,Comedy,Universal Comedy,Universal,Stand Up,Stand Up Comedy,Comedian,Stand Up Comedian,jGyANyjhXsw,UCZIv78thfup6-JB5HxqT3Pg, Entertainment,Humour, channel_UCZIv78thfup6-JB5HxqT3Pg, video_jGyANyjhXsw,We don't need overfamiliarity.
BUY Jack Dee's hilarious 2013 Live Show So What? now: https://amzn.to/2GnNsRF
Twitter: / therealjackdee
Website: https://offthekerb.com/artist/jack-dee/
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #JackDee
,Comedy,Universal Comedy,Universal,Stand Up,Stand Up Comedy,Comedian,Stand Up Comedian,4bizcufP_jU,UCZIv78thfup6-JB5HxqT3Pg, Entertainment,Film,Humour,Performing_arts,Television_program, channel_UCZIv78thfup6-JB5HxqT3Pg, video_4bizcufP_jU,We live for a jab.
BUY Ricky Gervais - Fame now :https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ricky-Gervais-Live-3-Fame/dp/B00VRZ6UBA
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #rickygervais
,Comedy,Universal Comedy,Universal,Stand Up,Stand Up Comedy,Comedian,Stand Up Comedian,bYTEflyB3sc,UCZIv78thfup6-JB5HxqT3Pg, Entertainment,Film,Performing_arts, channel_UCZIv78thfup6-JB5HxqT3Pg, video_bYTEflyB3sc,How do you rate his impression?
Instagram: @StephenMerchant
Twitter: @StephenMerchant
BUY Stephen Merchant - Hello Ladies... Live. NOW: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Stephen-Merchant-Live-Hello-Ladies/dp/B004P1IHJQ
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy
,1,Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
BUY Lockipedia now: https://amzn.to/2AOoxAt
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #seanlock
,1,What does it all mean?!
BUY Ricky Gervais Live 2 - Politics now: https://amzn.to/2rU9oN6
Twitter: @rickygervais
Facebook: / rickygervais
Website: https://www.rickygervais.com/
Instagram: / rickygervais
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy
,1,Does he have a point?
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealJackDee
Website: https://offthekerb.com/artist/jack-dee/
#Comedy #JackDee #Universal #Standup
,1,"I'm here to eat every crisp in this house."
Website: https://www.kevinbridges.co.uk/
Facebook: / kevinbridgescomedy
Twitter Handle: @kevinbridges86
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #KevinBridges
,1,Don't do that!!
BUY Sean Lock: The Complete Collection now: https://amzn.to/2ERYmf7
Website: https://offthekerb.com/artist/sean-lock/
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #SeanLock
,1,"Ask your dad about magnets."
BUY Purple Van Man now: https://amzn.to/2tP1OkN
Website: https://offthekerb.com/artist/sean-lock/
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#SeanLock #Channel4 #8outof10catsdoescountdown #StandUp #Funniest #Comedy #Heckler #roast
,1,Things definitely took a weird turn.
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
BUY An Evening With Noel Fielding on DVD now: https://amzn.to/2YvU09g
Website: http://noelfielding.co.uk/
Facebook: / noelfielding
Twitter Handle: @noelfielding11
#StandUp #Comedy #noelfielding
,1,In winter they eat stew and cry.
BUY Jon Richardson’s Nidiot NOW: https://amzn.to/3c2CZHm
Twitter: / ronjichardson
Facebook: / ronjichardson
Website: www.jonrichardsoncomedy.com
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy
,1,It's a 3-clap-joke...
BUY Sean Lock: The Complete Collection now: https://amzn.to/2ERYmf7
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #seanlock
,1,Ever seen that film Snakes On A Plane?
BUY The Story So Far on DVD now: https://amzn.to/2NZbfLv
Website: https://www.kevinbridges.co.uk/
Facebook:/kevinbridges. .
Twitter Handle: @kevinbridges86
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #KevinBridges #scotland
,1,He knows everything about her! 😱
BUY Jon Richardson’s Old Man Live NOW: https://amzn.to/3hfYAh6
Twitter: /ronjichardson
Website: www.jonrichardsoncomedy.com
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy
,1,I'll never look at squirrels the same way again 😱
BUY Sarah’s LATEST live DVD Outsider NOW: https://amzn.to/3auXAU5
Twitter: /sarahmillican75
Website: www.sarahmillican.co.uk
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #sarahmillican
,1,The Last Leg's Adam Hills discusses the great USA and it's ignorant attitude towards every other country in the world.
He also brings out a lucky audience member to sing the entire USA National Anthem.
BUY Happyism.... NOW: https://amzn.to/2F9Avtj
Website: http://adamhills.com.au/
Twitter Handle : @adamhillscomedy
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #AdamHills
,1,I wish Romesh Ranganathan was my dad...
