,rumble user_RubinReport Talking Tech with Elon Musk! rumble_video_w7Jjv__qR4e,
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Joe Biden breaking his promise to not pardon his son Hunter Biden and Elon Musk’s perfect response to X’s community notes concerning Biden’s lie; Kash Patel, Trump’s controversial pick for FBI director, telling Glenn Beck why Jeffrey Epstein’s list has been protected by the FBI and what he plans to do to dismantle the deep state; Kevin O’Leary of "Shark Tank” telling shocked CNN hosts why Trump’s tariff plan could bring China to its knees; Marc Andreessen explaining to Joe Rogan the shocking truth of how various tech entrepreneurs have been targeted and debanked under Operation Choke Point for being “politically exposed persons” and having the wrong political beliefs as well as why so many wealthy people supported Kamala Harris; Coleman Hughes shutting down CNN’s Ameshia Cross for accusing Joe Rogan of being a grifter who changed his political beliefs; and much more.
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The Direct Message directly addresses political news, cultural news and current events of the day. It’s only by having rational conversations about these topics that we can help end political polarization. To hear what Dave has to say on these and a variety of other topics watch this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEbhOtC9klbDG22n--rCDbv02-n8l6agL
Looking for honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? If so, then you’re in the right place because on “The Rubin Report” Dave Rubin engages the ideas of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, entertainers and politicians. Dave lets his guests speak their minds and his audience to think for themselves.
,,RvFtakLqh2w,Days Darkness , Religion,Society, channel_UCOJwZGj9MqN98XgWPhH_HcQ, video_RvFtakLqh2w,This is a video about a word the Lord gave me regarding the coming 3 days of darkness. I would appreciate not debating with anyone about this, as this is something you need to take to the Lord Jesus Christ and study it out with Holy Spirit's guidance.
Please take everything to Jesus Christ in prayer.
"Beloved, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already." 1 John 4:1-3
"Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21
Verses regarding the 3 days of darkness:
Amos 8:9
Exodus 10:21-23
Joel 2:1-11
Joel 2:30-31
Revelation 11:6
Deuteronomy 28:15, 27-29, 58-61
Revelation 16:10-11
Isaiah 59:9-10
Job 5:14
Job 12:24-25
Ezekiel 32:7-8
Isaiah 13:10-11
Acts 2:20-21
Isaiah 5:30
Isaiah 8:22
Joel 3:14-15
Psalm 91:5-6
Please check out Vicki GoForth Parnell at mylovelyjesusministry.com
Youtube: @mylovelyJesusMinistry777
What was once relegated to the realm of conspiracy theories has now been thrust into the harsh light of reality. The adrenochrome industry in Ukraine is not only real, but it is also much larger and more organized than anyone had ever imagined. Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to dismantle this monstrous operation, calling it “the devil’s work” and pledging to bring justice to those responsible, including politicians and celebrities who are allegedly addicted to this horrifying substance.
According to a member of the Adrenochrome Task Force, these factory farms are more than just places of physical torment; they are sites of ritual sexual abuse, psychological torture, and systematic degradation. The children found in these so-called farms were not just victims—they were products of a grotesque industry that preys on the most innocent and vulnerable members of society.
3M has the patent for preparing adrenochrome: US Patent # 4501923 .. This was done back in the '80s when 3M was called Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. The patent was issued in 1985. Interestingly, the patent expired in April 2020
WIKILEAKS DOCUMENT DUMP POST ELECTION 2024 LINKS 🔗 & NOTES 📝: Compiled By Thomas W. Trefts, Veterans Health Chairman of The National Vietnam And Gulf War Veterans Coalition. Founder of : ( VAT ) Veterans Against Treason. https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Leaked_Files
Project Bluebird Project Bluebeam Project Evergreen Project Artichoke MK-Ultra MK-Naomi Project Monarch Operation Chaos Operation Gladio Operation Mockingbird Operation Paperclip Operation Northwoods Operation Ranch Hand Operation Popeye (Doomsday Project) Cointelpro Operation Project Seal Operation Stargate Operation Highjump Operation Delirium Project Rainbow Operation Midnight Climax Project Woodpecker Project Stagate - Grill Flame, Sun Streak Operation Cloverleaf Operation Fishbowl Project Bluebook Project Coast. Musical Control ( Rockefeller ) Project Groom Lake Jekyll Island. The creation of the Federal Reserve. Fiat currency. Operation High Jump. Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd. Agartha. Operation Paperclip. Flouridation effects. Agenda 21. Agenda 30. Monsanto. Aspartame. B G H (Bovine growth hormone). Rothschild’s family history. Albert Pike. Adam Weishaupt. P.N.A.C Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Committee of 300. 13 families. Skull and Bones Society. The Bush family’s business dealings. General Wesley Clark. Bill Cooper. William Guy Carr. MILABS. Zacharaiah Sitchen. Annunaki. Nephalim. Nibiru (Planet X). Ninth Circle Cult. Nazi eugenics. Council of 13. Council of Nicea. Library of Alexandria. Vatican Catacombs. Emperor Constantine. Bloodlines of the Illuminati. Freemasonry. Plantagenets. Merovingians. Jesuits. Sabbatean Frankists. D.U.M.B.S Phil Schneider. Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion. Tavistock Institute. Frankfurt subversion techniques. Fabian society. Satanic ritual abuse. Adrenochrome. Elm St Guest house. 788 - 790 Finchley Road, Hampstead. Christchurch Primary School, Hampstead. Balfour Declaration and the Creation of Israel. The Samson Option
Russian soldiers are describing finding children with fragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodies were expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global adrenochrome trade.
The adrenochrome industry in Ukraine is larger than previously expected and Putin is determined to use the leads generated to destroy the global adrenochrome supply chain and punish those committing crimes against children – including the politicians and celebrities who are hooked on the drug he calls “the devil’s work.”
According to a member of the Adrenochrome Task Force, these factory farms are the sites of ritual sexual abuse, physical degradation and psychological torture.
“You know, I thought I’d seen it all. I’ve been in combat for years, seen comrades fall, dealt with the worst humanity has to offer. But nothing, nothing, could prepare me for what we found in Donetsk.
“We were told we’d be liberating children… I didn’t understand the scale of what that meant until we got there. We were clearing out this complex, a grim place… like a gulag or a Nazi death camp, but worse. Much worse. The walls were gray, cold, and damp. The air… it stank of decay and something nauseating… something I can’t describe. And then we found them. The children.
“They were… like ghosts. Skin and bones. Their bodies, they looked so fragile, almost transparent. I could see the outlines of their ribs, every bone in their tiny hands. They had tubes coming out of them, tubes that drained their blood, their adrenal fluids… for what? For some sick trade, some twisted demand from the West.
“There were hundreds of them, just lying there in these rows of metal cots. No blankets, no warmth. They didn’t even flinch when we burst in, no fear, no hope… Just emptiness in their eyes. Some were too weak to even look at us. They were so used to the pain, the torment, they didn’t even react.
“And the worst part? The youngest… some of them couldn’t have been more than 2 years old. Babies, really. We found out later that they were bred for this… Raised in captivity, like livestock, just to be drained of everything that made them human.
“The ones they couldn’t sell, the ones who weren’t ‘pretty’ enough or ‘obedient’ enough, were sent to these farms. Farms… as if that’s what you could call those hellholes.”
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Did you know that nearly 620 million people in India still lack access to proper sanitation? Meanwhile, Bangladesh faces over 270,000 premature deaths each year due to air pollution. As various sectors thrive and urban areas expand, a significant portion of the population grapples with the harmful impacts of pollution. This raises an important question: what is the true cost of development?
In today's video, we will shed light on the most heavily polluted nations in the world.
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