Pastor Jesse begins a 5 part series in reaction to the "Once Saved Always Saved | A Documentary Film." This reaction is in response to the error that these men promote. In no way, shape or form are we desiring to degrade these individuals. We pray for each of these men that they come to the knowledge of the truth of salvation.
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#osas #eternalsecurity #bibleline #pastorreacts #reaction #react #oncesavedalwayssaved #documentaryfilm #documentary #arminianism #lossofsalvation #salvation #saved #eternal #apostate #drmichaelbrown #jessemorrell #drscotmcknight #drjohnoswalt #zacpoonen #joeschimmel #drbenwitherington #davidbercot #drmatthewpinson #douglasjacoby #sharonjohnson #freegrace #antinomian #calvinism
Kenneth Copeland supposes to speak in tongues here. Is it real or fake?
!!! This is not an attack on the man, but we have the desire to defend against his false message !!!
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#kennethcopeland #bibleline #pastorreacts #reactionvideo #tongues #speakingintongues #kennethcopelandministries #react #pastorjessemartinez
Calvary Community Church of Tampa LIVE PM Service Service with Pastor Jesse Martinez
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#beware #believer #dangers #hebrews #bibleline #salvation #neglect #osas #hebrewbeliever #truth #harden #heart #donot #fallaway #fall #away
Shelbi Mullen trusted in Christ as her Savior around 12 years of age, but then she fell away into Atheism and eventually New Age. With the help of a friend and opponents of New Age, she found an escape route. Despite running into unclear teachers such as Ray Comfort, Isaiah Saldivar and John Ramirez, Shelbi found the truth of the gospel again at the age of 26.
Shelbi's email:
Shelbi's YouTube: @thehoopmagician2672
Michael Brown who shared clear scripture with Shelbi:@FishersWithFaithMinistriesInc
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Support Bibleline -
Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#newage #jesus #bibleline #salvation #truth #escapingnewage #exnewage #gospel #witnessing #testimony #thehoopmagician #bible
The tongues gift in the early church was not what we see in the current charismatic circle. Prophesy was the better gift. Why? Let's find out in a verse by verse study of 1 Corinthians 14:1-25 with Pastor Jesse.
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Support Bibleline -
Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
as we are getting to this chapter we're coming to unfortunately what is a very
divisive chapter and I just want to say from the onset the way that I prepare to teach passages
that are somewhat confusing on the surface level as I ask the Lord to give me wisdom and guidance I believe the
holy spirit is living inside of me and I believe that it is not a foolish thing
to ask him to help me understand what his word says there's a very big temptation to run to
a commentary to run to great Bible teachers and there's nothing wrong with
those Bible teachers but to run to what they have said this scripture means and while that may come in handy at a
certain point in the research process we should always let the word of God speak for itself we can understand even the
most difficult of passages over time and so I've come through this passage over the past several days and I'm just going
to present to you the things that we know let's talk about some things that we know number one when we see the word
tongues in the Bible if you have a Strong's Concordance at home or you're
using a digital study tool like e-Sword and I cannot recommend that enough it is a free program it is brilliant for the
dictionary alone you can see what the Greek words are the Hebrew words are and all of those different things and you
can see I mean this this is why it's so important to have a dictionary that word repent
okay as you and I understand it it means to be sorry for something to turn from something that's not the word in the
scripture that word in the scripture means to change one's mind and so when
when Peter says repent and be baptized he's not saying turn from your sin and be baptized because he would be saying
you know turn from your sin to receive the remission of sin how does that work okay he's saying
because it's the end of a very long passage that he was addressing the Jews you kill the Messiah you made a mistake
what must we do to be saved these men were saying you need to change your mind specifically about who Christ was and he
was your Messiah that he was a Son of God that he did pay for all of your sin and if you do that if you put your trust
in him you receive the Forgiveness of sins very simple so understanding the
definition of a word is critical to your success this is how you get caught up
and this is how I can get caught up in false teaching let the word of God speak
for itself you do not have to be a Hebrew and Greek scholar to understand the word but you'd be wise to use a tool
that helps you understand and so when we see that word tongues especially here in this passage we are
not talking about the modern movement of tongues this is important if you catch
anything tonight outside of the Gospel catch this the modern movement of tongues is not what was happening in the
early church there was no need for an interpreter to interpret a
Heavenly language that word tongues there means languages and let me explain
to you what this was in Acts chapter 2 when the Holy Spirit descended and those
men had something fall on them as cloven tongues of fire they went out and taught
in languages that were unknown to them before but were able to be understood by those
who heard you can see and we've gone over this probably three or four times throughout
this study but it's important because we're getting to the passage we're Pentecostals and charismatic movement
leaders use their support for an unknown tongue in the book of Acts everyone that heard
those men speak in tongues that were foreign to the speaker
and native to The Listener it was a language that was already understood
we're not talking about a new language we're not talking about gobbledygook it's exactly what it is we're not
talking about writhing on the floor we're not talking about standing on the pews and jumping up and down and
praising God for a message that is not clear there was a gift that has ceased and
that gift was the ability for a person to speak in a language that was unknown to them for the benefit of the person
who has yet to believe on Christ for the sole purpose of winning someone to
Christ okay the sign movement that you see today of tongues is it is a sign all right and
you can you can put this down that I said this it is a sign of a demonic presence within that Ministry
I if if you haven't had a chance to listen to the Bible line podcast you you
will hear the testimony of my mother-in-law Kyla's Mom and Dad how they were caught up in a Ministry that
required as an Evidence of their salvation for you to speak in tongues friend that is nowhere in the Bible
that is a man-made Doctrine it is a all caps heresy and it is to be a mark
for you and for me of a Ministry to avoid and that is not what we are talking about here in the scripture
tongues was a showy gift okay because it brought a lot of attention to the person who was speaking can you imagine if all
of a sudden I began to speak in fluent Chinese right now I mean down to the T
down to the ability that it would sound like I was born in China there would be a lot of attention that
was drawn to me and then all of a sudden I switched to fluent Italian and French
and other languages of people that were here in the audience and they could hear what I was saying
that would be a gift that would be something that is miraculous and what
was happening in the Corinthian Church is everyone that had this gift was getting together and speaking at once
and there was no need for that language to be spoken if I got all the men up in the church
here we all started speaking different languages of the world and a stranger walked into our service tonight
they'd walk right back out because the things that I'm saying are
not helping them it's in a language they don't understand listen you come to me and speak Chinese I'm gonna do a lot of
this and a lot of this and now I can even get my iPhone out and
maybe try to understand what you're saying but it's of no benefit to me
I don't speak Spanish I'm not going to go up to somebody who speaks English and attempt to speak Spanish to them and
explain the gospel in a foreign language it doesn't edify the hearer so you had tongues which means languages
and when you see in the passage tonight there's one phrase that says in an
