Mirrored by Babylon Watch (YT). He has a new book on amazon
‘I am coming quick! Hold fast to what you have. That no one may take YOUR CROWN.’ Rev 3-11 Corona=CROWN / Virus = POISON IN LATIN - WAKE UP WORLD!! ASBR67 may not agree with everything from the content producers I share or re-post. Apply critical thinking and use discernment to come to your own conclusions regarding the content in the videos. Pray. Use discernment in also reading comments. God bless. Consider supporting the Channel: https://givesendgo.com/ALLSHALLBEREVEALED67 or Paypal.me/florenciaauthor
https://rumble.com/v5xxe5k-hidden-world-of-secret-society-war-on-god-war-on-gods-image-us-vstheythem-e.html new new new
https://rumble.com/v5xx6b2-the-pharoah-show.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vm9p8-the-khazarian-mafia-the-god-eaters-part-1-documentary-mirrored.html new
https://rumble.com/v5sbuyw-swineavian-flu-1990-alan-watt-exposes-the-w.h.o-global-genocide-program.html this is a MUST SEE as they prepare to launch MARBURG AVIAN PLANDEMIC
https://rumble.com/v5t17f8-hidden-world-of-secret-society-the-great-pretenders-elitegenderinversion.html CENSORED
https://rumble.com/v5wzw42-shot-dead-documentary-censored.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wbh1t-hidden-world-of-secret-society-destroying-gods-image-is-their-greatwork-fre.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wbf5w-covid-classic-clips-20212024-part-5-know-the-truth.html NEW
https://rumble.com/v5wbc7n-the-androgeny-agenda-in-masonic-literature-thegreatwork-is-genderinversion-.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wbbgz-emp-33-days-freemason-33-predictiveprogramming-r-u-ready.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wba4n-the-synagogue-of-satan-r-all-gender-inverted-see-my-hidden-world-series.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wbakw-operation-janus-smhp-mirrored.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wb95n-the-marverlous-adventures-of-baron-trump-mirrored-smhp.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wb8l8-osirus-rex-some-assembly-required-mirrored.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wb7ob-blue-velvet-mirrored-by-le-naturel-elitegenderinversion-in-film.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmiqn-hidden-world-of-secret-society-we-were-brainwashed-from-birth-by-the-tell-l.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmgi8-the-return-of-the-nehushtan-bronze-serpent-on-a-pole-w.h.o.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmeoe-duality-the-gnostic-inverted-religion-of-freemasonry-thegreatwork-is-gender.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmdpe-pray-with-me-tonight-beautifulprayers-faith.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmbkb-delaurentiis-family-and-the-serpent-of-masonry.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmaon-the-khazarian-mafia-the-god-eaters-part-2-documentary.html new
DOWNLOAD the Rumble channel, navigate to ALLSHALLBEREVEALED67B and watch any of this great content on your smart TV Thanks for sharing the channel and vids. God bless
https://rumble.com/v5sbwr2-from-eugenics-to-plandemics-documentary-mustsee.html MY FAVORITE DOCUMENTARY
https://rumble.com/v5qly7h-they-live-fullmovie-eyestosee-earstohear-can-u-see-itsallinverted.html FAVORITE MOVIE
https://rumble.com/v5pyomk-dude-looks-like-a-first-lady.html ITS all of THEM
https://rumble.com/v5pn3jz-hidden-world-of-secret-society-blinded-by-the-lighte-of-lucifer-part-2.html we were all BLINDED. Watch my HIDDEN WORLD series
https://rumble.com/v5pyxkn-the-replacement-gods-a-documentary.html IT WAS WALL ABOUT REPLACING GOD WITH BAPHOMET #eyestosee
https://rumble.com/v5qm0z2-hidden-world-of-secret-society-its-all-inverted-thewholeworld-in-his-hands-.html EVERYTHING u see on the TV is backwards #BAPHOMET #upsidedown INVERTED
https://rumble.com/v5rzzx5-acta-pilates-letter-to-ceasar-re-jesus-christ.html GOD IS REAL. CHRIST IS REAL. THE ONLY WAY OUT OF THE EVIL
I am still trying to get my old channel ALLSHALLBEREVEALED67 reinstated- Please send emails to support@rumble.com and protest the removal of my family Christian channel- Thanks all. #nevergiveup #useyourvoice God bless-
It is time to take a STAND World. The governments of the world have been TAKEN OVER. A global coup has occurred. THE DECLARATION OF NORTH AMERICA happened. Research this. We are no longer a “democracy”. I have been saying this for 2 years now. Serve God or serve satan, by default. And we are WARNED about pagan gods (Buddha, Allah=deception). There is only ONE God. One Creator. Freemasonry, which rules the world, IS satan in disguise. We are told he is legion, many. Many names, all ‘goddesses’ and gender-less gods. Trans. Baphomet. And Satan is behind EVERY evil agenda you see that played out during fake cov*ID: The mrna kill-shot to change your DNA, the fake plan*demonics, the fake VARIANTS, the wearing of the mask, the stand 6 6 6 feet apart, the TRANS agenda to subvert (sterilization) future generations and turn the #imageofGod into that of the #baphomet: those are RITUALS. SATANIC rituals. Satanists are running things. Don’t believe me? See Altiyan Child’s vid on HERE: THE WORLDS SECRET RELIGION – which is Satanism hidden behind, and within, Freemasonry). What SHE does not tell u is they are ALL GENDER INVERTED. That IS their religion. Satanism is the INVERSION, the opposite of all of Gods commandments and the invert their bodies as well, and their children are also INVERTED. Nobody is ‘born that way’ God does not make ‘mistakes’.
THEIR children are born male or female and are cross-dressed and raised as the opposite gender. DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN any of their RITUALS & PRAY 4 #EYESTOSEE do not support ANY of these GENDER INVERTED LUCIFERIANS. They HAVE hijacked the world. They are ALL Freemasons. All secret transgender (baphomets). They are the ENEMY of humanity with a nefarious end goal. And they are completing their “Great Work” for the architect THEY worship: lucifer (BAPHOMET/BA’AL. ISIS. ASTARTE, VENUS, its all the same). They are plunging the world into darkness, chaos and death, turning us against each other rather than THEM, and they are destroying our food supply with evil intent. They are creating famine. Homelessness. They are the ones creating these horrific weather events while blaming us and claiming ‘climate change’ when YES, THEY CONTROL THE WEATHER!!! THEY ARE THE ONES “CHANGING” the climate! Geo-engineering is real. Check out Weather WAR 101. As they drive around with their SUVs and private jets blaming us for what they are doing. Trying to charge us for the very carbon needed to sustain LIFE No carbon, no life.
The WAR is on US. All to instill FEAR. All lies. Look up HAARP. Geoengineering. 5G. D.E.W. Operation Popeye, Operation Crimson Mist, NEXRAD. They have controlled weather for over 50 years! We are being poisoned in every way possible.
They do not even HIDE it anymore. The writings of Alice Bailey, whom the World Economic Forum members WORSHIP, and writings of Helen Blavatsky CLEARLY STATE that in order to enter their New World Order, you MUST take a Luciferian pledge. That is: To worship lucifer. Agreement of any kind IS acceptance: Taking the the MRNA DNA CHANGING shots, taking a KNEE (yes, they used the BLM movement for him), supporting the TRANS for baphomet AGENDA) SO TAKE A STAND OR WORSHIP THE DEVIL BY DEFAULT.
People are being MURDERED by these death shots. Children are dying. Your family members are DYING! Everyone is sick with “cov*id” who took the shot. cov*IS DOES NOT EXIST, was NEVER ISOLATED. Hospitals and doctors globally were BOUGHT and are profiting off YOUR MISERY with death protocols, openly killing people w false “covid” diagnosis, killer vents & REMDESIVIR. Everyone put on a vent will die! Do u not get it? Hospitals get PAID to do this! Influencer’s on social media get PAID to lie to you. Phizer OWNS the ‘news’. Millions have been PERMANENTLY DISABLED! This a major DEPOPULATION AGENDA!
The entire world has been DECEIVED via the media with FEAR, fake numbers and fake deaths at the beginning of ‘covid’. They literally labeled EVERY death a “covid” death in the beginning. It was only real on the TELL-LIES-VISION. There are no ‘variants’ floating around in the air. The hospitals WERE NOT overflowing! The establishment merely replaced the word “flu” and “cold” with the anagram “covid” which actually stands for CERTIFICATE OF VACCINATION IDENTIFICATION. This is Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 being enacted, do not trust ME rather go to the UN& WEF websites to confirm all that I’ve said. DO NOT FALL FOR IT AGAIN! As of Weds, April 24 2024. they are trying to pull of Plandemic 2.0 calling for a AVIAN FLU https://rumble.com/v2fute4-an-interesting-vid-on-the-mark-and-the-next-plandemic-marburg-birdflu.html it was PLANNED!
