,1,Alfred Lambremont Weber exploded at Brian Ruhe again!! He yells, "SHUT UP!!!" and calls Brian ignorant, "for fuck's sake!" "Christ sake!" The others get involved and it's tense. Diane Chase has Brian's back as she is wise.
Alfred Weber is well known in the UFO community and has made hundreds of videos relating to the "bad Nazis'" secret space program. On Dec. 4, 2021, I held this Zoom meeting with 15 people. I am opposed to the thesis I was giving the talk about. This was the talk description:
Project Paperclip & Nazi Control Today of the Secret Space Program
In this meeting we will discuss with Brian the evidence that the US brought 1000 Nazi rocket scientists and engineers over during Project Paperclip and that these Nazis took over the reverse engineering of UFOs. Sources for this are:
Steven Greer, Laura Eisenhower, former Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, Corey Goode, Michael Salla, Jim Marrs, Robert Sepehr, Peter Levenda, William Thompkins, David Hatcher Childress and Dan Willis.
Many of these people claim that today these Nazis control the highest powers within the US military. In this video, his last, former Defense Minister Paul Hellyer states that these Nazi white supremacists must not be allowed to decide the fate of billions of lives.
“Liberation! The Economics of Hope”
Go to 21:53 to hear these remarks.
Please do your own research, share your ideas and be part of this video.
This is a FAIR USE of the thumbnail image used with our photos added to it.
Thank you to Fred for video editing.
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