unknown tongue I want you to understand that this does not mean a unknown
language on the Earth specifically that that excuse me that word unknown is in
italics because it's not in the original translation it is there added in a post to help
understand the rest of the passage the devil is very crafty you need to get
this because he is very crafty he will do whatever needs to be done to keep a
soul from trusting in Christ he will make that person seem as the
most religious person that has ever walked the face of the Earth and they're lost
and he'll use things like this passage to trick and deceive people into
thinking that we're talking about an unknown Heavenly language I have seen this I remember as a kid I
don't know if it was Wednesday night but Dr hanklin shrimp he had a tape recorder up here and he played somebody
speaking in tongues I don't know if you guys remember this but what was very scary was when he
reversed the tape and you heard the words that were coming out of this person's mouth in reverse a
person who was slain in the Holy Spirit and I'm using air quotes for those of you who are on
the audio side of things slain in the Holy Spirit you hear them
say Lucifer's name you hear them say the word demon you hear the name of Satan called out
I remember sitting right back there Marjorie where you were sitting and I was like I wanted to get out I am not a
horror person I don't like scary things I don't I don't expose myself to it because I think the devil is in those
details but I remember hearing that and that's when I thought to myself this is this is
bad this is very bad now I'm not saying you should go seek out someone who speaks in tongues for the sole purpose
of recording them and then putting it in reverse just let it be okay
but it that is not what we're talking about was happening here in the Corinthian Church the Corinthian Church was at best
immature and they desired for praise to be heaped upon themselves and there were people
who had the gifts of speaking in tongues that were unknown to them and they were all trying to use it and there were
people who were able to prophesy and that word also we we've discussed that at length that's talking about
interpretation of the scriptures being able to understand the Old Testament prophecies through the death-brown
resurrection of Christ being fulfilled and now that gift has come to it's it's been diminished quite a bit where it's a
person being able to rightly divide the word in a way that is different than others but there's nothing about tongues
that edified a person who was already saved you're going to see that in the
scripture tonight nothing about the gift of tongues was to edify a believer
the gift that should have been desired was prophecy because prophecy helps the
person who has already trusted Christ to grow more and we're not talking about tarot cards and all those other things
palm reading not that kind of Prophecy we're talking about dividing the word of God truthfully to bring to the front of
a person's mind something that they can learn and apply to their lives
we're not talking about being able to walk up to someone and say oh I talked to your do you know someone named Susan
because she talked to me from the death you shows like that my friend if they are really communicating with the dead
and they're really bringing back facts they're talking with a demon because we know what a dead person a person who has
been separated and is in hell we know what they're saying from uh the passage in Luke go tell my
brothers so that they are not in this place and what does Abraham say they will not
believe the one would rise from the dead wow
so anytime a demon's talking about oh it's okay and I love you and you know they say they love you and stuff
you're being deceived so having said those few things we're going to look at three different sections tonight Lord
willing we'll get through verse 25 we'll start in verse 1. the first chunk we're going to look at
is the difference between tongues and prophecy we're going to read First Corinthians 14 verses 1 through 9. it's
on page 12 24. follow after charity we just got done
talking about love Paul is in this letter and he said follow after that love that agape love
and desire spiritual gifts but rather that ye may prophesy
for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God for
no man understandeth him how be it in the spirit he speaketh Mysteries when you
immature uh Corinthian Believers when you speak in tongues and there's no one
there who speaks in that language you're only speaking to God you're not revealing any Mysteries there
verse 3. but he that prophesieth speaketh unto men too and you should
Circle these three words this should be the point of every bible study this should be the point of every
pastor's message any Ministry of the church that involves teaching God's word even down to Sunday school teachers
these three things edification exhortation and comfort edification I
want you to think of the architecture term here to build something up
if we're thinking of building a skyscraper we literally need to lay peace upon peace to the point that that
structure is built up and then it needs to be furnished and then it needs to be habitable and people come in and live in
it you're not going to tear a building down for the sake of having people live in it
the things that we say and do in church especially from a teaching perspective should build up one another
where is Gossip in this message where is bitterness in this message where is backbiting and lying in this message
there they have no part in it the person who is able to rightly divide the word of Truth and teach is supposed
to build up the hearer the next word that you see there is
exhortation and this means to awaken the person who is spiritually asleep and
I'm not talking about they're dead that's just a phrase I'm using there the person who needs a little bit of a nudge
you ever sat in the church what's next to someone that needs a nudge if you're waking up a person who's sleeping in
church you're doing the Lord's work okay I just want to let you know it's a good thing
someone who needs to be stirred someone who needs to wake up have a reality check the message should meet that need
as well and then finally to comfort
now there is a place for rebuke we see that in Paul's uh discussion in second Timothy chapter
4 to Young Pastor Timothy he says to rebuke there's going to come a time where we have to gently rebuke people
and at times there will have to be a sharp rebuke from the pulpit that's not a bad thing
but even at that time it is for the point of comfort because if you're in sin and the word of God is poking at you
it's ultimately for your comfort so if if the prophesying of a person who
claims to be in the spirit does not meet those three things there's a problem
there's a problem these are the standards that I am held to as I prepare messages verse 4 he that speaketh in an
unknown tongue edifieth himself you build up yourself
but he that prophesieth edifieth the church this is why prophecy is greater
than the gift of tongues because in this very immature Church everyone wanted to
look at me gifts and we can all if we're not careful desire the showy and flashy things of
ministry oh I don't want to help cut the grass because that doesn't get a nod from the
pulpit I don't want to do the things that are dirty jobs because I want the praise
honor and Glory friend you need to watch out for that kind of attitude
it's an attitude that is not conducive to growth we have to make sure that we understand
the power of being able to rightly divide the word of God it's all that we have in regards to Christian growth as
we grow verse 5 I would that ye all spake with tongues but rather that ye prophesied
for greater is he that prophesieth then he that speaketh with tongues except he
interpret that the church may be excuse me may receive edifying if you do have
the gift of tongues which at this point has ceased but what Paul is saying here to the Corinthian Church if you have
that gift you better have someone there who can make it known so it builds up people amen
and if it's a message that is unknown and can't be interpreted who's being built up oh that man
he did all this he did all that look at all the gifts that God has given him the spotlight is now off of God and
on to the individual and boy that was happening in the Corinthian Church there was some serious problems serious problems verse six now
brethren I come unto you speaking with tongues what shall I profit you except I shall
speak to you either by Revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by Doctrine is there any substance in it
and even things without Life Giving sound whether pipe or harp except they give a distinction in sounds how shall