They are trying DESPERATELY to cover up VACCINE GENOCIDE with a bunch of ridiculousness, calling the real mrna vaccine GENOCIDE “sudden adult death syndrome” (SADS) and making excuses for 5 & 7 year old vaxxed kids & teens having strokes and heart attacks. They WILL BE MADE MANDATORY I
It says in the Bible that ALL nations were deceived by what? Their ‘pharmakeia’ Please take this SERIOUSLY. This IS a spiritual Matter. Satan wants your soul. This is about YOUR SOUL.
Confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ IS the son of God, that he died for you so you may have life. Accept his sacrifice on the cross (he died on a cross, not on a tree as it now says in the Bible). Repent of your sins and do not continue to sin. Yes, this means you must CHANGE. Turn off the TV and the dummy phone and GET RIGHT WITH GOD! EVERYONE on the tell-lies-vision worship the enemy. ALL OF THEM!! Devices like ‘smartphones’ are meant to separate us from GOD and distract us and program us. Reject all of it! Do it now, before it is too late! I love you all. God Bless.
https://rumble.com/v1yrda0-the-vaccinated-are-owned-patented-and-gave-up-all-human-rights-must-see.html (Google Patent 6754472 look this up)
Where you can find me:
My social media. my Tumblr blogs: https://tumblr.com/authorflorenciamy books
t.me/AllshallBRevealed hacked
We are seeing lying signs and wonders through what is been termed the ‘Mandela Effect’ These changes to our Bibles WERE prophesied in scripture. JESUS CHRIST IS THE WORD OF GOD (John 1:1 and Revelations 19:13) and the WORD OF GOD endures forever. 2 THESS 2:8-11 REVELATIONS 22:18-19 AMOS 8:!1 DANIEL 7:25 2 TIMOTHY 4:4 ROMANS 1:25 JEREMIAH 31:33 HEBREWS 8:10 HEBREWS 10:16
All of the Pastors you see on TV are FREEMASONS. They do NOT worship God. Their god is satan. If they are throwing up the devil horns and pyramids, giving u the V for baphomet, signaling they are TRANS, DO NOT follow these deceivers (Joel Olsteen, Hillsong, Joyce Meyers, Kenneth, Copeland, THE VATICAN, basically ALL of them – they are all signed on with the Vatican to promote the new age. Luciferian one-world religion of Chis-lam and WILL enforce the Sunday Law). Note: Any church that closed down and opened only to push the death vaxx are compromised. They are 501(c)3 CORPORATIONS dependent on government funding and were paid very well to help push the government genocidal depopulation agenda onto their parishioners.
"What! Know ye not that YOUR BODY is the TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT, which is IS YOU, which ye have OF GOD, and Ye are not your own?" 1 Corin 6:19
Do NOT let your temple be defiled!!!! Fight for it. Protect it! Protect your children!!!
https://www.brighteon.com/a02b1413-704d-4131-829f-1e8f2c1af2e2 - eternal life inside a computer AI!!!!
https://rumble.com/vdusox-luciferase-theres-never-been-anything-like-it.html (PUTTING SATAN LITERALLY INSIDE HUMANS!!! FOR MASS CONTROL – U MUST RESIST!!!)
https://rumble.com/v2ffwyq-undeniable-scientific-proof-of-the-plandemic-and-global-genocide-via-mrna-v.html NEW NEW NEW WATCH AND SHARE!!!
Fetal cells:
https://rumble.com/vnr44d-pfizer-senior-director-sprints-away-from-reporter-over-fetal-cell-lines-in-.html (ALL VACCINES CONTAIN ABORTED FETUS. RESIST! THIS IS NOT FOR YOUR HEALTH!!! U DO NOT NEED ANY VACCINES!)
How they FEAR people into taking the vaccine that they don’t really need
"This is the formula they use to force people to take vaccines, coining US $536million in the first month. Governments pay for the first toxic-injections, but then through people's taxes, they continue to pay for the injections themselves. They have to keep people sick, that way the medical industry has customers for life." Dr Reiner Fuellmich, 2021
More harm than good
No informed consent
https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZaYQ0JOKnZgJ / obedience computing system is patented in the MRNA vaccine (MUST SEE!)
From Professor Mattias Desmet:
Totalitarianism always starts with a mass formation inside the population - it is not the same as dictatorship. In a dictatorship people obey out of basic fear of the dictator at the top.
MASS FORMATION needs 4 conditions to take place. This has now happened:
“30% of people are deeply hypnotized.
40% are not, but go along with the crowd. If this 40% stop hearing dissenting voices of reason, They will unite with the hypnotized to go along with the plan.
We are the last section, the 30% that cannot be hypnotized. We must keep speaking out. In totalitarianism when the last voices of dissent give up and become silent - the mass then starts committing atrocities for the sake of the solidarity and of the collective.
Professor Desmet says the hypnotism and mass formation he now sees is a condition clearly leading to totalitarianism. in a totalitarian state, once-normal people commit atrocities thinking they are righteous.
Dr David Martin said:
“The Vaxxed are given 2 yrs max to live - it’s a depopulation program. Nothing to do with your health.”.” Dr Carey Mullis, PCR test inventor who was murdered to keep silent as he knew too much.
“Each vaccine in the body shows up a 12 digit number when using a police scanner.”
Legal battle against WHO WEF Gates Fauci Tedros - depopulation Tyranny
MARK OF THE BEAST – why MRNA vaccines ARE the MARK – copy and share this truth!!!
The MRNA INJECTIONS are not medicine, are NOT vaccines. They are an intro-body nano network administered through injection. What they are finding in people are NOT blood-clots. This injection IS self-replicating, self-assembling nanotechnology which contains GRAPHENE. Lipid nano-particles that have been MODIFIED ON A MOLECULAR LEVEL; wrapped in pegulation-polyethelene-glycol (one of the components used to make hydro-gel. The lipid particles are modified to be more sensitive to HEAT and FREQUENCY (5G).
They contain LUCIFERASE to make the marked glow under certain light.
When placed in the human body they become excited by the heat, with that excitement they vibrate with the excitement and MAGNETOFCTION is created and the particles slowly drift towards each other; hence self-assembly. This inter-body nanotechnology. is the FIRST STEP IN MAKING THE HUMAN BODY A DEVICE, linking it to the INTERNET OF BODIES.
These MRNA injections also CHANGES HUMAN DNA, rendering a person into a GMO (genetically modified organism) now OWNED BY THE CORPORATION that administered the injection. This allows for the system to freely HARVEST psychological, biological, genetic and physiological data from the individual without their knowledge or consent. They are now PRODUCTS owned by the corporation (Pfizer, Moderna, etc). At the top of all these corporations is Black Rock and Vanguard. INFORMATION is the new goal & will be the foundation for the new cashless, digital financial system coming. The CBCD.
THE NEXT STEP is a quantum-dot MRNA tattoo for the fake covid-19, that will slowly release quantum dots (micro-chips) into the human body. It will individualize and AUTHENTICATE all data for each individual. This is the GOAL of the TRANS HUMAN AGENDA being INITIATED on the human population without their KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT by the global elitists, working primarily through the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM and the WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION), the IMF, and other global control systems not part of any one government.
THIS TECHNOLOGY, if it does not kills you, will link every human into the INTERNET OF BODIES. It IS the foundation for a GLOBAL CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) that will be controlled via quantum systems. This technology has the capacity to FULLY MONITOR AND CONTROL every individual who takes it. This IS the final Mark of the Beast, and the only way out is NON-COMPLIANCE. And Jesus Christ: THE way, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE
MRNA patent for Luciferase inside the MRNA shot: Patent 060606
https://rumble.com/v1razzm-breaking-news-shocking-what-is-really-in-the-vaccines-must-see.html (SHARE THIS TRUTH!!!) Track and Trace Act: HR 060606
It's always the same group of people who are behind the evil in our world.
Who am I talking about ?
Let's take a look at the COVID-19 hoax and the bioweapon “vaccine” clot-shot:
All aspects of the COVID-19 hoax and the COVID vaccines are
created, managed and approved of by Trans-sexual Talmudic Jews/Khazarian Mafioso.
CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former CDC Director, Robert Redfield, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Deputy Director, Ann Schucat, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Chief of Staff, Sherri Berger, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolfe, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Director, Washington Office, Jeff Reczek, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
FDA Vaccines, Dr. Eric Rubin, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
FDA Vaccines, Dr. Arno Monto, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Dr.Eric Rubin said this during an FDA hearing on the safety of the vaccine for children -->
Former FDA Commisioner, Stephen Hahn, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former FDA Commisioner, Scott Gottlieb, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former FDA Commisioner, David Kessler, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former FDA Commisioner, Andrew Eschenbach, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
COVID Czar, Jeff Zients, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
HHS Ass.Secretary, Rachel Levine, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Facebook Big Tech Vaccine Pushers/Founder, Mark Zuckerberg, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Google Big Tech Vaccine Pushers/Founder, Sergey Brin, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Google Big Tech Vaccine Pushers/Founder, Larry Page, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Pfizer CEO: Albert Bourla , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Albert Bourla was recently awarded the "Honorary Jew" award from Israel for the
Vaccine partnership between the State of Israel and Pfizer.
