,Clayton morris,natali morris,redacted,redacted news,redacted with Clayton Morris,geo politics,h3hsYcRhAcE,UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA, Politics,Society, channel_UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA, video_h3hsYcRhAcE,✅Videos we recommend:
Steve Friend is an FBI whistleblower who tried to warn us all about the prosecution of January 6th defendants, and he was punished for that. He joins us today to discuss reform inside the FBI, which seems to be forthcoming with the appointment of Kash Patel as the new leader of the FBI.
✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️
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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
Some of the links in this description and in our videos may be affiliate links, and pay us a small commission if you use them. We really appreciate the support.
The content in our YouTube videos SHALL NOT be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. We are not financial advisers. We only express our opinions based on our experiences. Your experience may be different. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. You must conduct your own research. There is NO guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
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,Clayton morris,natali morris,redacted,redacted news,redacted with Clayton Morris,geo politics,88sWJWsKpOA,UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA, Politics,Society, channel_UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA, video_88sWJWsKpOA,✅Videos we recommend:
GDR Labs: Gameday Labs: All natural pain relief for muscle and joint aches, sleep better, live energetically Go to: http://www.trycono.com/Redacted
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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
Some of the links in this description and in our videos may be affiliate links, and pay us a small commission if you use them. We really appreciate the support.
The content in our YouTube videos SHALL NOT be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. We are not financial advisers. We only express our opinions based on our experiences. Your experience may be different. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. You must conduct your own research. There is NO guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
These videos are for entertainment purposes ONLY. IF stocks or companies are mentioned, we MAY have an ownership interest in them -- DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on these videos. If you need advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, insurance agent, contractor/electrician/engineer/etc., financial advisor, or the appropriate professional for the subject you would like help with. Linked items may create a financial benefit for our company.
,Clayton morris,natali morris,redacted,redacted news,redacted with Clayton Morris,geo politics,4teTRi9zKDo,, Politics,Society, channel_UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA, video_4teTRi9zKDo,GhostBed: Visit https://www.ghostbed.com/redacted and use code REDACTED for 50% off today.
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Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com/
Hillsdale College: Go right now to http://www.hillsdale.edu/REDACTED to enroll. There’s no cost, and it’s easy to get started.
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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
Some of the links in this description and in our videos may be affiliate links, and pay us a small commission if you use them. We really appreciate the support.
The content in our YouTube videos SHALL NOT be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. We are not financial advisers. We only express our opinions based on our experiences. Your experience may be different. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. You must conduct your own research. There is NO guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
These videos are for entertainment purposes ONLY. IF stocks or companies are mentioned, we MAY have an ownership interest in them -- DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on these videos. If you need advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, insurance agent, contractor/electrician/engineer/etc., financial advisor, or the appropriate professional for the subject you would like help with. Linked items may create a financial benefit for our company.
,Clayton morris,natali morris,redacted,redacted news,redacted with Clayton Morris,geo politics,DKLdT8tG9Xg,UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA, Politics,Society, channel_UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA, video_DKLdT8tG9Xg,✅Videos we recommend:
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The crooked Food and Drug Administration is about to be flipped on its head. Instead of partnering with Big Pharma and keeping healthy supplements off store shelves. It looks like they are about to be flipped upside down now that Robert F Kennedy Jr. Is going to be heading up the FDA, the CDC, and all of America's health systems.
Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST
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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
Some of the links in this description and in our videos may be affiliate links, and pay us a small commission if you use them. We really appreciate the support.
The content in our YouTube videos SHALL NOT be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. We are not financial advisers. We only express our opinions based on our experiences. Your experience may be different. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. You must conduct your own research. There is NO guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
These videos are for entertainment purposes ONLY. IF stocks or companies are mentioned, we MAY have an ownership interest in them -- DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on these videos. If you need advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, insurance agent, contractor/electrician/engineer/etc., financial advisor, or the appropriate professional for the subject you would like help with. Linked items may create a financial benefit for our company.
,Clayton morris,natali morris,redacted,redacted news,redacted with Clayton Morris,geo politics,MZ4YPQBZQo8,, Politics,Society, channel_UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA, video_MZ4YPQBZQo8,✅Videos we recommend:
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GDR Labs: Gameday Labs: All natural pain relief for muscle and joint aches, sleep better, live energetically Go to: http://www.trycono.com/Redacted
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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
Some of the links in this description and in our videos may be affiliate links, and pay us a small commission if you use them. We really appreciate the support.