it be known what is piped or harmed for if the trumpet given uncertain sound who
shall prepare himself to the battle you know some of the greatest speeches of all time have been men that speak
clearly maybe not boldly maybe very loudly
but men that speak clearly they don't skip over their words they're confident
have you ever have you ever heard a person speak and
they're unclear I just heard somebody say it so I'm going to say it like our president now
and even even in in if a person is leading someone into
battle you want something to be clear you know why the emergency alert system
tones are designed the way they are they are the two tones they're not
directly underneath each other by the way they're about six little spaces away they have studied over time and I've
told you this before those are the two tones that will cause attention for any hearer
I am terrified of that noise I don't like it I don't like dial tones either yesterday when we were getting out of my
little truck we had the radio on and you know we had the door open and it was pouring down
rain I mean the skies opened and it is flooding this this parking lot where we
pulled into the covered area and we're unloading some stuff and I am all the way down in the kitchen
and my radio is not very loud and I'm in the kitchen and I hear that emergency
alert system tone and chills directly through my body I
don't like it but it got my attention there was without any doubt
in my mind a need for me to listen what was going to follow those tones okay in
a Ministry the things that are said from the pulpit the things that are said in small groups or Sunday School classes
ought to be clear this is why we should avoid any terminology that is unclear when it
comes to the gospel I said this in our members meeting last night I was talking about how I heard of
Freddie Coyle was talking about how he went to a church years ago and as he was
leaving there was a kid that was standing in the corner and he was opening his mouth
he's just standing in the corner and he opens his mouth like that and Freddie of course is perplexed and
so he approaches the young child and he asked if everything is okay and this is the response of the child this will
break your heart he said I'm just trying to get the Lord to come into my heart
when we use phrases that are unclear they are unclear to the hearer
they are not a certain sound that child doesn't need Christ to come into their heart and I've talked to many Baptist
preachers who say well that's not what I mean and I'll be very Frank then why did we say it why do we say things that we
don't mean Christ didn't speak that way when Christ said on the cross it is finished he didn't say wait and see
he said it is finished that was not oh well that's not what I meant we should be clear
especially here the example that Paul is giving is very familiar with the people of this time they didn't
have cell phones they didn't have an emergency alert system on a electronic device when they heard a certain sound
they knew it just got real and you need to do what needs to be done
to protect you and your family and so if we have a person speaking in tongues a language that is unknown to
the hearers what benefit is it it's better for you to teach the word of
God verse 9 so likewise ye except ye utter by the Tongue words easy to be
understood how shall it be known what is spoken for you speak into the air and
sadly this is where many young people end up boy I'm sure you've heard this a person
just say something so eloquently and it seems so deep and it seems so certain
but when you actually look at what they said they've said nothing I've just described to you a politician
I've just described to you many churches there's a video recently that's running
around the internet right now of a very famous preacher
who I believe is a false prophet but in his
fits of Rage as he's speaking and as he's teaching these different truths he utters the phrase I am God almighty
he said that in a church oh and people are playing the organ oh and people in the church are
friend do you know who else wanted to be that way Lucifer and look how that went
there are many people that are just speaking into the air you look at the patience of God
and we ought to Mark and avoid these kind of teachers they have no place in our lives there's no benefit of teachers
like that verse 10. now we're going to move into the second part here avoid Desiring the showy gifts
verses 10 through 19. there are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without significa
signification therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice I shall be unto
him that speaketh the Barbarian and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me we're not connecting
you ever talk to somebody and they're not understanding what you're saying and when you they talk to you you're not
understanding what they say how long does that conversation go not long and it's over
verse 12. for so ye for as much as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts that word
zealous man it's showy they have a Zeal for God as Paul describes Israel in
Romans 10 but not according to knowledge boy a person can come to church a person
can dress just as sharp a person can have so much faithfulness but if they do not understand the thing that gives them
eternal life all they have is zealous actions and this is what was happening in the
Corinthian Church look at me look at me they're all zealous they're all showing up they're
all doing these things seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church that's the second time we've seen that
phrase the last time you saw it is in verse four edify at the church build up the
ministry not yourself wherefore let him speaketh in an unknown
tongue pray that he may interpret if you're going to speak in a language that the hearers of the audience don't
understand you better interpret it four if I pray in an unknown tongue my
spirit prayeth but my understanding is unfruitful why is it then I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the
understanding also I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the understanding also else when thou shalt
bless with the spirit how shall he that uh occupyeth the room of the unlearned say amen and by giving
of thanks seeing that he understandeth not what thou sayest boy is this not a
example of many Ministries today they're saying a lot but no one
understands what they're saying I do not intend to pick on Baptist preaching but it's how I grew up
boy I can't tell you how many times when I would hear God is calling out to you God is asking for you to take a step of
faith and all of a sudden that piano player would [Music]
you know what just just as I am right and they would go on and on and on but
no call for salvation no Clarity they just want to move you so you can come down and you literally meet
somebody at least in the ministry that I grew up in who had three options for you none of them led to eternal life
but it's moving it's TR and people are coming down because they're like well he said if you have two feet you should
come down I have two feet I ought to just come down if there's if it's not understood what's
the point of saying it verse 17 for thou verily give us thanks well but the other
is not edified it blesses you the person that's speaking in tongues but it's not
blessing the individual we need to avoid that I thank my God I
speak with tongues more than you are Paul obviously was using this gift
but he is saying that the gift of teaching prophesying the word of God is
greater because it edifies more people it builds up more people
look in verse 19. yet in the church I had rather speak five words boy what must of those five
words been I think Yankee said trust Christ and be
saved boy that'd be enough five words amen that would be enough but what if I
said that in an unknown tongue you don't know what I just said people could write whole books on something I just said and
not get to the right truth if it was in an unknown language yet in the church I had rather speak
five words with my understanding that by my voice I might teach others also then
ten thousand words in an unknown tongue he said I'd rather say five words in a
language that is known than ten thousand in a language that they don't understand and notice who's being addressed here
the church the church the church that's you and me those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ were a part of
this called out assembly the Greek word there being Ecclesia when we bring someone to church we
better be bringing them to the right Church a place where it is easily understood
what is required to get to heaven continue in verse 20.
