,1,At sea, in the air, and on the ground, Lockheed Martin is developing laser weapon systems to protect warfighters on the battlefield. Hear from our experts about how these systems combine with platform integration to defeat a growing range of threats to military forces and infrastructure.
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,1,"Sunday, Sept. 9, 1900, revealed one of the most horrible sights that ever a civilized people looked upon," reported Isaac Cline, chief of the U.S. Weather Bureau office in Galveston, Texas, the day after the worst hurricane in U.S. history roared ashore. "Watchful Eyes" chronicles the advent of NOAA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) system and its value to forecasters, emergency management officials, and the public. GOES-R, NOAA's newest geostationary satellite represents the critical continuity of observation forecasters need to protect the communities they serve from severe weather.