This means that Israel is implicated in the ongoing genocide ( over 2 million killed in US)
of humanity using the bioweapon known as the COVID vaccine.
Pfizer Chief Medical Officer: Dr. Mace Rothenberg
Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer: Mikael Dohlsten
Johnson & Johnson CEO: Alex Gorsky , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Astrazeneca CEO: Pascal Soriot , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Moderna's Vaccine Creator: Tal Zaks , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Vaccine Passport System (Currently in use around the world)
US Patent # 11,107,588 B2 , August 31, 2021
Gal Ehrlich, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Ramat-Gan, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Maier Fenster, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Petach-Tikva, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Made in ISRAEL
Vaccine Approvals --> Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Vaccine Maker -- > Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Vaccine Passport --> Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Open your eyes.
Midnight Think Tank ~ Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
Eric Rubin
Dr.Eric Rubin said this during an FDA hearing on the safety of the vaccine for children -->
"We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is unless you start giving it."
William Burke
"If you believe a vaccine is going to save us, I have 40 questions for you...
1. Name 5 vaccine ingredients.
2. What is MRC-5?
3. What is WI-38?
4. What is vaccine court?
5. What is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?
6. What is the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act?
7. How has the CDC schedule changed since 1986?
8. How much money has been paid out by vaccine injury court?
9. How many doses of how many vaccines are in the CDC schedule between birth and age 16? (70 in US)
10. Do vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue? If so, which vaccines? And how many aborted babies were needed before they found one with the virus necessary to create the vaccine?
11. Do any vaccines contain dog, monkey, pig, and human DNA?
12. What is an adjuvant?
13. What is an antigen?
14. Which arm of the immune system do vaccines stimulate?
15. Which arms of the immune system do natural diseases stimulate?
16. What is transverse myelitis?
17. What is encephalopathy?
18. What is the rate of autism in 2017, what was it in 2000? What was it in 1990?
19. What is glyphosate and is it in vaccines?
20. If your child is injured, who will take physical, emotional, and financial responsibility?
21. What was the Supreme Court’s statement on vaccines in 2011?
22. Can you provide a study showing vaccinated vs. unvaccinated health outcomes?
23. Can you show me a safety study proving it is safe to inject multiple vaccines?
24. What is shedding?
25. Do vaccines shed? Which vaccines can shed for up to 6 weeks?
26. Which vaccines are live virus vaccines?
27. What is the VICP?
28. What is SV40?
29. What is MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase)?
30. What is an acceptable amount of aluminum to ingest per day and how much is injected via the hep B vaccine on day one of life?
31. Can someone who was vaccinated for pertussis still spread pertussis after being exposed to it? If so, for how long?
32. What is the death rate from measles in the US from 2005-2015? From the MMR vaccine in same time frame?
33. What does attenuated mean?
34. Where can I find information about vaccines?
35. Are there vaccine consent forms?
36. Can the vial stopper cause allergic reaction?
37. Can there be serious reactions to vaccines?
38. What is NVIC?
39. Is there any compensation for physicians who have a certain percentage of their patients vaccinated? How about schools? How about CHURCHES who had vaccine drives?
40.whats the difference between natural formaldehyde and synthetic (synthetic is in vaccine)
Welcome to COPY & PASTE, I did.
Get searching! Know the truth! - Cee L.
https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/html research these
Consider supporting my work (making more of my own vids/uploads and research). Sponsor my next book if u like: PayPal.me/florenciaauthor (help me get a new laptop) Venmo: Florencia-LaChance God Bless. Share these vids! Post my vids on YOUR social media. T.me/ALLSHALLBEREVEALED672 Connect on Telegram t.me/ALLSHALLBEREVEALED67 t.me/AllShallbRevealed all were hacked
"What! Know ye not that YOUR BODY is the TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT, which is IS in you, which ye have OF GOD, and Ye are not your own?" 1 Corin 6:19
‘I am coming quick! Hold fast to what you have. That no one may take YOUR CROWN.’ Rev 3-11 (Wake up world!)
‘I am coming quick! Hold fast to what you have. That no one may take YOUR CROWN.’ Rev 3-11 Corona=CROWN / Virus = POISON IN LATIN - WAKE UP WORLD!! ASBR67 may not agree with everything from the content producers I share or re-post. Apply critical thinking and use discernment to come to your own conclusions regarding the content in the videos. Pray. Use discernment in also reading comments. God bless. Consider supporting the Channel: https://givesendgo.com/ALLSHALLBEREVEALED67 or Paypal.me/florenciaauthor
https://rumble.com/v5wbh1t-hidden-world-of-secret-society-destroying-gods-image-is-their-greatwork-fre.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wbf5w-covid-classic-clips-20212024-part-5-know-the-truth.html NEW
https://rumble.com/v5wbc7n-the-androgeny-agenda-in-masonic-literature-thegreatwork-is-genderinversion-.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wbbgz-emp-33-days-freemason-33-predictiveprogramming-r-u-ready.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wba4n-the-synagogue-of-satan-r-all-gender-inverted-see-my-hidden-world-series.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wbakw-operation-janus-smhp-mirrored.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wb95n-the-marverlous-adventures-of-baron-trump-mirrored-smhp.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wb8l8-osirus-rex-some-assembly-required-mirrored.html new
https://rumble.com/v5wb7ob-blue-velvet-mirrored-by-le-naturel-elitegenderinversion-in-film.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmiqn-hidden-world-of-secret-society-we-were-brainwashed-from-birth-by-the-tell-l.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmgi8-the-return-of-the-nehushtan-bronze-serpent-on-a-pole-w.h.o.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmeoe-duality-the-gnostic-inverted-religion-of-freemasonry-thegreatwork-is-gender.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmdpe-pray-with-me-tonight-beautifulprayers-faith.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmbkb-delaurentiis-family-and-the-serpent-of-masonry.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vmaon-the-khazarian-mafia-the-god-eaters-part-2-documentary.html new
https://rumble.com/v5vm9p8-the-khazarian-mafia-the-god-eaters-part-1-documentary-mirrored.html new
https://rumble.com/v5t17f8-hidden-world-of-secret-society-the-great-pretenders-elitegenderinversion.html CENSORED
https://rumble.com/v5sbuyw-swineavian-flu-1990-alan-watt-exposes-the-w.h.o-global-genocide-program.html this is a MUST SEE as they prepare to launch MARBURG AVIAN PLANDEMIC
DOWNLOAD the Rumble channel, navigate to ALLSHALLBEREVEALED67B and watch any of this great content on your smart TV Thanks for sharing the channel and vids. God bless
https://rumble.com/v5sbwr2-from-eugenics-to-plandemics-documentary-mustsee.html MY FAVORITE DOCUMENTARY
https://rumble.com/v5qly7h-they-live-fullmovie-eyestosee-earstohear-can-u-see-itsallinverted.html FAVORITE MOVIE
https://rumble.com/v5pyomk-dude-looks-like-a-first-lady.html ITS all of THEM
https://rumble.com/v5pn3jz-hidden-world-of-secret-society-blinded-by-the-lighte-of-lucifer-part-2.html we were all BLINDED. Watch my HIDDEN WORLD series
https://rumble.com/v5pyxkn-the-replacement-gods-a-documentary.html IT WAS WALL ABOUT REPLACING GOD WITH BAPHOMET #eyestosee
https://rumble.com/v5qm0z2-hidden-world-of-secret-society-its-all-inverted-thewholeworld-in-his-hands-.html EVERYTHING u see on the TV is backwards #BAPHOMET #upsidedown INVERTED
https://rumble.com/v5rzzx5-acta-pilates-letter-to-ceasar-re-jesus-christ.html GOD IS REAL. CHRIST IS REAL. THE ONLY WAY OUT OF THE EVIL
I am still trying to get my old channel ALLSHALLBEREVEALED67 reinstated- Please send emails to support@rumble.com and protest the removal of my family Christian channel- Thanks all. #nevergiveup #useyourvoice God bless-
It is time to take a STAND World. The governments of the world have been TAKEN OVER. A global coup has occurred. THE DECLARATION OF NORTH AMERICA happened. Research this. We are no longer a “democracy”. I have been saying this for 2 years now. Serve God or serve satan, by default. And we are WARNED about pagan gods (Buddha, Allah=deception). There is only ONE God. One Creator. Freemasonry, which rules the world, IS satan in disguise. We are told he is legion, many. Many names, all ‘goddesses’ and gender-less gods. Trans. Baphomet. And Satan is behind EVERY evil agenda you see that played out during fake cov*ID: The mrna kill-shot to change your DNA, the fake plan*demonics, the fake VARIANTS, the wearing of the mask, the stand 6 6 6 feet apart, the TRANS agenda to subvert (sterilization) future generations and turn the #imageofGod into that of the #baphomet: those are RITUALS. SATANIC rituals. Satanists are running things. Don’t believe me? See Altiyan Child’s vid on HERE: THE WORLDS SECRET RELIGION – which is Satanism hidden behind, and within, Freemasonry). What SHE does not tell u is they are ALL GENDER INVERTED. That IS their religion. Satanism is the INVERSION, the opposite of all of Gods commandments and the invert their bodies as well, and their children are also INVERTED. Nobody is ‘born that way’ God does not make ‘mistakes’.