and we're actually entering into our last part here we have the purpose of tongues and of Prophecy Brethren be not
children and understanding boy this was a great description of the Corinthian Believers little kids you ever been to a
playground Maybe pre-covered is there any kind of order at a
playground kids are running around they're screaming they're going down the slide they're
going up the slide they're on the monkey bars they're in the monkey bars some kids sitting down
eating the mulch another kid is running around wildly screaming things that you and I would
never understand that's what children do children are not conducive to order they
are conducive to chaos and that's how they are when they play
is that how our church should be should it be coming in here and it's just just
nonsense you can't tell what's what's going on be not children in understanding how be
it in Malice be your children but in understanding be men be grown
when you go to the workplace there's order you know
men like to go to the bars afterwards and act like children once again but be men
in the law it is written with men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people and yet for all
that will they will uh they not hear me sayeth the Lord wherefore tongues are
and you should oh you should Mark this you need to mark this wherefore tongues are for a sign
not to them that believe but to them that believe not
boy if we have a missionary that's clear on the gospel and is gifted in languages support that man support that woman
because they are doing the work of the Lord but tongues is for those who have not believed look at what the greater gift
is but prophecy prophesying service not for
them that believe not but for them which believe if therefore the whole church be come
together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come to those that are
unlearned okay this is he's just painting the picture here or unbelievers will they not say ye are mad what does
the world say about the charismatic movement today those people have lost their minds
we are going to the extent of bringing in oil and dirt and throwing them on people they're mad
this is not a new idea God is telling us right here and you know what's worse about what's
happening in the charismatic movement today it's not even of God did you hear that yeah when you listen
to what is said in the scripture here we're they're actually talking about a gift that was given to them by God it
was the gift for them to be able to speak in different languages but they're all coming together and they're speaking
in there in a different language and a new person walks in they're like I'm out you mix with that the sexual
immorality that was happening in that church and the inability to discern whether this was a Jesus thing or an idol thing
people couldn't tell the difference and they had communion and they were just gorging in an all-you-can-eat
buffet and calling it partaking in the Lord's body this ministry needed an Awakening
and they're getting it here verse 24 but if I'll prophesy and there come in one that believeth not or one
unlearned he is convinced of all he is judged of all and thus are the secrets
of his heart made manifest and so falling down on his face he will worship God and report that God is in you of a
truth boy that's the purpose of church to convict the lost man of his sin and
give him the necessary steps that are needed for him to trust Christ
all those preachers and teachers who look at this ministry and said too much gospel there not enough
not enough there should be a place in every message for the wall in illustration
for the gospel message even if it's just John 3 16 explain that in illustration the purpose is to win people
this is not just a club for you and I to come into but oh I'm amongst like-minded Believers if the ministry is not growing
it's not doing what it's supposed to do
and what was happening in the Corinthian Church was the desire for the showy things the flashy things
the new things the things that brought attention to self
and then next week and by next week I mean Sunday night
we'll go into the rest of First Corinthians 14 and then we probably got three weeks set on first
uh Corinthians 15 and then we'll finish but I want to encourage you to be here
usually I don't do this this growing pain series on Wednesday night but we skipped this last Sunday night so if you
want to hear more like this you download our sermon audio app and all 25 of them are there
and I hope it's been a blessing to you but recognize what we talked about the gift of Prophecy
has been diminished to the point where we're not we're not talking about where people can look into an individual's
life and tell the things that they've done but we're talking about being able to rightly divide the word and the gift of
tongues it was never like what you see in the charismatic Pentecostal hair on fire
movement that's not what the Bible teaches look up here if you're here tonight and you don't
know where you're going to go and you die you can learn very easily this hand will represent you and me my phone here
will represent sin I'll put this on top of my hand because we've all sinned God He Loves Us very much but he hates this
sin because our sin separates us from him in order to get to heaven the Bible is extremely clear we have to have no sin
not a point where we stopped and we were sinless from there on no sin and the Bible says in Romans 5 we're all born
into it the Bible also says that the wages of sin is death Eternal separation forever in a place
called hell for one sin that is what is required many religions will teach that good
works can save you that sincerity in trying to live right will save you and while those things sound good they look
good they're very difficult to do but there are people who are trusting in their good works to save them the Bible
says that salvation is a free gift it's not of Works lest any man should boast
friend to be very clear if someone was able to get to heaven based on a prayer of faith in their prayer or in any kind
of turning from sin then they would be able to stand rightfully next to Christ and the Bible says that will not be so
no person can get to Heaven by any good works this hand if we'll let it
represent Jesus Christ and I mean that reverently he was fully God fully man he had no sin and he willingly went to that
cross at Calvary and he took all the sin and laid it upon himself and by all the
sin I mean all of it every single sin that had ever been committed up to that point and that ever would be committed
was paid for by Jesus Christ on that cross he was buried after he died he was
resurrected three days later of his own of his own power and he offers to anyone
the free gift of everlasting life the way we understand that is from the savior's words in John 3 16 for God so
loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in
him should not perish but have everlasting life once a person believes
on Jesus Christ all of their sin is Forgiven they are given the righteousness of God and now as God
looks on them he has already made a judgment paid he did not Overlook their sin and say oh
we won't worry about that he actually took that sin and put it on his son and beat his son and struck his son
willingly so that we could be looked at all those who would believe you're in that's the
real gospel anything else is a heresy
why do you speak so strongly because it sends people to hell we're not talking about whether a person receives a you
know coupon or not we're talking about heaven and hell boy if you're not clear on this you
ought to get clear tonight because this we are not guaranteed tomorrow
let's go to the Lord in prayer heads are bad knives are closed if you're here tonight and you have yet to put your
trust in Jesus Christ I want to encourage you to do so raising your hand doesn't save you it
just simply lets me know that what I said tonight makes sense to you so if
you're here and you'd like to be born into God's family just simply
believe on the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ God's one and only his only begotten son
When You Believe on him immediately you are saved you receive the Holy Spirit
you are sealed you're Justified you're washed you're sanctified and that will never change is there
anyone at all tonight that would like to let me know that they they made that decision to believe on the Lord anyone
at all before we close if you're watching on the internet I so strongly encourage you
to believe and leave a comment for us because that would be great but if not I just pray
that you'll believe maybe you're watching this after the Rapture maybe you're watching this in the tribulation
