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Is it possible that you, I, and everything we experience is a computer simulation? Why do people like Elon Must and Neil DeGrasse Tyson think this is possible? In this video I will explain how Nick Bostrom's argument for the simulation hypothesis goes, and what the problems with it are.
The reference I mention at around 6 minutes is eg
Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation
Silas R. Beane, Zohreh Davoudi, Martin J. Savage
EPJ A, 50, 148 (2014)
#science #physics #philosophy
0:00 Intro
0:25 What is the Simulation Hypothesis?
3:52 Can we simulate consciousness?
4:38 Can a computer replace the laws of nature?
6:18 Can we avoid calculating details?
8:14 Conclusion
8:52 Sponsor Message