THEIR children are born male or female and are cross-dressed and raised as the opposite gender. DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN any of their RITUALS & PRAY 4 #EYESTOSEE do not support ANY of these GENDER INVERTED LUCIFERIANS. They HAVE hijacked the world. They are ALL Freemasons. All secret transgender (baphomets). They are the ENEMY of humanity with a nefarious end goal. And they are completing their “Great Work” for the architect THEY worship: lucifer (BAPHOMET/BA’AL. ISIS. ASTARTE, VENUS, its all the same). They are plunging the world into darkness, chaos and death, turning us against each other rather than THEM, and they are destroying our food supply with evil intent. They are creating famine. Homelessness. They are the ones creating these horrific weather events while blaming us and claiming ‘climate change’ when YES, THEY CONTROL THE WEATHER!!! THEY ARE THE ONES “CHANGING” the climate! Geo-engineering is real. Check out Weather WAR 101. As they drive around with their SUVs and private jets blaming us for what they are doing. Trying to charge us for the very carbon needed to sustain LIFE No carbon, no life.
The WAR is on US. All to instill FEAR. All lies. Look up HAARP. Geoengineering. 5G. D.E.W. Operation Popeye, Operation Crimson Mist, NEXRAD. They have controlled weather for over 50 years! We are being poisoned in every way possible.
They do not even HIDE it anymore. The writings of Alice Bailey, whom the World Economic Forum members WORSHIP, and writings of Helen Blavatsky CLEARLY STATE that in order to enter their New World Order, you MUST take a Luciferian pledge. That is: To worship lucifer. Agreement of any kind IS acceptance: Taking the the MRNA DNA CHANGING shots, taking a KNEE (yes, they used the BLM movement for him), supporting the TRANS for baphomet AGENDA) SO TAKE A STAND OR WORSHIP THE DEVIL BY DEFAULT.
People are being MURDERED by these death shots. Children are dying. Your family members are DYING! Everyone is sick with “cov*id” who took the shot. cov*IS DOES NOT EXIST, was NEVER ISOLATED. Hospitals and doctors globally were BOUGHT and are profiting off YOUR MISERY with death protocols, openly killing people w false “covid” diagnosis, killer vents & REMDESIVIR. Everyone put on a vent will die! Do u not get it? Hospitals get PAID to do this! Influencer’s on social media get PAID to lie to you. Phizer OWNS the ‘news’. Millions have been PERMANENTLY DISABLED! This a major DEPOPULATION AGENDA!
The entire world has been DECEIVED via the media with FEAR, fake numbers and fake deaths at the beginning of ‘covid’. They literally labeled EVERY death a “covid” death in the beginning. It was only real on the TELL-LIES-VISION. There are no ‘variants’ floating around in the air. The hospitals WERE NOT overflowing! The establishment merely replaced the word “flu” and “cold” with the anagram “covid” which actually stands for CERTIFICATE OF VACCINATION IDENTIFICATION. This is Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 being enacted, do not trust ME rather go to the UN& WEF websites to confirm all that I’ve said. DO NOT FALL FOR IT AGAIN! As of Weds, April 24 2024. they are trying to pull of Plandemic 2.0 calling for a AVIAN FLU https://rumble.com/v2fute4-an-interesting-vid-on-the-mark-and-the-next-plandemic-marburg-birdflu.html it was PLANNED!
They are trying DESPERATELY to cover up VACCINE GENOCIDE with a bunch of ridiculousness, calling the real mrna vaccine GENOCIDE “sudden adult death syndrome” (SADS) and making excuses for 5 & 7 year old vaxxed kids & teens having strokes and heart attacks. They WILL BE MADE MANDATORY I
It says in the Bible that ALL nations were deceived by what? Their ‘pharmakeia’ Please take this SERIOUSLY. This IS a spiritual Matter. Satan wants your soul. This is about YOUR SOUL.
Confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ IS the son of God, that he died for you so you may have life. Accept his sacrifice on the cross (he died on a cross, not on a tree as it now says in the Bible). Repent of your sins and do not continue to sin. Yes, this means you must CHANGE. Turn off the TV and the dummy phone and GET RIGHT WITH GOD! EVERYONE on the tell-lies-vision worship the enemy. ALL OF THEM!! Devices like ‘smartphones’ are meant to separate us from GOD and distract us and program us. Reject all of it! Do it now, before it is too late! I love you all. God Bless.
https://rumble.com/v1yrda0-the-vaccinated-are-owned-patented-and-gave-up-all-human-rights-must-see.html (Google Patent 6754472 look this up)
Where you can find me:
My social media. my Tumblr blogs: https://tumblr.com/authorflorenciamy books
t.me/AllshallBRevealed hacked
We are seeing lying signs and wonders through what is been termed the ‘Mandela Effect’ These changes to our Bibles WERE prophesied in scripture. JESUS CHRIST IS THE WORD OF GOD (John 1:1 and Revelations 19:13) and the WORD OF GOD endures forever. 2 THESS 2:8-11 REVELATIONS 22:18-19 AMOS 8:!1 DANIEL 7:25 2 TIMOTHY 4:4 ROMANS 1:25 JEREMIAH 31:33 HEBREWS 8:10 HEBREWS 10:16
All of the Pastors you see on TV are FREEMASONS. They do NOT worship God. Their god is satan. If they are throwing up the devil horns and pyramids, giving u the V for baphomet, signaling they are TRANS, DO NOT follow these deceivers (Joel Olsteen, Hillsong, Joyce Meyers, Kenneth, Copeland, THE VATICAN, basically ALL of them – they are all signed on with the Vatican to promote the new age. Luciferian one-world religion of Chis-lam and WILL enforce the Sunday Law). Note: Any church that closed down and opened only to push the death vaxx are compromised. They are 501(c)3 CORPORATIONS dependent on government funding and were paid very well to help push the government genocidal depopulation agenda onto their parishioners.
"What! Know ye not that YOUR BODY is the TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT, which is IS YOU, which ye have OF GOD, and Ye are not your own?" 1 Corin 6:19
Do NOT let your temple be defiled!!!! Fight for it. Protect it! Protect your children!!!
https://www.brighteon.com/a02b1413-704d-4131-829f-1e8f2c1af2e2 - eternal life inside a computer AI!!!!
https://rumble.com/vdusox-luciferase-theres-never-been-anything-like-it.html (PUTTING SATAN LITERALLY INSIDE HUMANS!!! FOR MASS CONTROL – U MUST RESIST!!!)
https://rumble.com/v2ffwyq-undeniable-scientific-proof-of-the-plandemic-and-global-genocide-via-mrna-v.html NEW NEW NEW WATCH AND SHARE!!!
Fetal cells:
https://rumble.com/vnr44d-pfizer-senior-director-sprints-away-from-reporter-over-fetal-cell-lines-in-.html (ALL VACCINES CONTAIN ABORTED FETUS. RESIST! THIS IS NOT FOR YOUR HEALTH!!! U DO NOT NEED ANY VACCINES!)
How they FEAR people into taking the vaccine that they don’t really need
"This is the formula they use to force people to take vaccines, coining US $536million in the first month. Governments pay for the first toxic-injections, but then through people's taxes, they continue to pay for the injections themselves. They have to keep people sick, that way the medical industry has customers for life." Dr Reiner Fuellmich, 2021
More harm than good
No informed consent
https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZaYQ0JOKnZgJ / obedience computing system is patented in the MRNA vaccine (MUST SEE!)
From Professor Mattias Desmet:
Totalitarianism always starts with a mass formation inside the population - it is not the same as dictatorship. In a dictatorship people obey out of basic fear of the dictator at the top.
MASS FORMATION needs 4 conditions to take place. This has now happened:
“30% of people are deeply hypnotized.
40% are not, but go along with the crowd. If this 40% stop hearing dissenting voices of reason, They will unite with the hypnotized to go along with the plan.
We are the last section, the 30% that cannot be hypnotized. We must keep speaking out. In totalitarianism when the last voices of dissent give up and become silent - the mass then starts committing atrocities for the sake of the solidarity and of the collective.
Professor Desmet says the hypnotism and mass formation he now sees is a condition clearly leading to totalitarianism. in a totalitarian state, once-normal people commit atrocities thinking they are righteous.
Dr David Martin said:
“The Vaxxed are given 2 yrs max to live - it’s a depopulation program. Nothing to do with your health.”.” Dr Carey Mullis, PCR test inventor who was murdered to keep silent as he knew too much.