period maybe you're watching this later this week it's not a time-sensitive message the
only sensitivity of time with it is you need to do it before you die and I pray that you will trust in him
father as that you continue to build the individuals in this ministry
of the Gospel would go far and wide from it in Jesus name we pray amen if you enjoyed today's episode of Bible land
make sure to subscribe to the channel and share this video with a friend do you have a Bible question send us an
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Calvary Community Church of Tampa LIVE Midweek Service with Pastor Jesse Martinez
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
all right if you'll uh take your Bibles and just join me in
taking a look at some things tonight as I said at the closure of that prayer it's it's just going to be a light study
and that's really the purpose of Wednesday nights it's kind of a dress down night doesn't mean we don't talk about the Bible and biblical things but
uh you know certainly you could make a eight-week series out of this but it's
something that I I've come up with recently because it's it's just so
prevalent I I think this is probably the main issue in a lot of people's lives it's become very pharmaceutical nowadays
and there's a huge debate about is depression something that is all mental is it a chemical imbalance and all that
I'm not here to settle that debate tonight I just know it's a real thing and I have three main points that I want
to share with you that pretty much talk about what I believe are scriptural cases for how we
can have victory over depression it's going to come and it's going to go and that's actually my first point is
that it's you know depression is the result of the overwhelmed uh the soul
that is overwhelmed by circumstances and certainly everything would be fine if we didn't have circumstances
because circumstances change uh that sounds like when Bruce um when Bruce's uh son-in-law says oh
the vehicle didn't pass inspection we have another one well that vehicle died and whatever vehicle they have right now
Bruce didn't give any detail but it doesn't sound like it's that great circumstances things change I think
about what Dave just said about his his brother who was waiting for a little bit of time on something that looked like
and was we were you know very certain was skin cancer and because of that
circumstance your life changes the way you're thinking about things the way you're perceiving things it it begins to
change Dana's talking about the things that she's hearing from her doctor and certainly no one wants to hear you need
to learn how to live with chronic pain so certainly you're going to the doctor to try and find a solution and now you
may be hearing something that you don't want to hear because it's difficult all of these things are circumstances
and they do change and they can change very very quickly but it's a result of being overwhelmed
with what is put in front of us and there are examples of depression All Through the Bible
there are examples of it everywhere and I'm not we're not going to go into chapter and verse in this area but I'll
just give you some as an example you read the book of Psalms and you can see how it records different instances of
specifically mournful songs songs of wailing Lament
because Israel desired to go back into the land they desired to go back and be reunited
in Jerusalem and be able to worship there and worship properly they lamented that that's not a
light word that's not you get moved by a a movie scene you know these are not
also tears of joy it's very heavy pain King David wept bitterly over his sin
and he was vexed by that sin to with uh committing adultery with Bathsheba and
then um killing bathsheba's husband Uriah he was vexed by it for many years even
resulting in the loss of his son to an early death and and his son Absalom was
extremely rebellious too that caused the depression for King David King David wanted so badly to take
the presence of the Lord which dwelt in in Cedar and make a temple but he wasn't
able to do that because he was a man of war he had to wait for his son to do that and Solomon certainly did do that but it's amazing to see in Psalm 51 you
you see King David's grief-stricken plea to create a clean heart in me what do you mean by that of
course it was available but that meant the way he felt was pretty rotten pretty bad about his sin
restoring to me the joy of my salvation that doesn't sound like somebody who is enjoying their Christian Life
I don't think depression is wrong I'm like I'm gonna beat my chest up here and go oh yeah that you just need to get
over it folks this is this is we we see these things in the Bible Rachel Sarah Hannah and many others
lamented over their inability to Bear children some of the some of the most
heart-wrenching portions of scripture describe those women and the things that they they were very
uh stricken with I think Hannah specifically is was one of my
favorites to study her in-depth prayer for a child and how she was ready to
give that child to the Lord and she did she did but certainly there were difficulties there and one of the ones I
think is very prevalent too is when Jesus in Luke 24 17 describes the two
disciples who are on the road to Emmaus he describes them he says to them why are you sad
well if everything's supposed to be hunky dory and everything's great and nothing affects me why would these guys
be experiencing grief you know it's that story is amazing too
because Jesus hid himself what he meant by that what the scripture means by that is they didn't see who he really was
and they they look to them and they say are you a stranger here in Jerusalem have you not heard what has happened
and then those two got probably the greatest Cliff Notes
version of the Old Testament he expounded all the things from from the time of Moses
that must be to bring him about but they were very depressed all the disciples uh all the disciples were
depressed as a result of Christ's death so it's not a it's not an unbiblical thing I don't think it's right for us to
stand uh in the Pulpit as pastors or sit in front of cameras and shame people that have depression I think a lot of
pastors struggle with depression it's something that if I'm not careful it can happen to me too and it has happened
before but you have to answer these things with the truth and that leads me into my second point but to conclude
this first point it is is to say depression is common because the heaviness of circumstances are common
but Point number two here truth is the key to victory over depression truth is
the key and the truth is strong sometimes it can overwhelm us what does the Bible say is truth before we go to
John 17 17 if you are there in Psalms chapter 42 I want you to see uh verse
three Psalm 42 in verse 3 says this
oh man I think I messed that verse up I don't think that's the right one
it's verse five excuse me Psalm 42 and verse 5 says why art thou cast down O my soul and why art thou
disquieted in me hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him for the help of his
countenance if you understand the passage here in 42 and 43 which many biblical scholars
believe should just be 42 that's not up for discussion but it's talking about the wickedness of the land the
wickedness of the people and how that was causing Direct punishment and chastening upon the
entire nation and the ones who were faithful the one who were maintaining the righteousness
they were saying we're we're suffering we're going through all this pain but yet they would
remind themselves why are is is your countenance low why are you discouraged
who should we put our hope in and what is the instruction there it says hope thou in God not in the people not in the
nation's ability to get right we get right with God we put our hope in him
now having seen that go to John 17 17. we looked at this very briefly last week
but in John 17 17 we have some of the most encouraging portions of words ever
uttered about truth our whole justice system is built around finding the truth
now it's not being used to find the truth but it is built to find the truth that's
how it's supposed to work it's a wonderful system and by the way it's all biblical you go read the law of the two witnesses
which Shameless plug if you can be here the next four Wednesday uh Sunday nights
as we're getting into the record of God in first John it is an absolute beautiful picture of how the legal
system that God had set up in the Old Testament he uses it to verify himself and the word that he says but anyway
the system that we use to exonerate truth is supposed to find out what the truth
is and it's so important that we recognize what is truth and Jesus says what it is in John 17 17.
