,1,Sea Level Rise and Environmental Justice
In the coming decades, rising sea levels will cause portions of the San Francisco Bay to flood. One worst-case scenario predicts that the bay could rise by 10 feet by the end of this century. Not only will that flood homes, but new research is focusing on the industrial sites that will be affected — from hazardous waste treatment facilities to landfills and refineries.
Ezra David Romero, KQED climate reporter
Arieann Harrison, Marie Harrison Community Foundation founder and CEO
Eduardo Martinez, Richmond Vice Mayor (D)
Bay Area Monkeypox Infections
Last week, the World Health Organization declared monkeypox a global emergency, and on Thursday, the city of San Francisco declared a state of emergency. The virus, which can cause a rash and lesions, has been endemic in Africa for decades, but it’s now spreading in Europe, Canada and the U.S. In California, health officials have recorded roughly 650 cases, with more than 300 in the Bay Area. We talk to KQED’s senior engagement editor Carly Severn about what you need to know about the virus and how it spreads.
Something Beautiful: AIDS Interfaith Memorial Chapel
Keith Haring and Grace Cathedral may not be an obvious association, but the chapel perched atop Nob Hill has brought the two together in a powerful tribute to those who have died of AIDS. Below the soaring arched ceilings of the cathedral, an intimate chapel in the North Tower hosts Haring’s final major artwork, a book of remembrance and a panel from the AIDS quilt. As this week’s Something Beautiful, the AIDS Interfaith Memorial chapel is an enduring reminder of the fragile yet beautiful world we live in.
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