The content in our YouTube videos SHALL NOT be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. We are not financial advisers. We only express our opinions based on our experiences. Your experience may be different. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. You must conduct your own research. There is NO guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
These videos are for entertainment purposes ONLY. IF stocks or companies are mentioned, we MAY have an ownership interest in them -- DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on these videos. If you need advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, insurance agent, contractor/electrician/engineer/etc., financial advisor, or the appropriate professional for the subject you would like help with. Linked items may create a financial benefit for our company.
,Clayton morris,natali morris,redacted,redacted news,redacted with Clayton Morris,geo politics,xGf-QLr_dUQ,UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA, Politics,Society, channel_UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA, video_xGf-QLr_dUQ,A political Trump tsunami is about to sweep over Washington, washing out all the swamp rats scrambling for cover. President-elect Donald Trump is poised to dismantle the deep state with the precision of a surgeon wielding a scalpel, going agency by agency, and changing the swamp forever.
Thanks to Cybin for sponsoring today's news update. You can learn more at their website here: https://cybin.com
✅Videos we recommend:
Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST
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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
Some of the links in this description and in our videos may be affiliate links, and pay us a small commission if you use them. We really appreciate the support.
The content in our YouTube videos SHALL NOT be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. We are not financial advisers. We only express our opinions based on our experiences. Your experience may be different. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. You must conduct your own research. There is NO guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
These videos are for entertainment purposes ONLY. IF stocks or companies are mentioned, we MAY have an ownership interest in them -- DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on these videos. If you need advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, insurance agent, contractor/electrician/engineer/etc., financial advisor, or the appropriate professional for the subject you would like help with. This video was conducted on behalf of Cybin, and was funded by Gold Standard Media LLC and/or affiliates. For our full disclaimer, please visit: https://portal.goldstandardir.com/disclaimer/NYSE: CYBN-56Linked items may create a financial benefit for our company.
,Clayton morris,natali morris,redacted,redacted news,redacted with Clayton Morris,geo politics,6a5X5N6_slA,, Politics,Society, channel_UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA, video_6a5X5N6_slA,✅Videos we recommend:
Bunkr Life (YT clip): Download BUNKR from the AppStore or PlayStore and use Code “Redacted” to get your first year FREE
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Monday - Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST
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✨FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law.
#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists
About Natali and Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
Some of the links in this description and in our videos may be affiliate links, and pay us a small commission if you use them. We really appreciate the support.
The content in our YouTube videos SHALL NOT be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. We are not financial advisers. We only express our opinions based on our experiences. Your experience may be different. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. You must conduct your own research. There is NO guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
These videos are for entertainment purposes ONLY. IF stocks or companies are mentioned, we MAY have an ownership interest in them -- DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on these videos. If you need advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, insurance agent, contractor/electrician/engineer/etc., financial advisor, or the appropriate professional for the subject you would like help with. Linked items may create a financial benefit for our company.
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! .........
Multiple deep state whistleblowers are all saying the same thing: the deep state will institute martial law to keep Trump from being inaugurated on January 20, 2025.
,rumble user_Redacted Watch as NYTimes Reporter gets SCHOOLED by an audience for lying to Americans | Redacted rumble_video_Dl24t__qR4e,
Jose Vega went viral this weekend for shouting down powerful liberals who lie about the economy. He is running for Congress as an independent and non-liar and he joins us on Redacted for the first time to discuss his First Amendment right to confront the government.
American Financing: Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. NMLS 182334, http://nmlsconsumeraccess.org. APR for rates in the 4's start at APR 5.672% for well qualified borrowers. Call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms ...........
Hillsdale College: Go to http://hillsdale.edu/redacted to start. It’s free, and it’s easy to get started. ..........
President Biden says no, the federal government, isn't controlling the weather. But nothing could be further from the truth. Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org joins Redacted to break some astonishing news.
The media wants you to get a new Covid vaccine! Here is AP News telling you that you've gotta do it because....well because they want you to. Has it been approved with clinical trials? No. Does it address the most recent variant? No. They just want you to get it.
American Financing: Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. NMLS 182334, nmlsconsumeraccess.org. APR for rates in the 4's start at APR 5.672% for well qualified borrowers. Call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms
Judge Andrew Napolitano joins Redacted to talk about the latest revelations in the assassination attempt against President Trump. The judge also discusses the special council's criminal case against President Trump.
BiOptimizers: Head to http://bioptimizers.com/redacted now and use code REDACTED to claim your 10% discount. It's time to make these final 90 days of 2024 legendary with Magnesium Breakthrough. ..........
American Financing: Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. NMLS 182334, nmlsconsumeraccess.org. APR for rates in the 4's start at APR 5.672% for well qualified borrowers. Call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms ..........
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! .........