“Each vaccine in the body shows up a 12 digit number when using a police scanner.”
Legal battle against WHO WEF Gates Fauci Tedros - depopulation Tyranny
MARK OF THE BEAST – why MRNA vaccines ARE the MARK – copy and share this truth!!!
The MRNA INJECTIONS are not medicine, are NOT vaccines. They are an intro-body nano network administered through injection. What they are finding in people are NOT blood-clots. This injection IS self-replicating, self-assembling nanotechnology which contains GRAPHENE. Lipid nano-particles that have been MODIFIED ON A MOLECULAR LEVEL; wrapped in pegulation-polyethelene-glycol (one of the components used to make hydro-gel. The lipid particles are modified to be more sensitive to HEAT and FREQUENCY (5G).
They contain LUCIFERASE to make the marked glow under certain light.
When placed in the human body they become excited by the heat, with that excitement they vibrate with the excitement and MAGNETOFCTION is created and the particles slowly drift towards each other; hence self-assembly. This inter-body nanotechnology. is the FIRST STEP IN MAKING THE HUMAN BODY A DEVICE, linking it to the INTERNET OF BODIES.
These MRNA injections also CHANGES HUMAN DNA, rendering a person into a GMO (genetically modified organism) now OWNED BY THE CORPORATION that administered the injection. This allows for the system to freely HARVEST psychological, biological, genetic and physiological data from the individual without their knowledge or consent. They are now PRODUCTS owned by the corporation (Pfizer, Moderna, etc). At the top of all these corporations is Black Rock and Vanguard. INFORMATION is the new goal & will be the foundation for the new cashless, digital financial system coming. The CBCD.
THE NEXT STEP is a quantum-dot MRNA tattoo for the fake covid-19, that will slowly release quantum dots (micro-chips) into the human body. It will individualize and AUTHENTICATE all data for each individual. This is the GOAL of the TRANS HUMAN AGENDA being INITIATED on the human population without their KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT by the global elitists, working primarily through the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM and the WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION), the IMF, and other global control systems not part of any one government.
THIS TECHNOLOGY, if it does not kills you, will link every human into the INTERNET OF BODIES. It IS the foundation for a GLOBAL CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) that will be controlled via quantum systems. This technology has the capacity to FULLY MONITOR AND CONTROL every individual who takes it. This IS the final Mark of the Beast, and the only way out is NON-COMPLIANCE. And Jesus Christ: THE way, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE
MRNA patent for Luciferase inside the MRNA shot: Patent 060606
https://rumble.com/v1razzm-breaking-news-shocking-what-is-really-in-the-vaccines-must-see.html (SHARE THIS TRUTH!!!) Track and Trace Act: HR 060606
It's always the same group of people who are behind the evil in our world.
Who am I talking about ?
Let's take a look at the COVID-19 hoax and the bioweapon “vaccine” clot-shot:
All aspects of the COVID-19 hoax and the COVID vaccines are
created, managed and approved of by Trans-sexual Talmudic Jews/Khazarian Mafioso.
CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former CDC Director, Robert Redfield, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Deputy Director, Ann Schucat, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Chief of Staff, Sherri Berger, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolfe, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Director, Washington Office, Jeff Reczek, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
FDA Vaccines, Dr. Eric Rubin, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
FDA Vaccines, Dr. Arno Monto, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Dr.Eric Rubin said this during an FDA hearing on the safety of the vaccine for children -->
Former FDA Commisioner, Stephen Hahn, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former FDA Commisioner, Scott Gottlieb, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former FDA Commisioner, David Kessler, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former FDA Commisioner, Andrew Eschenbach, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
COVID Czar, Jeff Zients, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
HHS Ass.Secretary, Rachel Levine, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Facebook Big Tech Vaccine Pushers/Founder, Mark Zuckerberg, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Google Big Tech Vaccine Pushers/Founder, Sergey Brin, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Google Big Tech Vaccine Pushers/Founder, Larry Page, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Pfizer CEO: Albert Bourla , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Albert Bourla was recently awarded the "Honorary Jew" award from Israel for the
Vaccine partnership between the State of Israel and Pfizer.
This means that Israel is implicated in the ongoing genocide ( over 2 million killed in US)
of humanity using the bioweapon known as the COVID vaccine.
Pfizer Chief Medical Officer: Dr. Mace Rothenberg
Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer: Mikael Dohlsten
Johnson & Johnson CEO: Alex Gorsky , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Astrazeneca CEO: Pascal Soriot , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Moderna's Vaccine Creator: Tal Zaks , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Vaccine Passport System (Currently in use around the world)
US Patent # 11,107,588 B2 , August 31, 2021
Gal Ehrlich, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Ramat-Gan, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Maier Fenster, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Petach-Tikva, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Made in ISRAEL
Vaccine Approvals --> Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Vaccine Maker -- > Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Vaccine Passport --> Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Open your eyes.
Midnight Think Tank ~ Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
Eric Rubin
Dr.Eric Rubin said this during an FDA hearing on the safety of the vaccine for children -->
"We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is unless you start giving it."
William Burke
"If you believe a vaccine is going to save us, I have 40 questions for you...
1. Name 5 vaccine ingredients.
2. What is MRC-5?
3. What is WI-38?
4. What is vaccine court?
5. What is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?
6. What is the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act?
7. How has the CDC schedule changed since 1986?
8. How much money has been paid out by vaccine injury court?
9. How many doses of how many vaccines are in the CDC schedule between birth and age 16? (70 in US)
10. Do vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue? If so, which vaccines? And how many aborted babies were needed before they found one with the virus necessary to create the vaccine?
11. Do any vaccines contain dog, monkey, pig, and human DNA?
12. What is an adjuvant?
13. What is an antigen?
14. Which arm of the immune system do vaccines stimulate?
15. Which arms of the immune system do natural diseases stimulate?
16. What is transverse myelitis?
17. What is encephalopathy?
18. What is the rate of autism in 2017, what was it in 2000? What was it in 1990?
19. What is glyphosate and is it in vaccines?
20. If your child is injured, who will take physical, emotional, and financial responsibility?
21. What was the Supreme Court’s statement on vaccines in 2011?
22. Can you provide a study showing vaccinated vs. unvaccinated health outcomes?
23. Can you show me a safety study proving it is safe to inject multiple vaccines?
24. What is shedding?
25. Do vaccines shed? Which vaccines can shed for up to 6 weeks?
26. Which vaccines are live virus vaccines?
27. What is the VICP?
28. What is SV40?
29. What is MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase)?
30. What is an acceptable amount of aluminum to ingest per day and how much is injected via the hep B vaccine on day one of life?
31. Can someone who was vaccinated for pertussis still spread pertussis after being exposed to it? If so, for how long?
32. What is the death rate from measles in the US from 2005-2015? From the MMR vaccine in same time frame?
33. What does attenuated mean?
34. Where can I find information about vaccines?
35. Are there vaccine consent forms?
36. Can the vial stopper cause allergic reaction?
37. Can there be serious reactions to vaccines?
38. What is NVIC?
39. Is there any compensation for physicians who have a certain percentage of their patients vaccinated? How about schools? How about CHURCHES who had vaccine drives?
40.whats the difference between natural formaldehyde and synthetic (synthetic is in vaccine)
Welcome to COPY & PASTE, I did.
Get searching! Know the truth! - Cee L.
https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/html research these
Consider supporting my work (making more of my own vids/uploads and research). Sponsor my next book if u like: PayPal.me/florenciaauthor (help me get a new laptop) Venmo: Florencia-LaChance God Bless. Share these vids! Post my vids on YOUR social media. T.me/ALLSHALLBEREVEALED672 Connect on Telegram t.me/ALLSHALLBEREVEALED67 t.me/AllShallbRevealed all were hacked
"What! Know ye not that YOUR BODY is the TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT, which is IS in you, which ye have OF GOD, and Ye are not your own?" 1 Corin 6:19
‘I am coming quick! Hold fast to what you have. That no one may take YOUR CROWN.’ Rev 3-11 (Wake up world!)
CEO of One God Clothing Company Morgan Ariel is back with Stew to detail Elon Musk’s apology tour at Auschwitz and how X is no longer the platform for free speech.
Peter Quinones, host of the Peter Quinones Show, is here to reveal the truth about Nazi book burning.
The world needs to know the truth that fake history has concealed. WATCH Old World Order, and find out more at: https://stewpeters.com/owo/
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The [DS] is panicking over Trump's nominees especially Kash Patel. They know that he will produce all the crimes they have committed. The [DS] is using the drone narrative to push fear and to push a new law. Trump sent a message about the drones and it's becoming clearer and clearer of what is going on. The drones are used for monitoring and the [DS] is using it to their advantage. Scavino lets us know the end is near for the [DS].
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A Special Thanks from Alpha:
The past 2.5 years have been an extraordinary journey and an unrelenting battle. Through every trial and tribulation, I have felt the unwavering guidance of God. When the weight of the journey seemed insurmountable, it was the fierce love of my family and the steadfast support of you, my patriot warriors, that reignited my resolve and reminded me of my sacred oath to fight on.
Your words of encouragement and financial support have been the lifeblood of this mission, empowering me to stand strong and press forward. My gratitude for each of you is boundless.
Thank you from the depths of my soul, and may God bless you abundantly.
The battle is far from over, but united, we are unstoppable.
With unyielding resolve, Alfredo “Alpha” Luna
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Welcome to the AlphaWarrior Show. The views and opinions expressed by our guests are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the AlphaWarrior Show host or any affiliated individuals or organizations. While we encourage open and honest discussions, listeners should be aware that our guests' perspectives may not align with our own beliefs or values. All content presented is for the purposes of news, education, theory, investigation, journalism, reporting, entertainment, or other purposes not specifically enumerated.
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Financial Disclaimer: The AlphaWarrior Show provides general financial and investment information solely for educational purposes. This information does not constitute specific financial or investment advice, nor does it represent an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or financial instruments. The content of this podcast is not a substitute for professional financial advice. Any decisions made based on the information provided are taken at the listener's own risk. The AlphaWarrior Show and its host disclaim any liability for any actions or inactions taken by any listener based on the information provided. We strongly recommend that listeners consult with a licensed financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
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Thank you for tuning in.
Fair Use Act Disclaimer: The AlphaWarrior Show may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, such material has been referenced to advance understanding of political, human rights, ecological, economic, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues. This constitutes a "fair use" of any such material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Lara Trump about the challenges and constant pressure the Trump family faced over nine years in politics, including intense media scrutiny and business losses; how Donald Trump's presidency shifted the cultural narrative, moving from counterculture to mainstream acceptance of Trump supporters; the Trump family's relatability despite public perceptions; the evolution of the RNC under new leadership and its alignment with Trump’s campaign, away from the party's “old guard” to the new MAGA movement; her openness to filling Marco Rubio’s Senate seat if appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis; the awakening of female voters during Trump’s tenure; Donald Trump’s growth from personal and political challenges, including an assassination attempt; the transformation of the Republican Party into the "America First" or "MAGA" movement; Donald Trump’s ability to identify talent and build strong teams out of diverse people like Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.; the decline of mainstream media influence and the rise of alternative online platforms; Elon Musk’s role in fostering free speech on platforms like Twitter; the potential for a bright future for America under this evolving political and cultural landscape; and much more.
Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here:
Today’s Sponsors:
Rumble Premium - Corporate America is fighting to remove speech, Rumble is fighting to keep it. If you really believe in this fight Rumble is offering $10 off with the promo code RUBIN when you purchase an annual subscription,
Go to: https://Rumble.com/premium/RUBIN and use promo code RUBIN
The Wellness Company - Get your Medical Emergency Kits with potentially life-saving medications for you to keep on hand in times of need. Rest easy knowing that you have emergency antibiotics, antivirals and anti-parasitics to help keep you and your family safe. Rubin Report viewers can save up to $45 and get FREE shipping at checkout when they use code: RUBIN.
Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN
#RubinReport #LaraTrump #RNC #Republicans #RepublicanParty #MAGA #Trump #DaveRubin
Is the state of US news driving you crazy? Does the coverage of political news rarely seem “fair and balanced”? Serious discussions on US politics is vital to having a healthy democracy. No matter what political party you belong to, we need to be able to hear a variety of political perspectives. Whether you majored in political science or just want to have a deeper understanding of the issues you’ll want to check out this playlist:
To make sure you never miss a single Rubin Report video, click here to subscribe:
Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, politicians and comedians. The Rubin Report is the largest talk show about free speech and big ideas on YouTube.
Dave allows his guests to speak their minds and his audience to think for themselves.
New videos every week.
The Rubin Report is fan funded through monthly and one-time donations:
Join Dave's Locals community: https://rubinreport.locals.com/
Order “Don't Burn This Country” the follow up to Dave Rubin’s New York Times bestselling “Don’t Burn This Book” here: https://daverubin.com/book/
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Dave Rubin's book, "Don't Burn This Book" is available at:
LISTEN to The Rubin Report podcast: www.rubinreport.com/podcast
See Dave LIVE: https://daverubin.com/events/
Sign up for our newsletter with the best of The Rubin Report delivered to your inbox once a week: http://www.rubinreport.com/newsletter
Official Rubin Report Merchandise: https://rubinreport.myshopify.com/
All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet.
Get a print here: https://www.caylinrosejanet.com/rubinreportart.html
Lara Trump
Co-Chair, RNC
Lara on X: https://x.com/LaraLeaTrump
Follow Dave on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubinReport
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About Dave Rubin: http://rubinreport.com
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Joe Biden breaking his promise to not pardon his son Hunter Biden and Elon Musk’s perfect response to X’s community notes concerning Biden’s lie; Kash Patel, Trump’s controversial pick for FBI director, telling Glenn Beck why Jeffrey Epstein’s list has been protected by the FBI and what he plans to do to dismantle the deep state; Kevin O’Leary of "Shark Tank” telling shocked CNN hosts why Trump’s tariff plan could bring China to its knees; Marc Andreessen explaining to Joe Rogan the shocking truth of how various tech entrepreneurs have been targeted and debanked under Operation Choke Point for being “politically exposed persons” and having the wrong political beliefs as well as why so many wealthy people supported Kamala Harris; Coleman Hughes shutting down CNN’s Ameshia Cross for accusing Joe Rogan of being a grifter who changed his political beliefs; and much more.
WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/
Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here:
Today’s Sponsors:
Lumen.Me - Lumen is the world’s first handheld metabolic coach that measures your metabolism through your breath. It lets you know if you’re burning fat or carbs, and gives you tailored guidance to improve your nutrition, workouts, and sleep.
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Rumble Premium - Corporate America is fighting to remove speech, Rumble is fighting to keep it. If you really believe in this fight Rumble is offering $10 off with the promo code RUBIN when you purchase an annual subscription,
Go to: https://Rumble.com/premium/RUBIN and use promo code RUBIN
Field Emergency Kit - This prescription Field Emergency Kit from The Wellness Company provides you with life-saving antibiotics, antivirals, anti-parasitics, non-addictive pain relief, and even a generic EpiPen. This is a Rumble Exclusive Offer, and quantities are limited. Rubin Report viewers save $200 off at checkout PLUS free shipping when they use code: RUMBLESALE. Kits are ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE USA.
Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUMBLESALE
#RubinReport #ElonMusk #HunterBiden #JoeBiden #pardon #Twitter #daverubin
The Direct Message directly addresses political news, cultural news and current events of the day. It’s only by having rational conversations about these topics that we can help end political polarization. To hear what Dave has to say on these and a variety of other topics watch this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEbhOtC9klbDG22n--rCDbv02-n8l6agL
To make sure you never miss a single Rubin Report video, click here to subscribe:
Looking for honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? If so, then you’re in the right place because on “The Rubin Report” Dave Rubin engages the ideas of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, entertainers and politicians. Dave lets his guests speak their minds and his audience to think for themselves.
The Rubin Report is fan funded through monthly and one-time donations: https://rubinreport.com/support
Join Dave's Locals community: https://rubinreport.locals.com/
Order “Don't Burn This Country” the follow up to Dave Rubin’s New York Times bestselling “Don’t Burn This Book” here: https://daverubin.com/book/
Dave Rubin's book, "Don't Burn This Book" is available at:
LISTEN to The Rubin Report podcast: www.rubinreport.com/podcast
See Dave LIVE: https://daverubin.com/events/
Sign up for our newsletter with the best of The Rubin Report delivered to your inbox once a week: http://www.rubinreport.com/newsletter
Official Rubin Report Merchandise: https://rubinreport.myshopify.com/
All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet.
Get a print here: https://www.caylinrosejanet.com/rubinreportart.html
Follow Dave on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubinReport
Follow The Rubin Report on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rubinreport
Follow Dave on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daverubin
Follow Dave on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rubinreport/?hl=en
About Dave Rubin: http://daverubin.com/
Thumbnail Images Courtesy of: Richard Bord / Contributor/Teresa Kroeger / Contributor / Getty Images
Try the only Conolidine product in the world risk-free for a full 90 days.
This private link and special discount expire at midnight tonight
Climate cartel manager colluded to take over the board of big energy companies. Macy's is closing 150 stores. It is the 20th anniversary of Newsome solving the homeless crisis which never happened. Trump's message, the golden age has already begun.
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Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^
Disclaimer: (there's always a risk of investment and there's no guarantee of any kind)
All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.
Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.
Twenty-six FBI informants are confirmed to have been at the Capitol on January 6th, Caitlin Clark shares "her truth," and assisted suicide now accounts for one in 20 deaths in Canada.
- - -
Today's Sponsors:
Lumen - Get 15% off your purchase! https://lumen.me/KNOWLES
Stronghold Rescue & Relief - Support our teams today at https://strongholdrescue.org
Stop Box USA - Get firearm security redesigned and save with BOGO the StopBox Pro AND 10% OFF @StopBoxUSA with code KNOWLES at https://stopboxusa.com/KNOWLES #stopboxpod
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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Joe Rogan expressing his horror to Rick Strassman about Democrats' unprecedented talk of giving a pre-emptive presidential pardon to Dr. Fauci; “The View’s” Sunny Hostin being surprised by Bill Clinton’s surprisingly candid answer about the idea of Biden pre-emptively pardoning his wife, Hillary Clinton; Donald Trump telling “Meet the Press’” Kristen Welker whether he had plans to fire Christopher Wray as the director of the FBI; Argentina’s Javier Milei announcing how his policies to control government spending have created the first fiscal surplus for the country in 123 years; the 92nd Street Y in NYC losing complete control of pro-Palestine protesters during Katie Couric’s interview with Nancy Pelosi; Van Jones’ brutally honest message for the Democratic Party and divisive movements like BLM and #MeToo; and much more. Dave also does a special “ask me anything” question-and-answer session on a wide-ranging host of topics, answering questions from the Rubin Report Locals community.
WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/
Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here:
Today’s Sponsors:
MAHA Contagion Emergency Kit - This prescription Contagion Emergency Kit from The Wellness Company provides you with a carefully selected assortment of effective medications for bird flu, COVID-19, and other respiratory illnesses. Rubin Report viewers save $45 at checkout PLUS free shipping when they use code: RUBIN. Kits are ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE USA.
Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN
Rumble Premium - Corporate America is fighting to remove speech, Rumble is fighting to keep it. If you really believe in this fight Rumble is offering $10 off with the promo code RUBIN when you purchase an annual subscription,
Go to: https://Rumble.com/premium/RUBIN and use promo code RUBIN
1775 Coffee - Peaberry coffee isn’t your average bean—it’s coffee’s best-kept secret. It's denser, more flavorful, and packed with bold energy to kickstart your mornings. Rubin Report viewers get 15% off their order.
Go to: https://1775coffee.com/RUBIN and use code RUBIN
#RubinReport #JoeRogan #JRE #JoeRogan #DrFauci #Fauci #pardon #presidentialpardon #Biden #daverubin
The Direct Message directly addresses political news, cultural news and current events of the day. It’s only by having rational conversations about these topics that we can help end political polarization. To hear what Dave has to say on these and a variety of other topics watch this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEbhOtC9klbDG22n--rCDbv02-n8l6agL
To make sure you never miss a single Rubin Report video, click here to subscribe:
Looking for honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? If so, then you’re in the right place because on “The Rubin Report” Dave Rubin engages the ideas of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, entertainers and politicians. Dave lets his guests speak their minds and his audience to think for themselves.
The Rubin Report is fan funded through monthly and one-time donations: https://rubinreport.com/support
Join Dave's Locals community: https://rubinreport.locals.com/
Order “Don't Burn This Country” the follow up to Dave Rubin’s New York Times bestselling “Don’t Burn This Book” here: https://daverubin.com/book/
Dave Rubin's book, "Don't Burn This Book" is available at:
LISTEN to The Rubin Report podcast: www.rubinreport.com/podcast
See Dave LIVE: https://daverubin.com/events/
Sign up for our newsletter with the best of The Rubin Report delivered to your inbox once a week: http://www.rubinreport.com/newsletter
Official Rubin Report Merchandise: https://rubinreport.myshopify.com/
All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet.
Get a print here: https://www.caylinrosejanet.com/rubinreportart.html
Follow Dave on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubinReport
Follow The Rubin Report on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rubinreport
Follow Dave on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daverubin
Follow Dave on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rubinreport/?hl=en
About Dave Rubin: http://daverubin.com/
Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
http://x22gold.com or call 877-646-5347
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^
Disclaimer: (there's always a risk of investment and there's no guarantee of any kind)
The economy continues to take it's toll. The container store could file for bankruptcy. Trump will stop the cancellation of student loans. Trump pushes hard against Canada with tariffs. Social Security is scam. Trump floats the idea of getting rid of income tax.
All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.
Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.
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FEMA seems to be very confused why the people of #WNC are choosing to NOT use the hotel vouchers they are handing out... https://x.com/matt_vanswol/status/1863275891666677799
A former witch explains how she left Satan and embraced God. https://x.com/TheFlatEartherr/status/1863132756303040814
UN Closing https://x.com/LionelMedia/status/1863188185091653662
WEAPONIZATION: The FBI terrorized more than 1,000 Americans who were at the Capitol on J6 with early morning raids. https://x.com/amuse/status/1863206524232880546
Editing caught on accident during NASA TV shoot! https://x.com/TinaZimmermann4/status/1863203761922994184
Kash Patel: "I’d shut down the FBI Hoover Building on DAY 1 and reopen the next day as a museum of the Deep State https://x.com/TheThe1776/status/1863113883587887129
When someone tells you Kash Patel is unqualified, be sure to show them his resume. https://x.com/GrageDustin/status/1863028756501131545
Hurricane Helene was 2 months ago https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1862828649956696308
Just listen to what new FBI Director Kash Patel promised last year: https://x.com/Patri0tContr0l/status/1863054543954530457
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The [DS] is now pushing a multi level plan that consists of riots, plandemic, solar flares, drone warfare and war. The drones are most likely US based and they are using them for tracking. The [DS] will use this to push fear into the public. Raskin is now demanding Trump use the FBI for background checks. The [DS] is panicking, they are not in control.
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All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.
Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.
Try the only Conolidine product in the world risk-free for a full 90 days.
This private link and special discount expire at midnight tonight
The [DS] /[CB] is imploding and the [CB] is trying to keep it from crashing, not because they want the economy to thrive because they war waiting for Trump to take office. Florida looking into gold to counter the fiat currency. The fake news pushing the narrative that Trump's policies will cause the economy to crash.
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All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.
Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.
all 800-807-2143 or go to https://colonialmetalsgroup.com/stephen-gardner - You can receive a safe and up to $7,500 in free silver!
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Trump has been named person of the year by Time magazine. Your thoughts on this?
In the past 4 years I’ve seen almost no effort to protect the US dollar, strengthen it and protect it as the world reserve currency. In fact, the dollar lost 26% of its buying power and inflation is hurting most americans. What do you think of Trump using language and projected policy to strengthen the US dollar once more?
Does the United State becoming energy independent against strengthen the country and the dollar?
Why is it good to have some of your wealth and retirement outside of the US fiat system in the form of gold and silver?
Kamala spent close to $1.3 billion in 100 days, ended up $20 million in debt. Do you think we dodged a bullet as a country based on her handling of the border and financial project?
Tom Homan, Trump’s border czar told reporters outside of a christmas party that the first areas he will hit with be democrat strong holds, cities with mayors threatening to block him, sanctuary states. He seems determined if not more driven by these democrat leaders saying they with use hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars to fight to keep illegals here. Thoughts on his plan and their rebellious behavior.
Is it fair to say one reason to have gold and silver is no one can just order a billion tons of gold be magically created like the Federal Reserve bank does with digital fiat money?
1. Trump border czar announcement
2. Tom Homan border czar
3. Mitch McConnell Senate vote
4. McConnell phone number
5. RFK Jr. health policies
6. Trump administration appointments
7. Biden resignation rumors
9. Trump campaign updates
10. 2024 election predictions
11. Kamala Harris criticism
12. Trump on immigration policies
13. Stephen Miller deputy chief
14. Vivek Ramaswamy federal workforce
15. Rick Scott Senate leadership
16. JD Vance VP pick
17. Trump's cabinet picks
18. Mitch McConnell subverting Trump
19. Trump and MAGA voters
20. AOC vs Tom Homan
### SEO-Adjacent Keywords (Trending & Social Media):
53. Mitch McConnell exposed
54. call McConnell Senate office
55. RFK Jr. Big Pharma lawsuits
56. Kamala Harris spending scandal
57. Homan vs AOC on family separation
58. Biden’s Ukraine funding debate
59. Trump on Zelensky aid
60. Kamala campaign debt crisis
61. Trump social media updates
62. Truth Social latest posts
63. MAGA rallies 2024
64. Trump vs deep state players
65. Biden’s war hawk policies
66. RFK Jr. FDA overhaul
67. Vivek Ramaswamy federal reforms
68. MAGA supporters news
69. Trump speeches on immigration
70. JD Vance policy updates
71. Nikki Haley out of Trump cabinet
72. Stephen Miller's policy influence
73. Kamala Harris campaign missteps
74. Trump unity message Democrats
75. Harris resignation calls
76. Trump’s second term picks
77. Trump vs deep state conspiracies
78. Truth Social vs mainstream media
79. MAGA Senate influence
80. border control under Trump
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The [DS] is now releasing more of their plan to stop Trump. Trump has always know their playbook and 3 steps ahead of them. Trump understands how the game is played. The [DS] was not going to go easily, they will hunker down and to try the nominees, they try to stop Trump from firing people and they will try to stop Trump from taking office, all of this will fail in the end. The Mandate is clear, the people have spoken.
