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The interviews and footage aired in the story constitute Fair Use for news reporting purposes. Other elements were purchased by Newsthink Ltd. or fall under a creative commons license in which re-use is allowed.
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The interviews and footage aired in the story constitute Fair Use for news reporting purposes. Other elements were purchased by Newsthink Ltd. or fall under a creative commons license in which re-use is allowed.
Thumbnail source: Elon Musk image courtesy of United States Air Force Academy
Image sources: 2:04 Tesla Fremont factory: Creative Commons attribution license (re-use allowed) 5:03 Scott Beale | Laughing Squid AND in description: and Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) via Flickr 5:06 Kevin Krejci Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr 6:19 Elon Musk photo sourced from @elonmusk on Twitter
,1,The top secret life of Wernher von Braun. Visit to get started learning STEM for FREE, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription.
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0:24 Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1978-Anh.024-03 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE via Wikimedia Commons
0:30 No machine-readable author provided. Bast assumed (based on copyright claims)., CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
1:19 Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-2005-0163 / Tellgmann, Oscar / CC-BY-SA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
1:28 Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-10541 / Georg Pahl / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE via Wikimedia Commons
1:35 Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-16108 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE via Wikimedia Commons
1:47 Auguste Piccard image on left: Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-13738 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE via Wikimedia Commons
2:23 Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1978-Anh.023-02 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE via Wikimedia Commons
3:07 Bundesarchiv, RH8II Bild-B2047-47 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE via Wikimedia Commons
3:13 Bundesarchiv, Bild 141-1880 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE via Wikimedia Commons
3:27 Cassowary Colorizations, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
3:32 AElfwine, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
4:35 Vincent van Zeijst, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
4:51 Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1991-061-17 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE via Wikimedia Commons
5:06 Vincent van Zeijst, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
5:36 Michael J. Neufeld image sourced from National Air and Space Museum
6:35 Colorized Hitler image: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-H1216-0500-002 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE via Wikimedia Commonse
6:42 NTB, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
7:00 Alamy photo (Newsthink Ltd. is a registered client)
7:21 Jan B.H.A. Vervloedt (photo) Ad Meskens (scan), CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Articles referenced:
5:36 Michael J. Neufeld article in Smithsonian Magazine
Is Kim Dotcom a hero or thief? Visit to get started learning STEM for FREE, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription.
Newsthink tells the stories of brilliant people shaping our future.
Thank you to our Patrons: Igli Laci, Ronil Patel, Austin Grant, Tom Eng, Neo Ge, Will Lathrop Support us on Patreon ►
Thank you to our Patrons: Igli Laci, Ronil Patel, Austin Grant, Tom Eng, Neo Ge, Will Lathrop Support us on Patreon ►
Many of the images featured in this video were sourced from Alamy.
Insight from a TV reporter who made the jump to YouTube. The first 1,000 people to use the link or my code NEWSTHINK will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare:
Newsthink tells the stories of brilliant people shaping our future.
Thank you to our Patrons: Igli Laci, Ronil Patel, Austin Grant, Tom Eng, Neo Ge, Will Lathrop Support us on Patreon ►
All media clips referenced are for the purposes of reporting, criticism, and commentary and constitute fair use.
Why fake Twitter accounts are driving Musk crazy. Visit to get started learning STEM for FREE, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription.
Special thanks to the United States Air Force Academy for permission to use images of Elon Musk in our video
Newsthink tells the stories of brilliant people shaping our future.
Thank you to our Patrons: Igli Laci, Ronil Patel, Austin Grant, Tom Eng, Neo Ge, Will Lathrop Support us on Patreon ►
Special thanks to the following for permission to use their material:
Thank you to our Patrons: Igli Laci, Ronil Patel, Austin Grant, Tom Eng, Neo Ge, Will Lathrop, Igli Laci Support us on Patreon ►
Sources: UN World Population Prospects report (2019) 4:24 Mehr News Agency, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons 4:50 artridge, Emily A.; Davey, Marcus G.; Hornick, Matthew A.; McGovern, Patrick E.; Mejaddam, Ali Y.; Vrecenak, Jesse D.; Mesas-Burgos, Carmen; Olive, Aliza; Caskey, Robert C.; Weiland, Theodore R.; Han, Jiancheng; Schupper, Alexander J.; Connelly, James T.; Dysart, Kevin C.; Rychik, Jack; Hedrick, Holly L.; Peranteau, William H.; Flake, Alan W. (25 April 2017). "An extra-uterine system to physiologically support the extreme premature lamb". 8. The Author(s): 15112. Retrieved 2018-01-18., CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Thank you to our Patrons: Igli Laci, Ronil Patel, Austin Grant, Tom Eng, Neo Ge, Will Lathrop Support us on Patreon ►
Thumbnail source: Robot and car images courtesy of Tesla
Thank you to our Patrons: Ronil Patel, Chesky Neceski, Austin Grant, Tom Eng, Tim Desir, Ryan Bresser, Neo Ge, Steven Bartlett, Will Lathrop Support us on Patreon ►
Special thanks to my Patreon Producer: Nino Gjoni (his name was misspelled, sorry!) Thank you to all our Patrons, including: Bruce Hlava, Ronil Patel, David Dales, Ron Studd, Chesky Neceski, Austin Grant, Darren Tyrell-Knights Support Newsthink on Patreon ►