,1,WHEN DO WE THE 99% HANG THE 1% !..
Vax Damage: 26.6 Million Injured, 1.36 Million Disabled, 300k Excess Deaths,
$150 Billion Economic Loss.
The carnage caused by experimental mRNA injections is beyond genocide levels and is the worst health related disaster America has ever experienced. Big Pharma and government leadership cannot possibly plead ignorance and yet they continue to gaslight the world that the shots are “safe and effective”...
What a graceful man, worth every moment. We have conversations on the phone too...
Before you get diagnosed with depression, 1st make sure you are not obeying assholes, surrounded by assholes or are in societies slow death traps known as cities and towns...
My latest Nikon pic's... https://nis.nikonimagespace.com/html/guest/en/index.html?g=Qmv3amTqmZX7FBXesEB14AAdGnk6wGySC3VzQWaqiOFiIAf0iDCsrc0sXvlKRHFR0_1T5iwSVLncSNeaaCz16A&r=0#grid
Your TV PROGRAMMING made EWE government sympathizers...
Things To Think About...
How The Hegelian Dialectic Has Infiltrated The TRUTH MOVEMENT With Controlled Opposition...
Fractional Reserve Banking and government tax theft from us to bail them in or out...
I awaken to life every day now, aware that it is far different from life just a few years ago. I see the encroaching darkness of oppression. I am fully aware of the increasingly scarce liberties. I feel the nudging of authoritarian masters intent on moving us toward fear and blind compliance...
...I see the encroaching darkness. I feel the pressure of the overlords upon us all.
The grinding wheels of oppression approach...
French citizen protesters are not the TERRORISTS, Governments are and their lamestream media FEAR PORN whores...
Weather Modification And The USA Military...
Paul Ehrlich was an entomologist at Stanford University when he penned Population Bomb. Entomology is the study of insects. Thus, Ehrlich applied the science of insects to predict runaway overpopulation of humans that would destroy the world. Ehrlich was dead wrong but what is worse is that the academic world let him get away with it...
Trust Your Senses, Not Another Man...