he says sanctify them he's speaking about his disciples through thy truth
Thy word is truth and when you see things in the Book of
Psalms where it says the word uh has been elevated over God's Own Name
because it it is God when we study our Bibles we are studying the words of God
these are not words of men these are not cleverly crafted quotes and sayings that
we can throw up on a bio or or get a tattoo of that's not the purpose of
these things they are literally nuggets of truth that we should continue to live
by he said it best in John 17 17 sanctify them through thy truth Thy word is truth
what does it mean to sanctify it's a Greek word hagiazzo boom nailed it which
means to set apart for God's service I want you to think about it this way you have 10 apples and you take one of those
apples and you set it apart for a particular service it's been brought out of that group and it it's going to serve
a purpose whatever that purpose is it's removed it's set apart you are set apart
for God's service by the operation of the truth which is found in God's word it's how you came to put your faith in
Christ even if you didn't trust Christ because you heard a Bible verse if you heard a
Biblical principle it's built off the word of God that's how you came to faith in Christ
without it we would not we Romans 3 none seek after him they are all gone
out of the way consider also second Timothy 3 16 which
we can take a look at that here although you probably know it but second Timothy chapter
3 in verse
16. says all scripture is given by
inspiration of God and is profitable and it gives you four areas of profitability by the way you want profitability
you don't want to be unprofitable that's I'll I'll put it in 2023 terms that's
useless you I don't want to be useless you don't want to be useless we need to know the
truth which is in God's word and this scripture talks about um that this passage talks about the
truth of scripture and it says it's profitable for Doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness
when we know God we know the truth when we know God we know the truth so
then how do we experience victory over depression well there's two specific things that I want to talk about and
they both start with the letter P the first one is praise I think it's I think it's very hard to
properly praise because there's a little bit of shame that has to be broken okay especially in conservative Christianity
which is kind of where we are here at Calvary Community Church okay we don't do a lot of the what would be considered
praise and worship and I'm not saying we should do that and bring that in because a lot of it is driven with emotionalism
but when we do have the opportunity to praise the Lord with spiritual songs we
should do so and it's not like you're singing along with the group
you should sing loudly you should sing confidently and you should sing based off of songs that are true in a couple
of weeks one week from next week I'm going to do I'm going to give you some
great hymns for dark times and we're going to look at the lyrics of these hymns and why I think they're why I
think they're beautiful I'll tell you right now why it is they're built off a truth we're singing bible stuff that's what's
beautiful about it but I want you to see this in Colossians chapter 3. Colossians chapter 3 and verse 16 and
Ephesians 5 19. we're not going to look at the Ephesians reference because it's essentially the same thing but in Colossians chapter 3 and verse 16
there's a command here it says let the word see that again the word sanctify them by truth Thy word is truth all
scripture is given by inspiration of God it's profitable let the word which is profitable and it is what sanctifies you
let the word of Christ dwell in you richly can I ask you a question Ty if
you had a richly amount of money in your bank account would that be a good thing yeah if if whatever have you had in
there if it was brought into the realm of richly we may even be smiling a little bit more this evening you know it
might be going hey some of these circumstances are not that bad we should have that same attitude that
we would have towards a little bit more money in the account we should look at a little bit more of the word of Christ dwelling in US man that's a rich thing
I'm a rich man because I have the word you're a rich person because you have the word we've got the holy spirit that
dwells within us I went and saw beautiful models of Jerusalem in the second temple area and I got to see some
some beautiful renderings of the temple the Bible says that the on the Temple of
the Holy Ghost man did I treat myself in such a way do I think of myself in such a way that is
congruent with what the scripture says about me it's a very beautiful thing to understand
but here we are we we think we don't have enough because we don't have the material things
but getting back to this this command here it says let the word of Christ dwell on you richly how did how do we do
that teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs
singing uh with Grace in your hearts to the Lord
so how are we able to have the word of Christ dwell on us richly sing about it
sing praises about it I think what case board does many would would kind of look at and go out mediocre you know he's
doing these scripture songs that's Colossians 3 16. and when you're struggling with
difficult times learn how to sing and I'm not saying learn how to carry a tune
I don't care how it sounds you're not singing for me you're singing for the Lord
I have there there's there's a there's one of my favorite songs and it's funny
because of how I view it and how my wife views it I don't know how I heard this song somehow this CD ended up in my my
1998 Toyota Avalon that had this thing called a CD player you remember that now
not so much you got that Bluetooth you know now you want the Bluetooth 80.0
but I remember this CD somehow found its way in the CD player of my of my car and
Kyla had left it in there and this is this is what she would play every single day at her daycare which
was right down the road she worked there for almost eight something years and she had listened to this CD all the
time so to her it's just background noise but to me I was having a really difficult time when I heard this song I
was really thinking about what's my what is God's will for my life I you know I want to go to school but my schedule's
not going to work and and so I got to make a decision am I gonna move my entire family which is just me and Kyla
up to Chicago and go to school there or what am I going to do and these lyrics
which is a rendition of Psalms 46 10 came on a little kids song very well
done by the way there it's called scripture lullabies but this is what the song said and I still get emotional when
I I played this song today to get the lyrics and I was teary-eyed at my desk because of the truth of this song
it says Be Still My Soul be still and know that he is God Rest quietly rest in
his loving arms for he is watching over you ever faithful ever true so be still
my soul and know be still and know that he is God the second verse goes Be Still
My Soul be still and listen for his voice rest in his peace knowing how much
he cares for He is watching over you ever faithful ever true so be still my
soul be still and know that he is God that's a great reminder for me to what
be still and know that in the hurricane that's going on
is God still God is he still with me he's walking right here with me that's
one of the things this song could say but it doesn't say he's not not that he's just watching over me from above but that he he resides with me
that's a beautiful truth to know friend it will certainly be difficult at first but will learning to sing to the
Lord when your burden is heavy is the process of extremely nourishing therapy to the depressed soul
I encourage you to get in the practice of memorizing hymns and singing those
hymns as you're going through difficult times there's nothing wrong with with doing that we do that right now when our
favorite song comes on the radio from years ago we go oh that was my jam and automatically feelings and memories come
back up we should train ourselves to do that with hymns
there's hymns that are just stuck in my brain and I don't hear them for a while and then boom I'll tell you one of them
right now is on page 420 in times like these we need an anchor in times like these be
very sure be very sure your anchor holds and grips the solid rock this rock is
Jesus yes he's the one this rock is Jesus
his only son something like that be very sure be very sure your Anchor Holds and
grips the solid rock little little truths can we see that
that's true we can find scripture to put little CF dot which means cross reference boom and you can see where
those things are true you're not just singing hopeful Wishful things please pay my rent
yeah I'm just not sure I played these numbers can they come
back on the screen what is that that no we don't no we're singing scriptural
songs and what a blessing that can be but the other thing that we should do and we're going to go a little bit over
just uh just to make sure we cover this because I know it's important is the other word that starts with the letter P
is prayer this is equally important I want you to see this in James chapter 5.
