,1,00:00 Intro
00:10 Friends List
00:24 Can't tag them?
00:46 Can't invite them?
01:05 Can't see their feed?
01:18 Can't find them on search bar?
01:36 Can't message them?
Facebook doesn't directly let you know if you've been blocked but in this video we will show you a few ways to tell if a friend has blocked you or not.
How To Delete Your Facebook Account (2021)
How To Hide Online Status On WhatsApp
How To Delete Your Instagram Account (2021)
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How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Facebook
,1,00:00 Intro
00:11 Appearing offline on your computer
01:02 Appearing offline on the mobile app
01:33 Appearing offline on the Messenger app
Learn all three ways to appear offline on Facebook and control who can and cannot see your active status in this tutorial.
How To Delete Your Facebook Account
How To Find Your AirPods
How To Post On Reddit
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How To Appear Offline On Facebook
,1,Here's how to install Ring Doorbell. Before installation, keep in mind that to be compatible, your doorbell transformer must supply 8-24 VAC at 50/60 Hz with a maximum power rating of 40 VA. If it doesn't meet these specs, you can install a Ring hardwire transformer kit or install it wirelessly.
0:00 Intro
0:07 Charging Battery
0:28 Set up on Ring App
0:40 Installation
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How To Install Ring Doorbell
,1,If you want to delete your Facebook account for good, follow these instructions for both desktop and mobile.
0:00 Navigating settings via desktop
0:20 Decide between deactivating or deleting account on desktop
1:05 Download your info on desktop
1:12 Final prompts for deleting on desktop
1:35 Navigating settings via mobile
1:54 Decide between deactivating or deleting account on mobile
2:07 Download your info on mobile
2:13 Final prompts for deleting on mobile
How To Download Fortnite On PC
How To Use Discord
How To Try Dermaplaning At Home | Beauty At Home
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How To Delete Your Facebook Account (2021)
,1,NASA announced its returned mission to the moon by 2024, titled Artemis it will cost an estimated $20-$30 billion. They plan to go to the moon in their SLS mega-rocket and begin building a lunar gateway. The mission will focus on the possibilities of mining resources on the moon, including water for rocket fuel and will lead to future deep space travel and lunar bases in what can be considered the new era of space exploration.
What Happens To The Human Body In Space
Elon Musk's Multibillion Dollar Mars Rocket, Explained
NASA’s 4-Year Twin Experiment Takes Us Closer To Mars Than Ever Before
#NASA #Moon #TechInsider
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NASA’s $30 Billion Moon Return Mission, Explained | Beyond Earth
,1,As air travel becomes more harmful to the environment, companies are betting on battery power as a cleaner alternative to jet fuel. Prototypes of electric aircraft have been taking off around the globe, paving the way for a future of cheaper flights, quieter airports, and emissions-free air travel.
Why You Can't Open An Airplane Door Mid-Flight
How To Survive A Plane Crash
Why Planes Dump Jet Fuel
#Electric #Planes #TechInsider
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Why We Still Don't Have Electric Planes
,1,Imagine if we could replace fossil fuels with our very own stars. And no, we’re not talking about solar-power. We’re talking nuclear fusion. And right now China is working on a fusion reactor that is 6 times hotter than the sun.
#China #Star #TechInsider
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China Made An Artificial Star 6 Times Hotter Than The Sun
,1,Earth's magnetic field is what protects our planet from harmful space radiation. However, our protective shield might soon go into a transformation that could threaten the lives on Earth. This video shows what will happen when Earth's magnetic poles flip.
Special thanks to Alanna Mitchell: https://www.amazon.com/Spinning-Magnet-Electromagnetic-Created-World/dp/110198516X
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,1,Business Insider UK sat down with Dr Stuart Clark, who spoke to us about a range of subjects regarding astronomy and astrophysics. We asked him what he thought of flat earth theory, a school of thought which believes that the earth is not spherical but flat.
"All our physics is constructed now, the physics of orbits of things going around the earth is all constructed with this three dimensional world. And the pictures from space show our world as a globe and yet somehow there are some people that still seem to believe the earth is flat."
"My own pet theory is that they’re doing it for comic effect."
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,1,Sleep expert Matthew Walker breaks down the many effects of sleep deprivation on your brain and body.
Following is the transcript of the video:
Matthew Walker: My name is Matthew Walker, I am a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and I am the author of the book "Why We Sleep."
We certainly know that a lack of sleep will actually prevent your brain from being able to initially make new memories, so it's almost as though without sleep the memory inbox of the brain shuts down and you can't commit new experiences to memory. So those new incoming informational emails are just bounced, and you end up feeling as though you're amnesiac. You can't essentially make and create those new memories.
We also know that a lack of sleep will lead to an increased development of a toxic protein in the brain that is called beta amyloid and that is associated with Alzheimer's disease because it is during deep sleep at night when a sewage system within the brain actually kicks in to high gear and it starts to wash away this toxic protein, beta amyloid. So if you're not getting enough sleep each and every night, more of that Alzheimer's-related protein will build up. The more protein that builds up, the greater your risk of going on to develop dementia in later life.
What are the effects of sleep deprivation on the body? Well, there are many different effects. Firstly, we know that sleep deprivation affects the reproductive system. We know that men who are sleeping just five to six hours a night have a level of testosterone which is that of someone ten years their senior. So a lack of sleep will age you by almost a decade in terms of that aspect of virility and wellness.
We also know that a lack of sleep impacts your immune system. So after just one night of four to five hours of sleep, there is a 70% reduction in critical anticancer-fighting immune cells called natural killer cells. And that's the reason that we know that short sleep duration predicts your risk for developing numerous forms of cancer. And that list currently includes cancer of the bowel, cancer of the prostate, as well as cancer of the breast. In fact, the link between a lack of sleep and cancer is now so strong that recently the World Health Organization decided to classify any form of nighttime shift work as a probable carcinogen. So in other words, jobs that may induce cancer because of a disruption of your sleep rate rhythms.
We also know that a lack of sleep impacts your cardiovascular system because it is during deep sleep at night that you receive this most wonderful form of effectively blood pressure medication. Your heart rate drops, your blood pressure goes down. If you're not getting sufficient sleep, you're not getting that reboot of the cardiovascular system, so your blood pressure rises. You have, if you're getting six hours of sleep or less, a 200% increased risk of having a fatal heart attack or stroke in your lifetime.
There is a global experiment that is performed on 1.6 billion people twice a year and it's called daylight saving time. And we know that in the spring, when we lose one hour of sleep, we see a subsequent 24% increase in heart attacks the following day.
Another question, perhaps, is what is the recycle rate of a human being? How long can we actually last without sleep before we start to see declines in your brain function or even impairments within your body? And the answer seems to be about 16 hours of wakefulness. Once you get past 16 hours of being awake, that's when we start to see mental deterioration and physiological deterioration in the body. We know that after you've been awake for 19 or 20 hours, your mental capacity is so impaired that you would be as deficient as someone who was legally drunk behind the wheel of a car. So if you were to ask me what is the recycle rate of a human being, it does seem to be about 16 hours and we need about eight hours of sleep to repair the damage of wakefulness. Wakefulness essentially is low-level brain damage.
#Sleep #SleepDeprivation #TechInsider
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What Happens To Your Body And Brain If You Don't Get Sleep | The Human Body
,1,Humanity's first contact with aliens could be a breezy 24 years away. We sent a signal to an Earth-like planet that may host life – and we sent them a mixtape.
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Following is the transcript of the video:
The project, called "Sónar Calling GJ 273b," is a team effort led by the Sónar music festival in collaboration with METI (Messaging to Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) International and the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia in Spain. Following is a transcript of the video.
Humans just tried to contact intelligent aliens.
On Oct. 16, 17, and 18 a team of musicians and scientists sent a message to aliens. They sent the message via radio waves and transmitted it 9 different times. This helps ensure that all the information reaches its destination
What's in the message?
Thirty-three musical pieces, each 10 seconds long, a tutorial on how humans keep time, and when we will be listening for a response.
The message is headed for a nearby exoplanet named GJ 273b. GJ 273b is what astronomers call a "Super Earth".
It's slightly more massive than Earth and is within its star's habitable zone. GJ 273b is a good candidate for alien life.
This is the first radio message of its kind designed for a direct response at a specific time. GJ 273b lives in another star system 12 light years away.
That means if intelligent life responds we could make first contact in just 24 years.
,1,A mysterious 'hole' larger than Maryland has reappeared in the middle of Antarctica after 42 years. Scientists aren't sure how it got there. But this isn't the first time it's appeared. The hole is a type of polynya. Polynyas are a region of open water surrounded by sea ice. But the Weddell polynya is unlike any other. While most polynyas form near the shore, this polynya is located hundreds of kilometers from the coast. Scientists first saw it in 1974. Back then, the opening was as large as Oregon. But in 1976, the opening closed up seemingly for good. Then, in 2016, a NASA satellite spotted a small opening. It was the first sighting of the polynya in over 40 years. Since then, the opening has grown considerably larger. Now, it's large enough to fit Maryland. It's still 5X smaller than it was in the '70s. But this polynya's reappearance is a mystery to scientists. One expert said it was like someone had punched a hole in the ice.
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,1,The mystery of the "alien megastructure" star may finally be settled. In 2015, a rumor spread about the star KIC 8462852.
It was proposed that the star might harbor an alien race. The rumor stemmed from the star's unusually unstable brightness. One explanation for the behavior was an alien megastructure called a "Dyson swarm." Now, that possibility has been ruled out.
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,1,NASA is about to say a fond farewell to its Cassini spacecraft. After 13 years of exploring Saturn and its mysterious moons, Cassini is running out of fuel. NASA is using the remaining dregs to fly it straight into Saturn on September 15th, where the $3.26 billion spacecraft will be obliterated. Here's a break down of what will happen as the final day approaches.
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,1,The New Horizons spacecraft traveled more than 3 billion miles to reach Pluto. Scientists at NASA have used the mission data to create flyovers that are even closer than the actual spacecraft.
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,1,These projections are so convincing they'll make you question reality.
Visual Studio THEORIZ developed technology that creates 3d hologram-like projections, providing an immersive experience which looks awesome.
Interactive video is projected onto the walls and ground, responding to the movements of the subject in real time, all without the use of any post production.
You can see more of their work by visiting their Vimeo, Instagram or Twitter.
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,1,NASA is about to fly its $3.26 billion Cassini spacecraft where no spacecraft has flown before — in the deepest region of Saturn's rings between the planet and its inner-most ring. NASA has wanted to study this region of space for decades, but each time it had the chance it opted out. Not this time!
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,1,NASA’s Juno probe successfully began orbiting Jupiter on July 4. The spacecraft has 37 orbits to go before it burns up on purpose — to protect potential aliens. Yes, we’re serious.
Video courtesy of NASA.
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,1,Secret US military bases were all the rage during the Cold War, and many of these bases are still around today. With the help of Google Earth, some of the most secretive bases around the world have been identified.
Produced by Brad Streicher
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,1,We're all looking to try and get to most out of our day, squeezing in an extra hour here and there. But there is nothing more critical to your health and well being then getting the right amount of sleep on a consistent basis. James E. Gangwisch, an assistant Professor at Columbia University and sleep expert, reveals how consistent sleep deprivation affects your health.
Produced by Corey Protin. Camera by Zach Wasser.
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