Buy Irrational now...https://amzn.to/3kgjejo
Follow Romesh's various social accounts here:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/romeshranga...
Twitter - https://bit.ly/39SEfeV
FaceBook - /romesh.ranganathan
Website - https://www.romeshranganathan.co.uk/
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy
,1,We all wish we had a built in mouth horn!
BUY Lockipedia now: https://amzn.to/2AOoxAt
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #seanlock
,1,He has a good point...
Website: https://www.kevinbridges.co.uk/
Facebook: /kevinbridgescomedy
Twitter: @kevinbridges86
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #kevinbridges
,1,All of the tweets are WILD!!!
BUY That's The Way, A-Ha, A-Ha, Joe Lycett now: https://amzn.to/2zG9Fo1
Website: http://www.joelycettcomedy.co.uk/
X/Twitter: @joelycett
Facebook: /joelycett
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #joelycett
,1,He makes us all feel that way...
Website: https://www.dylanmoran.com/
Twitter: @thedylanmoran
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #dylanmoran
,1,The B.O was STAGGERING!!!
BUY Science by Ricky Gervais now on:
DVD: https://amzn.to/2p1IcLm
Google Play: https://bit.ly/32vt7RG
Twitter: @rickygervais
Facebook: /rickygervais
Website: https://www.rickygervais.com/
Instagram: @rickygervais
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #rickygervais
,1,He's the *** looking **** right?
BUY Jon Richardson’s Old Man Live NOW: https://amzn.to/3hfYAh6
Twitter: /ronjichardson
Facebook: /ronjichardson
Website: www.jonrichardsoncomedy.com
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy
,1,Sara Millican asks the audience about dodgy bra fittings!
BUY Sarah’s LATEST live DVD Control Enthusiast NOW: https://amzn.to/2A7kj6L
X/Twitter: /sarahmillican75
Facebook: /sarah-millican-9367549505
Website: www.sarahmillican.co.uk
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy
,1,I'd be slightly annoyed if a bolt was shot into my brain... but thats just me
Buy Crowd Tickler now at... https://amzn.to/2G1dn0a
Website: http://www.daraobriain.com/
Twitter: @daraobriain
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #daraobriain
,1,He's hotter than Daniel Craig!!!
BUY That's The Way, A-Ha, A-Ha, Joe Lycett now: https://amzn.to/2zG9Fo1
Website: http://www.joelycettcomedy.co.uk/
X/Twitter: @joelycett
Facebook: /joelycett
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #joelycett
,1,We're screwed 😱
BUY Science by Ricky Gervais now on:
DVD: https://amzn.to/2p1IcLm
Google Play: https://bit.ly/32vt7RG
Twitter: @rickygervais
Facebook: /rickygervais
Website: https://www.rickygervais.com/
Instagram: @rickygervais
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #rickygervais
Stripped is a back-to-basics stand-up from Eddie Izzard, and is a continuation of her style of comedy, full of "stream-of-conscious banter and predilection for nonsensical detours and frequent tangents." Recorded live at the Lyric Theatre.
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #eddieizzard
,1,His wife can't hack the banter...
BUY Purple Van Man now: https://amzn.to/2tP1OkN
Website: https://offthekerb.com/artist/sean-lock/
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#SeanLock #Channel4 #8outof10catsdoescountdown #StandUp #Funniest #Comedy #Heckler #roast
,1,If you wife can't stand you, hose a dinner party...
There's a lot wrong with the world, and Dylan Moran can see every single one of you!
Dylan Moran's Off The Hook is out now on DVD and Digital Download. Order your copy here;
DVD: http://amzn.to/1TeatlP
Digital Download: https://bit.ly/2VoRpvb
Website: https://www.dylanmoran.com/
Twitter: @thedylanmoran
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy
,1,Excited to announce Sarah Millican's shows Outsider (2016) & Control Enthusiast (2018) are available to stream and download direct from Sarah's website sarahmillican.co.uk making them available online worldwide for the first time ever.
Watch the full show here!: http://watch.sarahmillican.co.uk
Twitter: /sarahmillican75
Website: www.sarahmillican.co.uk
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #sarahmillican
,1,A party shouldn't have a scheduled end time...
Website: https://www.kevinbridges.co.uk/
Facebook: / kevinbridgescomedy
Twitter Handle: @kevinbridges86
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #KevinBridges
,1,Excited to announce Sarah Millican's shows Outsider (2016) & Control Enthusiast (2018) are available to stream and download direct from Sarah's website sarahmillican.co.uk making them available online worldwide for the first time ever.
Watch the full show here!: http://watch.sarahmillican.co.uk
Twitter: /sarahmillican75
Website: www.sarahmillican.co.uk
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #sarahmillican
,1,Who would win in a fight????
Dylan Moran's What It Is is out now on DVD and Digital Download. Order your copy here https://amzn.to/2NpsWQV
Website: https://www.dylanmoran.com/
Twitter: @thedylanmoran
#DylanMoran #Comedy #StandUp
,1,WHAT IS THE MOST VIOLENT DESTRUCTIVE ANIMAL ON THE PLANET? Is it the human?... no, it's the huge Gorilla tearing down buildings in 1930's New York.
Ricky also decides to read some of his favourite book to the audience, a little book called The Bible.
BUY Animals now: https://amzn.to/2Om7YnK
Twitter: @rickygervais
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rickygervais/
Website: https://www.rickygervais.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rickygervais
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#Comedy #RickyGervais #GoldenGlobes
,1,Do you agree with Eds hot takes???
Buy Crowd Pleaser here - https://amzn.to/2ZDhWWn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mredbyrne?lang=en-gb
Website: https://edbyrne.com/
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#EdByrne #StandUp #Comedy
,1,He should of looked at that laminated list...
BUY Jon Richardson’s Nidiot NOW: https://amzn.to/3c2CZHm
Twitter: / ronjichardson
Facebook: / ronjichardson
Website: www.jonrichardsoncomedy.com
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniest...
#StandUp #Comedy #jonrichardson
,1,Al Murray gives a crash course on World Economics.
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #almurray
,1,Kevin Bridges: The Overdue Catch-up available to buy or rent from 4th December 2023!!!
Kevin Bridges is back and funnier than ever with his hotly anticipated new show from his sold-out international live tour!
The Overdue Catch-Up welcomes audiences into the mind of one of the sharpest comedy talents the UK has to offer and features new updated material. With a career spanning an incredible 19 years, Bridges already has the life experience of a man twice his age, helping him to hit the nail on the head with his shrewd and hilarious outlook on the modern world.
Filmed live from the Cork Opera House and giving a performance described as “glorious” (The Times), “barnstorming” (The List) and “a comedy masterclass” (The Herald), Bridges is "on his way to becoming a comedy great” (The Times).
It’s the must-see comedy event of the year!
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #kevinbridges
,1,We backed you up in both world wars Dave...
BUY PC's World.... NOW: https://amzn.to/2VAluWn
WEBSITE: https://www.http://paulchowdhry.com/
TWITTER: @paulchowdhry
FACEBOOK: /paul-chowdhry
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniest...
#FunnyVideos #Comedy #PaulChowdhry
,1,You could carry 6 pints and tweet at the same time!
BUY Purple Van Man now: https://amzn.to/2tP1OkN
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #SeanLock
,1,He'a got the same body fat as a pork scratching...
BUY Animals now: https://amzn.to/2Om7YnK
Twitter: @rickygervais
Website: https://www.rickygervais.com/
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#Comedy #RickyGervais #GoldenGlobes #Animals
,1,Shoutout to all the Jontys & Bifs out there! 🧐
Website: https://www.dylanmoran.com/
Twitter: @thedylanmoran
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy
,1,You ever been you a boulangerie???
Find out what that is in the video... 🥖
Buy Live at the Theatre Royal here https://amzn.to/3yhhSvH
Website: http://www.daraobriain.com/
Twitter: @daraobriain
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniest...
#Comedy #DaraOBriain #Universal
,1,He might look like a darts prodigy but he's still one of the greatest comedians living!
Don't miss the new live show - Kevin Bridges: The Overdue Catch-up!
Digital & DVD 4th December!
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #kevinbridges
,1,On Digital & DVD 4th December!
Kevin Bridges is back and funnier than ever with his hotly anticipated new show from his sold-out international live tour!
The Overdue Catch-Up welcomes audiences into the mind of one of the sharpest comedy talents the UK has to offer, featuring updated material and exclusive behind the scenes footage. With a career spanning an incredible 19 years, Bridges already has the life experience of a man twice his age, helping him to hit the nail on the head with his shrewd and hilarious outlook on the modern world.
Filmed live from the Cork Opera House and giving a performance described as “glorious” (The Times), “barnstorming” (The List) and “a comedy masterclass” (The Herald) Bridges is "on his way to becoming a comedy great” (The Times).
It’s the must-see comedy event of the year!
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniestevercomedy?sub_confirmation=1
#StandUp #Comedy #kevinbridges
,1,whats worse the meerkat or the knitted monkey?
BUY Rich Hall's 3:10 To Humour NOW at - https://amzn.to/2RyVJGx
WEBSITE: https://offthekerb.com/artist/rich-hall/
Don’t forget to subscribe to Universal Comedy for all your comedy needs - https://www.youtube.com/user/funniest...
#RichHall #Comedy #FunnyVideos #Universal