Blood donation organizations are suddenly asking a very important question: Did you take the covid vaccine? It turns out that blood tainted by the Covid Vaccine is tainted. Air Force veteran Thomas Haviland joins us with this stunning story.
GDR Labs: Gameday Labs: All natural pain relief for muscle and joint aches, sleep better, live energetically Go to: http://www.trycono.com/Redacted
Tucker Carlson calls this America's most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Russian President Putin sent a nuclear warning to NATO and the United States over strikes inside Russia
BiOptimizers: Head to http://bioptimizers.com/redacted now and use code REDACTED to claim your 10% discount. It's time to make these final 90 days of 2024 legendary with Magnesium Breakthrough. ...........
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! ............
American Financing: Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. NMLS 182334, nmlsconsumeraccess.org. APR for rates in the 4's start at APR 5.672% for well qualified borrowers. Call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms ............
Tucker Carlson calls this America's most dangerous moment, overnight Russian President Putin sent a nuclear warning to NATO and the United States over strikes inside Russia.
TWC - Contagion Kit: Get prepped with IVERMECTIN and life-saving meds at The Wellness Company: https://www.twc.health/X22 – code X22 saves $30 + FREE shipping ...............
The Federal Reserve cut interest rates by half of a point, which is an aggressive move considering how slowly they raised them post-pandemic. How this affects the economy going in the election is a wild guess so we went to my favorite tax and economy expert Tom Wheelwright. He is the author of many books and the host of the Wealthability podcast. He joins us to predict what to expect for our finances if either candidate wins.
Are illegal migrants leading to large unemployment numbers? Well yes, according to Fed Chief Jerome Powell. This is something the Democrats don't want to admit but in his announcement this week, Powell said that this is something that they are tracking because they are trying to avoid a recession.
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! .........
TWC - MedKit (YT clip): Get prepped with IVERMECTIN and life-saving meds at The Wellness Company: www.twc.health/REDACTED – code REDACTED saves $30 + FREE shipping .........
American Financing 9/19 (YT clip): Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. NMLS 182334, https://nmlsconsumeraccess.org. APR for rates in the 5s start at 6.014% for well qualified borrowers. Call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms ..........
In November 2002 the United States Congress and President George W. Bush established by law the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9/11 Commission... this final report was presented by the media and white house as case closed. Nothing more to see here. Muslims hijacked planes and attacked our infrastructure, killing 3,000 Americans. Case closed.
But of course it's not case closed. The 9/11 commission report is full of propaganda, gaping holes, and clear omissions... leaving out key witnesses, bomb materials found in the dust, FBI whistleblowers, and much more.
US State Department official Victoria Nuland acknowledged that the U.S. and U.K. discouraged Ukraine from signing a peace deal with Russia in 2022. She said that Ukraine asked for their advice "late in the game" and that the U.S. identified conditions in the contract that were unfavorable to Ukraine so they advised them against signing it. And now look at all of the blood on her hands as this war only gets worse!
Lockheed Martin is working on a tool to “detect and defeat disinformation" from a $37.2 million grant from the U.S. government. Why would a weapons maker work on an algorithm tool? That idea makes me a little nervous. What about you?
BUNKR Life: Download BUNKR from the AppStore or PlayStore and use Code “Redacted” to get your first year FREE AppStore (iOS/iPhone) - https://bit.ly/3WR8Vb0 PlayStore (Android) - https://bit.ly/4bPNAmA Visit the BUNKR website for more information and to download the desktop app: https://bunkr.life
We're kicking off our weeklong look at the truth behind the 9/11 terror attacks. Everything you've been told about that day was an orchestrated lie. Everyday this week we'll have an depth interview on a different part of the 9/11 cover up. Today we're kicking it off with Ted Walter... he's the Executive Director of International Center for 9/11 Justice... And he just led a big symposium with this presentation called The 9/11 Hijacking Myth Exposed...
Home Title Lock: http://www.HomeTitleLock.com, code REDACTED for a complete title scan of your home’s title AND your first 30 days of Triple Lock Home Title Protection is free! .........
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! ........
American Financing (YT clip): Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. NMLS 182334, https://nmlsconsumeraccess.org. APR for rates in the 5s start at 6.014% for well qualified borrowers. Call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms .........
Over the past 24 hours we've that the deep state puppets running the white house have finalized plans to expand the war against Russia. According to Politico the US and UK are getting ready for a massive escalation in the war against Russia.
Redacted News listeners can get 50% sitewide at GhostBed for a limited time. Just visit https://www.GhostBed.com/redacted and use code REDACTED at checkout. ........
Contagion Kit: Get prepped with IVERMECTIN and life-saving meds at The Wellness Company: www.twc.health/X22 – code X22 saves $30 + FREE shipping ........
Ground News: Go to https://ground.news/Redacted to see through mainstream media narratives. Subscribe through my link for 40% off unlimited access to Ground News this month. .........
Why did America's Air Defenses suddenly and remarkably fail on 9-11... The official account of what happened that day has changed multiple times... the final account that appears in the 9/11 Commission report is based on the idea that everyone in the military and FAA were lying. So what really happened. with he US air defenses...
Kevin Ryan has been investigating this for years... he's the co-editor of the journal of 9/11 studies
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#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris #news #independentjournalists ----- About Natali and Clayton Morris: Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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HelloFresh: For FREE breakfast for life go to https://www.hellofresh.com/freeredacted. One free breakfast item per box while subscription is active! ............
American Financing: Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. NMLS 182334, https://nmlsconsumeraccess.org. APR for rates in the 5s start at 6.014% for well qualified borrowers. Call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms .........
Home Title Lock (YT clip): http://www.HomeTitleLock.com, code REDACTED for a complete title scan of your home’s title AND your first 30 days of Triple Lock Home Title Protection is free! ........
BUNKR Life: Download BUNKR from the AppStore or PlayStore and use Code “Redacted” to get your first year FREE AppStore (iOS/iPhone) - https://bit.ly/3WR8Vb0 PlayStore (Android) - https://bit.ly/4bPNAmA Visit the BUNKR website for more information and to download the desktop app: https://bunkr.life .......................
Gameday Labs: All natural pain relief for muscle and joint aches, sleep better, live energetically Go to: http://www.trycono.com/Redacted .......................
American Financing: Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. NMLS 182334, https://nmlsconsumeraccess.org. APR for rates in the 5s start at 6.014% for well qualified borrowers. Call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms .........................
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! .........................
Ground News (YT clip): Go to https://ground.news/Redacted to see through mainstream media narratives. Subscribe through my link for 40% off unlimited access to Ground News this month. ........................
We're kicking on our week long special coverage of the truth behind the 9/11 terror attacks. What really happened with the so called hijacked planes, controlled demolition of the towers, and more. We're exploring all of it this week on Redacted. We're also looking at how America is turning into a socialist country and the dangers of 5G and cell phones on today's episode of Redacted.
What really happened to Malaysian Airlines fight MH370?
10 years ago... Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared from radar on 8 March 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its intended destination in Beijing. But It never arrived and neither did the 227 passengers and 12 crew members whose family members have been in anguish ever since. What happened to their loved ones? Who's covering up the real story?
10 years have now passed and we finally might have some leads as to what caused this disappearance. Ashton Forbes has in many ways devoted his life to figuring out what happened here and we decided to invite Ashton on to talk about some of this new evidence.
American Financing (YT clip): Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, nmlscosumeraccess.org .......
Zelenko (YT clip): Get prepped with ZSTACK and protect your immune system now: https://www.ZSTACKLIFE.com – code REDACTED saves 20%. ........
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! ........
Hundreds of National Guard arrive in New York City ahead of Trump's sentencing on September 18th. The FBI admits it knew the alleged Apalachee High School shooter in 2023! Plus multiple eye witnesses say there was more than one shooter at the school.
American Financing: Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, nmlscosumeraccess.org ......
Oracle: Speaking of opportunity, download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning at https://www.netsuite.com/redacted ............
American Financing: Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, nmlscosumeraccess.org ............
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! ..........
Our nation is being invaded by massive illegal gangs from other countries and it's happening in American Suburbs... think this isn't coming to a town near you... think again. Aurora Colorado is ground zero for the Biden Harris open borders policy.
,rumble user_Redacted Follow the Science with Sharyl Attkisson rumble_video_D2wvt__qR4e,
Award winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson sits down with Clayton Morris to discuss her new book "Follow The Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails.
White fibrous blood clots are now showing up in living patients. Doctors are reporting that they've never seen these kinds of clots before the covid shots hit the market. Additiionally we should like to know what's causing The large, grotesque ""white fibrous clots"" that embalmers have been finding in the veins and arteries of corpses for the last three years. And why is the British Institute for Embalmers and the US society for Vascular Surgery continuing to hide critical information?
retired US Air Force Major Thomas Haviland joins Redacted to talk about his latest research.
Bunkr Life LLC: Download BUNKR from the AppStore or PlayStore and use Code “Redacted” to get your first year FREE AppStore (iOS/iPhone) - https://bit.ly/3WR8Vb0 PlayStore (Android) - https://bit.ly/4bPNAmA Visit the BUNKR website for more information and to download the desktop app: https://shorturl.at/jSPph
A new study shows that replacing plastics with alternatives would be "worse for greenhouse gas emissions in most cases." Maybe we should have done this math before making such major social changes!?
Buckle up! The Fall of 2024 is going to be a bumpy ride and Gerald Celente from The Trends Journal is here to discuss the top news forecast for the rest of the year.
American Financing: Visit https://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, nmlscosumeraccess.org ..........
GDR Labs / Gameday: Gameday Labs: All natural pain relief for muscle and joint aches, sleep better, live energetically Go to: https://www.trycono.com/Redacted .........
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! ........
New data shows we're already in a recession and heading for a collapse of the U.S. dollar. 6.2 trillion dollars sits in money market accounts and when the FED start slashing rates on September 18th all hell is going to break loose. Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente joins us to discuss.
GhostBed: Go to https://www.GhostBed.com/redacted with the code REDACTED at checkout to save a whopping 50% off sitewide. ..........
GDR Labs / Gameday: All natural pain relief for muscle and joint aches, sleep better, live energetically Go to: https://www.trycono.com/Redacted ..........
TWC - Medical Emergency Kit: Get prepped with IVERMECTIN and life-saving meds at The Wellness Company: https://www.twc.health/REDACTED – code REDACTED saves $30 + FREE shipping ...........
The Biden administration is hiding American deaths in Ukraine and the Middle East. What are they telling the parents of these fallen soldiers? Ukraine now admits the front against Donbas has all but collapsed and Russian forces advance.
The FDA issued an emergency use authorization for a new Covid vaccine to address the Omicron variant KP.2 strain of SARS-CoV-2. The shots will be made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech. There is no clinical trial data for these vaccines. But what is the emergency? Who knows.
" American Financing: Visit https://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, nmlscosumeraccess.org ............
TWC - Contagion Kit: Get prepped with IVERMECTIN and life-saving meds at The Wellness Company: https://www.twc.health/X22 – code X22 saves $30 + FREE shipping ............
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! ............
The Democratic National Convention is hosting Planned Parenthood exhibits and mobile trucks that offer free vasectomies and abortions on site. They say that it will show everyone what is possible when they follow the science. Okay, let's follow the science about these procedures then. They started it!
Ramp: Get two hundred fifty dollars when you join Ramp. Go to https://www.ramp.com/REDACTED .................................................... American Financing: Visit https://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, nmlscosumeraccess.org .................................................... Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! ..................................................... Bunkr Life LLC: Download BUNKR from the AppStore or PlayStore and use Code “Redacted” to get your first year FREE AppStore (iOS/iPhone) - https://bit.ly/3WR8Vb0 PlayStore (Android) - https://bit.ly/4bPNAmA Visit the BUNKR website for more information and to download the desktop app: https://shorturl.at/jSPph ....................................................
Bombshell New Details Revealed on Trump's Assassin. Did Trump's would be assassin Thomas Crooks work for NATO? Or have some NATO connection? Also we now know Crooks' body was cremated before investigators could examine it.
MooMoo: Limited time exclusive for US users: up to 20 Free Stocks (make sure to use Redacted’s link to sign up & get this, ends on 8/31): https://j.moomoo.com/00mF3M .......
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! ........
American Financing: Visit http://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, nmlscosumeraccess.org ........
ARMRA: Go to https://tryarmra.com/REDACTED or enter REDACTED to get 15% off your first order. .............................
Putin has announced he's FINISHED negotiating with Ukraine and multiple sources say Russia is preparing preemptive strikes on NATO targets. RFK, Jr. prepares to drop out of the 2024 campaign proving once again that America can't have a third party.
Why is the media trying to make it seem like Robert F. Kennedy Jr has kissed the ring of Kamala Harris? Because they are afraid that he will siphon off votes from Harris clearly. Kennedy says that he has no interest in endorsing the Harris campaign. Instead he intends to beat her because the Democratic Party of today is recognizable from the party his family once lead.
MooMoo: Limited time exclusive for US users: up to 20 Free Stocks (make sure to use Redacted’s link to sign up & get this, ends on 8/31): https://j.moomoo.com/00mF3M ........
American Financing: N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, N M L S consumer access dot org. APR for rates in the 5s start at 6.799% for well qualified borrowers. Visit https://americanfinancing.net/redacted or call 866-890-8434 for details about credit costs and terms. .......
Lear Capital: Call 800-613-35-57 or go to https://www.learredacted.com. Remember there is no obligation to purchase, just free information! ........................................
Multiple independent sources confirming that the judge in President Trump's hush money trial is set to sentence the former President to one year behind bars. Could that explain why Vegas odds makers now have Kamala Harris winning the presidency by overwhelming margins?