Part 3 of 5 Mandela Matrix
Part 2 Kingdom Come
Part 3 Mandela Matrix
Part 1 Simulation https://youtu.be/Z9fMnAqf11c
Remediating the official narrative in style shooting from the hip here on "UAP Channel".
Welcome to my backup channel (black logo, second channel). This channel is like casual Friday, an afterparty, or when a dog escapes his kennel and digs through the garbage (MSM).
This channel has all unique content not found on the main channel (white UAP logo, original channel). Videos posted there tend to be more epic, longer, less goofy, higher-effort, and less experimental.
Follow me on Rokfin https://rokfin.com/post/51714 free to watch for a limited time.
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If I’m doing something more big-time and epic it goes on my main, original YouTube Channel called “UAP” on https://www.youtube.com/c/UAPch
One Click to subscribe there: https://tinyurl.com/yavqcf8q
►Subscribe at my website, download free music, donate http://uapchannel.net/
►Donate cash easy https://cash.me/$UAPch
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►Support UAP and get exclusive updates: https://www.patreon.com/UAPch
►donation, T-shirts, mugs: https://Teespring.com/UAP_Channel
►Buy UAPs Artwork: https://uap.darkroom.tech/
MORE original UAP content on my Vimeo Channel: https://vimeo.com/user88780285
ORIGINAL music composed and performed by me, Douglas, on
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/yd9vnvf6
My unfinished book to be published may be pre-ordered at https: UAPchannel.net
Order a flash drive "mystery box" of exclusive content, which may include some or all of the following (and more):
research, unpublished video, b-roll, outtakes, unique renderings, unpublished parody, book excerpts, personal collections, vignettes, photos, research material, artwork, really anything owned by me, interesting public domain material highlights, or something else edited by me and not already available or published elsewhere. Every mystery box of UAP content is something unique! Get yours at https://UAPchannel.net
Music used on this channel is usually self-composed and performed by me UAP (©️ UAP) and may be downloaded free from my catalog of UAP original music or by donation of any amount (above tiny fee) at https://uapchannel.net/
Wanna seriously support this work?
And this is where you are now:
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Send me photos you own/took yourself of interesting subject matter such as old-world architecture for use on my channel (with commercial rights granted me for republishing) to UAPChannel2@gmail.com
Drop me a note to say hi or anything else at
UAPchannel2@gmail.com and time permitting I'll get back to you as possible!
Itunes / Apple Music, Apple Artist ID: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/uap/468087962 (does not apply to BiMac or Cube Guys material)
Music, Titles used are either under licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...), or by Fair Use for ongoing research and parody including revenue-shared, or copyrighted works by fair dealing, or content used by licensed sharing agreements in accordance with YouTube policy, or used by expressed permission may be listed below: