- Seamoss Contains 92/102 minerals The Body Needs Everyday To sustain itself. This almost-tasteless seaweed is loaded with life-enhancing nutrients such as sulphur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, pectin, among others.
- Seamoss is an expectorant. It promotes Excretion of saliva and mucus & is Great to remove phlegm that Builds up. Can Cure Coughs ,Respiratory issues and common cold.
-Consuming Seamoss is Good For Skin , muscle , Joint Pain, & Known to Cure Various Skin diseases such as eczemadermatitis, Rashes,& Sunburn.
- Can be added to baths to Moisturize skin or topically to hydrate Skin to Prevent Rashes And Inflammation as well as Provide Relief For Muscle or Joint Pain
- Promotes Hair, Skin, & Nail Growth. Highly recommended Skin regimen Very rich in Sulfur content.
- Substantial Amount Of Iodine, Great for Thyroid related Diseases Because It helps with production of hormones.
The Body Needs Iodine to strengthen immune system to help to help Fight diseases.
- Boost Metabolism Increases energy and helps Accelerate weight loss. Reduces The Appetite by virtue of Its ability to Nourish with Minerals, Increasing its Volume and filling The Intestinal track with its Bulk like Gel Substance which then increases the feeling of Fullness.
- Aids In Elimination process of Healthy digestion & waste elimination through the gastrointestinal tract.Its Gel like Content helps ease Gastritis , heartburn , Nausea , & can be used to stop vomiting in some cases.
-Seamoss contains Antimicrobial Agents Which Are Used in Making Antibiotics to help fight against Fungal and Bacterial infections.
,rumble user_CinnamonSweetShoppe Japanese Hibachi Fried Rice rumble_video_I5Daj__qR4e,
#japanesefriedrice #friedrice #hibachi
Hibachi Cooking Oil 1 tablespoon sesame seed oil 2 ½ tablespoon olive oil (light or extra virgin) ¼ cup rice cooking wine 2 tablespoon soy sauce
2 cups rice (cooked long grain white rice, I typically use Jasmine) 1 tablespoon Hibachi Cooking Oil (see above) ¼ cup white onion (finely chopped) ½ cup peas and carrots (frozen blend, or a ¼ cup of each peas and finely chopped or diced carrots) 1 large egg 2 tablespoon butter (salted) 2 tablespoon soy sauce
5 tablespoons melted and cooled butter 1 egg 3/4 cup packed brown sugar. 3/4 cup dutch process cocoa powder. 1/2 tsp baking powder. 1/4 tsp salt 1 - 1/4 cup flour
Filling 3 cups confectioners sugar, sifted 6 oz melted dark chocolate 1/4 tsp salt 3 sticks (1 - 1/2 cups) softened butter 3/4 tsp vanilla
,rumble user_CinnamonSweetShoppe Cinnamon Ginger Cookies rumble_video_EWsyi__qR4e,
#cinnamoncookies #gingercookies #recipe 2 cups whole wheat pastry flour (all purpose may be used) 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp ginger 1 tsp ground cloves 3/4 cup solid shortening (I used Spectrum brand) 1 1/2 cups dry sweetener (organic sugar, cup for cup stevia, cup for cup erythritol, etc) 1/4 cup molasses 1 large egg
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