,jesse michels,american alchemy,podcast,science,technology,religion,diana pasulka,ufo,ufos,rosicrucianism,nasa,reverse engineering,nasa launch rituals,secret space program,mystery religions,spirit,spiritual,diana,pasulka,garry nolan,diana pasulka interview,diana pasulka jesse michels,physics,meditation,awakening,esoteric,consciousness,jesse,michels,american alchmey jesse,jesse michels ufo,alien,aliens,chardin,time travel,jack parsons,werner von braun,g5kuwnoNSEM,Diana Pasulka , Society, channel_UCuG2KzrIMe3qoNcuDVpwnXw, video_g5kuwnoNSEM,Main episode with Diana Pasulka (December 2023): https://youtu.be/tS_64sTN5AU
Follow the NEW INSTAGRAM for the show! https://www.instagram.com/jessemichelsmedia/
Professor of Religious Studies Diana Pasulka discusses NASA, artificial intelligence, UFOs, the secrete space program, the Vatican, and mystical belief systems.
*** AMERICAN ALCHEMY is an original series hosted by Jesse Michels that explores the frontier of science and tech. Each week, we bring you exclusive interviews with some of the leading thinkers of our time.
INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/jessemichels
TWITTER ➤ https://twitter.com/AlchemyAmerican
EMAIL/BOOKINGS ➤ usa.alchemy@gmail.com
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Original music: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6LlLRudDi60Uy4jcmOSEs1
#nasa #space #science #aliens
,Alien,Aliens,Non Human Intelligence,Anti-gravity,Bob Lazar,Jacque Vallee,Diana Pasulka,Time Travel,Space,Space Travel,Extraterrestrials,ET’s,Carl Sagan,Physics,String theory,Quantum Physics,Mystery rituals,Mike Masters,Future Humans,UFO,NHI,Religion,Catholicism,Mystery Rituals,Jesus,Biblical Aliens,Secret Space Program,Relgious Aliens,Religious Conversion Experience,tS_64sTN5AU,Diana Pasulka , Religion,Society, channel_UCuG2KzrIMe3qoNcuDVpwnXw, video_tS_64sTN5AU,Diana Pasulka is a religious studies professor at UNC Wilmington who has written three books: Heaven Can Wait, American Cosmic and Encounters (links below). The first was about Catholic purgatory and when Pasulka began documenting historical accounts of “divine” or “angelic” visitations in the Catholic tradition she started to notice commonalities among them and modern alien and UFO experiences. Thus began her documentation of the modern religious aspects of the UFO phenomenon along with her journey into classified secret aerospace work in the United States. Her book Encounters served to destigmatize “disclosure” as a global, transhistorical phenomenon that transcends our myopic western frame.
It was an honor and a privilege to have her on American Alchemy!
You can find Diana Pasulka's books here:
Heaven Can Wait: https://a.co/d/0mcVUCo
Encounters: https://a.co/d/56UXbUC
American Cosmic: https://a.co/d/9VCSbYo
I'd also like to give a huge shoutout to Ammar from YesTheory for helping out on this interview! Check out the YesTheory channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@YesTheory/
For a deeper dive on UFOs, government disclosure, and the theories behind why these are kept secret, check out my full length documentary with UFO Whistleblower David Grusch here: https://youtu.be/kRO5jOa06Qw?si=S0zHzMiLT2Dm_0jj
P.S. check out this very creative paper Dr. Pasulka wrote with Grad student Mark Burchick about the intersection of AI, religious studies and the phenomenon: https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/4uGGCn5NLJI77V9jt9AbfM/
*** AMERICAN ALCHEMY is an original series hosted by Jesse Michels that explores the frontier of science and tech. Each week, we bring you exclusive interviews with some of the leading thinkers of our time.
INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/jessemichels
TWITTER ➤ https://twitter.com/AlchemyAmerican
EMAIL/BOOKINGS ➤ usa.alchemy@gmail.com
SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7eOJzNRWY4l2UTDvIquxYg?app=desktop original music: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6LlLRudDi60Uy4jcmOSEs1