All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
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Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Democrat megadonor John Morgan explaining to Fox News’ Kayleigh McEnany how incompetent the Kamala Harris campaign really was behind the scenes and how even Barron Trump knew how important it was to go on the Joe Rogan podcast.
Watch Dave Rubin's FULL DIRECT MESSAGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRqCY4Sy8Dc&list=PLEbhOtC9klbDG22n--rCDbv02-n8l6agL&index=1&t=977s&pp=gAQBiAQB
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The Direct Message segments of the Rubin Report are a chance for Dave Rubin to directly address current events, political news and the topics of the day. Whether it’s encouraging critical thinking, defending free speech, or fending off political correctness, it’s only by having calm rational conversations about these issues that can help de-escalate the political polarization and help heal our democracy. To hear what Dave has to say on these and a variety of other topics watch this playlist:
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The [DS] just showed the people their true colors. They lie to the people, the do the opposite of what they promised they weren't going to do. Joe Biden just exposed the DOJ saying they selectively targeted his son. So does this mean that the DOJ is corrupt. This is why the patriots never charged anyone, because Biden and the [DS] would have pardoned them all. Soon, justice is coming.
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All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.
Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.
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A massive thank you to everyone at Day’s Edge Productions for making this documentary happen. Check them out at https://daysedge.com/.
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Adam Foreman, Anton Ragin, Balkrishna Heroor, Bertrand Serlet, Bill Linder, Blake Byers, Bruce, Burt Humburg, Chris Harper, Dave Kircher, David Johnston, Evgeny Skvortsov, Garrett Mueller, Gnare, gpoly, I. H., John H. Austin, Jr., john kiehl, Josh Hibschman, Juan Benet, KeyWestr, Kyi, Lee Redden, Marinus Kuivenhoven, Martin, Matthias Wrobel, Max Paladino, Meekay, meg noah, Michael Krugman, Orlando Bassotto, Paul Peijzel, Richard Sundvall, Sam Lutfi, Stephen Wilcox, Tj Steyn, Toni, TTST, Ubiquity Ventures, wolfee
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Production by Day's Edge fully funded by National Science Foundation (Grant #IOS 1831767)
Featuring: Dr. Nathan Morehouse (University of Cincinnati); Olivia Harris (University of Cincinnati), Dr. Megan Porter (University of Hawaii); Dr. Lisa Taylor (University of Florida); Dr. Wayne Maddison (University of British Columbia); and Dr. Emma Alexander (Northwestern University)
Directed by Neil Losin
Written by Neil Losin
Edited by Neil Losin, Andy Laub, and Alan Saunders
Animated by Root House Studio and David Hutchinson
Filmed by Neil Losin, Nate Dappen, Alex Wiles, Andy Laub, and Barend van der Watt
Produced by Day’s Edge Productions
Repurposed for YouTube by Derek Muller, Casper Mebius, Petr Lebedev, Peter Nelson, Trenton Oliver, Emily Zhang, Giovanna Utichi, Rob Beasley Spence, Emily Taylor, and Gregor Čavlović
Thumbnail contributions by Ren Hurley and Peter Sheppard
Video/photos supplied by Day’s Edge Productions and Storyblocks
Music by Adrian Younge, PBS, Epidemic Sound, and Jonny Hyman
Alastair Crooke: Russia took down 90% of their Attack | Incredible Tactics!
Strategic Thinking
13.5K subscribers
65,912 views Premiered Nov 25, 2024 #AlastairCrooke #WorldPolitics #ForeignPolicy
Discover the thought-provoking insights of Alastair Crooke, a former British diplomat and one of the most influential voices on Middle Eastern politics and global geopolitics. 🌍
In this exclusive video, we explore Crooke’s extensive career, his deep understanding of Middle Eastern affairs, and his bold critiques of Western foreign policy. Known for his nuanced perspectives on conflicts in the region, Crooke’s analysis brings clarity to the complexities of modern geopolitics and international relations.
The early career and diplomatic background of Alastair Crooke
His key contributions to Middle Eastern diplomacy and conflict resolution
An exploration of his critical views on Western interventions and global politics
Insights from Crooke’s writings and interviews on international relations
Exclusive interview footage (if applicable)
📚 Best known for his sharp and often unconventional perspectives on geopolitics, Alastair Crooke offers invaluable insights into the power dynamics shaping today's global conflicts. This video provides a comprehensive look at his career and lasting influence on international diplomacy.
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📕Bible Audio Featuring The Complete Audio Holy Bible: King James Version Audio CD – Audiobook, October 20, 2009 by James Earl Jones with Jon Sherberg (Author)💲: https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Audio-Holy-Bible-Version/dp/1600775845?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=4210a3-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=918107ce6b58bb615206a772417d2b44&camp=1789&creative=9325
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🎬Great Documentaries
Does the Bible outline what men should enjoy or aspire to? Nate and Pastor Joseph explore this intriguing question with humor and depth, shedding light on how scripture relates to modern-day “manly” interests. This clip challenges stereotypes while inviting thoughtful reflection. 📖💪
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In this hard-hitting episode of Open Eyes, we expose the moral decay that's sweeping through America, with powerful forces at play behind the scenes. Big Pharma’s dirty secrets continue to unravel as RFK Jr. wages a relentless war against the pharmaceutical giants, and the truth about their grip on society grows more challenging to ignore. Meanwhile, the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) movement is imploding, revealing its true destructive agenda as it transitions from DEI to DIE—showing the world the real cost of this woke ideology. MK Ultra is back in the spotlight with the release of the Wicked Movie, sending shockwaves across the entertainment world as the mind control tactics of the past resurface. In a stunning shift, Bibles and prayer are being welcomed back into schools, signaling a dramatic reversal in the battle for faith in the public sphere.
The New Capitulation Tour has begun, and world leaders are folding like dominoes in the face of Trump’s growing influence. From Trudeau in Canada to leaders in Mexico and even North Korea, all are bending the knee, realizing that Trump is the one they must reckon with. Meanwhile, Zelensky is poised to hand over Ukrainian territory to Russia for the first time, signaling a major shift in the ongoing conflict. And Putin? He’s not letting up—warning of continued assassination attempts on Trump, as the political stakes have never been higher.
But the real shockers lie within the American Church. God is cleaning house in ways that no one expected. TD Jakes is hit with a medical emergency, sparking rumors and whispers about his health and future. The prosecutor in Diddy’s case mysteriously steps down, raising suspicions about what’s happening behind closed doors. The Daystar scandal continues to grow, casting a shadow over prominent faith leaders as their ties to corruption are exposed. Even those closest to Trump in the faith community are having their dirty laundry aired in public, revealing a dark undercurrent of hypocrisy, greed, and scandal.
For centuries, blackmail has been the hidden currency of the elite world—used to control, manipulate, and force compliance from those who might otherwise stand against their agenda. This practice has fueled the heinous operations of figures like Epstein and his associates, trapping influential individuals in compromising positions to secure their silence and cooperation. But now, God’s move is exposing blackmail as the very foundation of the elite's power structure, lifting the skirts on all those tied to these sinister forces. Tragically, the church has not been immune to this practice. Many men and women of God have been engaging in their own brand of blackmail—using manipulation and witchcraft in the name of submission and obedience. Leaders have twisted scripture and used their positions of power to force compliance, coercing others into silence through fear, control, and exploitation, claiming this as “God’s will.” But now, God is stripping these systems of control bare, revealing the high places within the Christian industry that have long hidden behind the guise of spiritual authority. Trump’s new cabinet and inner circle will not be blackmailed, and this refusal is shaking Washington, D.C., to its core. The manipulative tricks that once controlled both the political and spiritual realms are no longer working, and the exposure of these tactics is bringing deep-seated corruption into the light.
In her final words, Dr. Robyn reminds us that judgment begins in the house of God. The whirlwind of the last Trump has blown on every home. This includes the houses of those who say they are men and women of God. Every fox has a hole that it hides in, but the move of God right now is to expose the holes. Those who are in Trump’s direct path, whether in the church, government, or entertainment, their holes are being exposed because God does not show partiality. When He cleans house, He strips the world of its evil, but He strips His house bare so that anything not planted by our Heavenly Father is uprooted and thrown into the fire. Every high place must come down, including the high places of the Christian industry. Praise God that He only gives us what we can handle. While every foxhole will be exposed, they won't be exposed all at once because we, the Church, couldn't take it. For too long, our confidence has been in heroes of the faith instead of Jesus. So here is the question: when these leaders of faith fall, does your faith? This is the test to see who you are trusting the most.
Don’t miss Open Eyes—where the truth is revealed, and the prophetic becomes reality.
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