for Donald Trump because he's black. This is definitely something he needed to hear from her.
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