the Book of James is a great book it's a difficult book it's one of the most contested in the New Testament
because it's just not rightly divided but James chapter 5 in verse 13
it just talked about not swearing when things are are difficult right and and he's not talking about like you know
making a promise or something but you know using course language when things are difficult what is the what is the
opposite reaction in which we should learn to do verse 13 is any among you
Afflicted we'll turn it into a q a tonight I'll ask you the question that James asked his writers is any among you
Afflicted tonight we all are absolutely we are going through difficulties what
is the solution let him pray I've said it time and time again and
some of you may think this is the only thing that I say but this is one of the most important services that we have all
week it really is let him pray I've often thought about having it
possible to have these doors open all the time so that people can come in and there'll be somebody who can sit with them and
pray ER is sometimes people I was just talking to Tracy about this because
I was leaving and she was coming in and I I stopped by and rolled down the window and I was talking to her and I said sometimes people say well all we
can do is pray all we can do after we've asked Google and Siri and Alexa and we've saw what
Dennis Phillips says about the weather all we can do is pray that's the best thing that we can do
it should be the first thing that we do we should pray for all the things that
afflict us what is the next thing say is any Mary is there anybody here
tonight that is joyful yes absolutely I would agree let him sing Psalms beautiful strike it up you
first let me hear you you know look what he says in verse 14 is any
sick among you let him call for the Elders of the church and let them pray over him our our Elder board is ready to
do this and we have done this for people we've prayed for them to be healed now
there's a practice in here anointing him with the oil in the name of the Lord some people take that to the extreme and
they actually think that the anointing of the oil is what's what heals a person it's the prayer that does so
it's God responding to that prayer that is in his will but oftentimes we don't do this churches
don't do this you kind of get put on a block and no one actually prays for you I know for a
fact there are praying people in this ministry one of them he prays more than than all of us who have our sight
and that's Tom I I really am able to get to the phone when he calls but you know what is
always there a voicemail with a prayer request and we were just talking about Mr Frank
Heckman who's bedridden and many people would say where's the joy in his life he's found that in prayer
in prayer look what it says in verse 16. confess your faults one to another and
pray for one another that ye may be what healed the effectual fervent prayer of a
righteous man a veileth much I really do believe when you look at the banner of truth and you add spiritual songs and
constant prayer you're going to find Healing and I'm not I am not going to stand up here and say it will be instant
but the more you learn to practice these things the more instantaneous it will be I'll I will say that I'm not saying it's
like a secret formula you know I got to do these things and all of a sudden boom we're here okay when do I feel what I'm supposed to
feel but as you walk in obedience to the Lord you become more sensitive to his working I really do believe that I'm not
a big feelings guy but I know and I've learned these things through successful past experiences the more I yield myself
to the Lord the easier it is to feel at peace with what I'm going through some of the hardest stuff I've walked
through is was with Kyla a couple of years ago and and that's the hardest road that she has walked it's prepared
us for many things in our lives I think God did that for a reason and I
know there will be hard Journeys ahead I was talking with someone today who said some of his greatest fears is
losing a loved one I can understand what that's like losing my mother at eight years old seeing her
going to the hospital two years before no no six-year-old kid should see that there's some purpose in that God still
gets the glory but when we look at it from the right lens
it's hard to really find depression when we look at it through the right lens but we do feel heavy because of our
circumstances last one here is in Hebrews chapter 12 and this is my final point which is we
must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus hallelujah amen to avoid the long-term symptoms of
depression I'm just overwhelmed in even the the ability to read these verses here in
Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 1 it says wherefore seeing we also are accomplished about with so great a cloud
of witnesses this is strategical here there is a big warning that was given in
Hebrews 10. you better not misuse the grace that you've been given in this new covenant you better not tread a foot on
the blood of Christ All These Warnings were given but then there's what chapter 11.
by faith Moses by faith Noah by faith Abraham by Faith by Faith by Faith by
faith and you have all these people who live their faith by their actions and by their lives so what Hebrews 12 is giving
us encouragement wherefore seeing we also accomplish the Bible so great a cloud of witnesses that doesn't mean
there's Old Testament Saints sitting down crossing their legs going all right let's keep an eye on Armando today how's he doing
you think he's gonna make it what do you think Noah I don't know he didn't do good last week but he'll do that's not
what this is when it says a cloud of witnesses they are our example
because they bore witness of their faith in God and it says because of what these people
did because of their faithfulness to the word of God look what it says let us lay
aside every weight I think if there's an accurate definition of depression it is
heaviness it's a fog that becomes so dense you can't think clearly but on one subject
you can lay that aside and look what it says let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so
easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us how do we lay aside that weight
of course by the encouragement of those who have gone before us and how they finished well but ultimately this is
what sustained them in verse two and what should sustain us looking unto who
Jesus nobody else looking unto Jesus the
author and the finisher of our faith he started it he finished it now he's
asking us to walk to that finish line keep just keep it going just keep it going
I love the difference between a Sprint and a marathon boy that's that's a Christian life I've seen many young men
start at a pace they cannot keep and they're not serving the lord today and it it burdens me I I don't like it
but it's a reminder to myself you just keep doing what you're supposed to do you just keep doing what you're supposed
to do and the opportunities will come I would have never thought that some of the things that have already happened in
my Ministry life have come to pass in the amount of time that's gone by
it's not me folks it's the Lord and this you can experience that same Victory but you've got to look to the
Lord because you're going to get over this depression that you're going through you may even find victory in it tonight and
you're going to wake up tomorrow and your body's gonna forget what your mind was taught
and there's going to be all sorts of things that try to inform the way you're supposed to think you just keep your
eyes fixed on Christ we look back to the Cross because it's brought us to where we are today but
we're looking forward to the clouds because there's there's coming a day when we're going to be out of here gone
and for our brother in Christ Hormel who passed away this week he's gone he was received up into the
clouds I Believe by an Angelic transport and hopefully you and I get to hear a
little thing called a trumpet and then we go but if not and you find yourself in a situation
where you're dying the end is not near the beginning is
just about there you know you're just about to start eternal life you can have that Joy right now and I'm not saying
it's going to be easy I'm not coming up to you here tonight and saying look up be clean pressed I got everything's great that's that's
certainly not the case you know how many things I've wanted to do since I've gotten back from Israel but this silly
little illness has stopped me like literally it is the most annoying thing and it can be very discouraging at
times but I got to learn to lean on the Lord got to learn to lean alert and know that there's there's power is working against
uh the advancement of the gospel and the teaching of God's word you know what I am glad I've got men that I can lean on
Trent literally getting the the text on Friday night hey I don't know if I'm going to be able to go
you know you see that and you're like okay I was pretty confident I said but I'm
pretty sure but just in case and then like five o'clock or something
or maybe seven o'clock on Saturday night amen you're gonna have to go and he was he was was he not ready
he's ready I'm thankful I got men like that men like Dr Gilbert who are talking about
things about how you know your Bible how we got our Bible I'm so glad he's doing and I'm not doing it I'm just glad
I nailed hagiabs though you know what I'm saying so but and and all of the people that serve
in this ministry thankful for that even when the things are not going great
right now for how I want them to go as far as my health right now but I can we
can trust the Lord for that but how do you find that victory over depression
it's it's twofold and I gave you praise and prayer but I think more often or
above those things it's truth you pray things that are true you sing songs that are true
your countenance will be lifted and you look unto Jesus he started it and he finished it and
he's just asking you to trust him along the way amen if you're here tonight you don't know where you're going when you die it we
use this illustration to clearly show how you can know you're going to heaven if this hand would represent you and me
I'm gonna let my wallet represent sin I put this on top of my hand because the Bible says for all of sin that comes
short of the glory of God now God He Loves Us very much but he does hate this
sin and that sin separates us from him the Bible says in order to get to heaven you have to be perfect just like God you
have to have the the equivalent of his righteousness which is perfection and we all fall short of that that's why we're
called Sinners that word sin means to miss the mark the wages for sin is death Eternal separation from him forever in a
literal fire burning hell which was created for the devil and his angels but is also where sin will be
cast out and that's a very important thing to remember another thing we have
to see too the scripture says there's no good works that can pay for this sin many people think if I do enough
I'll be able to pay this off like it's a credit card debt it's not this only the
only accepted payment for sin is death it's not turning over a new Leaf it's not starting something brand new it's
not making any payment there used to be a dollar in here as a joke from somebody but it's gone now but there's no money
in here because you can't you can't pay for your sin that's part of that illustration the Bible says that not of
work so say man should both that's Ephesians 2 9. this hand will represent God's only begotten son I use it's just
for the sake of the illustration so I mean it reverently but this will represent Jesus Christ and we see in John 3 16 what brought us into eternal
life but what so many people are missing for God so loved the world that's you and me that he gave his only begotten
son that's Jesus Christ that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting
life what's the flash point of Salvation when does it occur whosoever believeth
in him what does that mean you put your trust in the finished work of Jesus
Christ's passion as Luke describes it which is his death his brownish Resurrection by his shed blood we
receive the remission of sin and the moment that you put your faith in Christ you receive as an exchange your sin has
been paid for it's removed as far as the East is from the west and you receive the righteousness of God
so now when God looks to you he doesn't see this sin of which he hates
he sees the righteousness of his son he sees Christ
and so now you go along this life living the Sanctified life which is the daily
denial of sin and living in righteousness but that has nothing to do with your
salvation how do you know you're going to heaven oh I live a good life that's that's not enough
you got a sin payment Jesus has offered that sin payment the moment that you believe on him you
receive as a free gift everlasting life the Bible says that you can know that you have eternal life first John is all
about that there's three different places where it says that specifically we already have eternal life and how
long does eternal life last forever so once you're saved are you saved forever
yes regardless of how you act or how you behave and some people are like what not
saying you should go out and do that but Christ is paid for all of our sin and he will discipline you as a loving father
should and would do and trust me God's not going to go oh I forgot about that one
he will discipline you for for that sin in your life but you can know you have
eternal life by simple faith in Jesus Christ that's the ultimate victory over depression right there
let's go to the Lord in prayer shall we heads are bowed and eyes are closed so no one's looking around if you're on the
internet tonight and that made sense to you I encourage you to put your faith in Christ if you're here in the audience
for the and that made sense for the first time maybe you're trusting in your good works or something else to save you
I I pray that you'd put your faith in Christ and would you just let me know by lifting up your hand that doesn't save
you it just lets me know hey Pastor I put my faith in Christ tonight would you pray for me
I know that most of you here understand that and I want to encourage you because I know how prevalent depression is
it's happened in my life and it I know it's happened in your life you may be going through a valley right now
I want to encourage you to lean on those spiritual songs that we have and they're
called spiritual songs because they're built off the truth of God's word learn to learn to cry out to the Lord
and know that depression is something that is very common it's it's the overwhelm it's the soul that's overwhelmed by circumstances
but learn to look unto Jesus and to pray are you Afflicted pray
are you sick ask your church for prayer and we will pray for you but above all we need to look to Jesus
he started it he's going to finish it he's asking us to trust him along the way
father thank you so much for the examples that we have in your word bring us back here safely for worship on Sunday morning
we pray Lord those prayer requests again we ask that they're all answered in your in your will
in Jesus name we pray these things amen
Believers are commanded to show agape love to one another but how can this be possible? Pastor Jesse finishes his series on agape love with a call for believers to love like God loved the world; unconditionally.
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
It is easy to forget the goodness a believer has in Jesus Christ. A proper look at Psalms 23 can refresh the soul and encourage the heart. Pastor Jesse goes verse by verse in this episode of Bibleline.
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida.
Communion, when done right, offers a powerful reminder and perspective for the believer. Pastor Jesse details the four R's of communion; remind, reset, revive, and refill. Enjoy this episode of Bibleline!
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida.