Chris and Sadia Khan discuss whether the number of past sexual partners matters in a relationship. What is historical jealousy according to Sadia Khan? What does Sadia Khan mean by people should be looking for rejection rate versus body count? What does Sadia Khan recommend for those experiencing historical jealousy?
Chris and Konstantin Kisin discuss the viral Sam Harris clip featured on Triggernometry. What does Konstantin Kisin think of the clip? What advice does Konstantin Kisin have for Sam Harris?
Alex’s Twitter continually has been one of my favourite sources of great insights over the last few years. Today we get to go through some of my favourite lessons from him about life, human behaviour, psychology, business and resilience. Again, this is really good.
Expect to learn Alex’s most controversial opinions and mindset reframes. strategies to overcome self-doubt, why your revenge fantasy is a petty life goal, how to overcome regrets, how to hack motivation, the keys to avoiding a victim mindset, the only productivity tip that matters, where unbreakable resilience comes from and much more…
00:00 Stop Caring About Other People’s Opinions 08:00 How To Have Difficult Conversations 15:28 The Heavy Burden of Unmade Decisions 24:46 Overcoming the Fear of What Other People Think 33:00 In Life You Must Choose Your Regrets 42:18 Work as Hard as You Can at One Thing & See What Happens 54:09 Become a Hero By Using Your Pain 58:42 Success is the Only Revenge 1:11:02 You’ve Already Achieved Goals You Said Would Make You Happy 1:24:13 Nobody Will Hate on You for Doing Worse Than Them 1:36:22 Hold Yourself to a Higher Standard Than Anyone Else Does 1:48:56 How to Remember Everything You Learn 1:59:07 You Don’t Have to Feel Good About it, Just Keep Going 2:05:23 Judge Yourself By Your Actions Not Your Thoughts 2:18:59 Success Comes From Doing The Things Others Won’t Do 2:25:09 The Ultimate Productivity System 2:35:07 A Hack For Knowing Who You Should Take Advice From 2:43:55 Why Cynicism Is A Loser’s Strategy 2:49:10 Learning Isn’t a Spectator Sport 2:51:28 Where to Find Alex
J. Michael Bailey is a Northwestern University professor of psychology, researcher, and an author known for his work on sexual orientation and human sexuality.
Scientific research has had public scrutiny for a long time. But Michael's most recent study was placed under so much pressure from upset dissidents that the journal formally retracted it. Today we get to find out just why human sexuality is such a dangerous topic to look into.
Expect to learn what it's like to be in the middle of a global cancellation furore, what exactly the concept of gynandromorphophilia is, how malleable your sexual orientation actually is, whether lesbians are more likely to become straight again, if bisexuality actually exists, how accurate our gaydars and much more...
00:00 What Happened to Michael’s Recent Article? 04:29 The Topic that Got Michael’s Article Cancelled 12:49 Why Transgenderism Has Increased 21:20 Is Gender Dysphoria Linked with Autism? 25:17 Solutions Following Michael’s Research 31:00 Sexual Orientations of Trans People 41:50 Is Being Sexually Attracted to She-Males Common? 47:14 Are Women Aroused by Straight, Gay & Lesbian Porn? 54:07 Why More Men Experience Strange Sexual Interests 1:00:48 Environmental Impacts on Sexuality 1:10:28 How We Have Become Better at Identifying Gay People 1:14:47 The Malleability of Male Mate Value 1:20:29 Where to Find Michael
Bill Perkins is a hedge fund manager, high stakes poker player, film producer and an author.
What if the true path to financial fulfilment doesn’t lie in saving every penny, but rather in spending it as effectively as you can? Delayed gratification in the extreme results in no gratification, and Bill's book Die With Zero is one of the best financial philosophies I've ever come across.
Expect to learn how to maximise your existence for positive life experiences, why you should give your kids their inheritance when they're 30, the most common errors people make about money, why it’s so hard for some of us to spend, the brilliant concept of ‘consumption smoothing’, what Sigmamode grindset-ers are getting wrong about work-life balance, how to plan your life in terms of seasons and much more...
00:00 Intro 00:21 How Bill is Saving Lives 09:35 Maximise Positive Life Experiences 20:12 What Most People Misunderstand About Money 28:06 Can You Delay Gratification Too Much? 38:40 What is ‘Consumption Smoothing?’ 46:13 Is the Sigma Grind Mindset Healthy? 56:53 Bill’s Tactics for Enhancing His Life 1:05:01 How to Die with Zero 1:11:38 Making the Most of Having Children 1:15:24 How to Know if You’re Living on Autopilot 1:26:25 Knowing When You Should Stop 1:33:39 Giving Money to Kids & Charity Early 1:45:07 Advice to Risk-Averse People 1:50:14 Where to Find Bill
Matthew Fray is a relationship coach, blogger and an author.
Matthew's marriage ended because he left a glass next to the sink. Well, not exactly, but near enough. He spent the next few years recovering, reflecting and writing about how a relationship can fall apart without anything catastrophic happening, and also working out how to stop it from happening again.
Expect to learn how even good people can be bad spouses, why men and women aren't speaking the same language in most relationships, why most relationships are initiated by women, why trust is even more important than love, why peace and contentment are better life goals than happiness, and much more...
00:00 Intro 00:25 Matthew’s Divorce 05:31 How the Sexes Interpret a Situation 11:13 Trust’s Impact on Love 16:20 Good People can be Bad Spouses 29:45 Overcoming Divorce 39:29 How Do You Build Respect in a Marriage? 50:55 The Pain of Seeing Your Ex with Someone Else 59:08 What it’s Like to Be a Woman 1:03:30 Work for Contentment & Peace 1:07:02 How to Find Matthew
Sabine Hossenfelder is a theoretical physicist, research fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, quantum gravity researcher and an author.
There are a lot of big questions in the world, like does the past still exist? Do particles think? Was the universe fine tuned for us? Does free will exist? Will we ever have a theory of everything? Are we living in a simulation? And given that we don't have answers yet, why not let a physicist have a crack at them?
Expect to learn why physicists who say they know how the universe started aren't telling the truth, whether we can compute a human brain, why no one gets any younger, if maths is the ultimate basis of reality, why there might be copies of all of us out there in the universe, how your entire life could be the imagined history of a brain floating in space and much more...
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Ben Bergeron is the Owner of CrossFit New England, Founder of CompTrain and an author.
Ben has tested his high-performance philosophy on the biggest stage in the world having been the coach behind 6 CrossFit Games Championships. Today we get to go through some great insights for how to take charge of your direction and reach full potential in work, sport, family and life.
Expect to learn Ben's process for deciding how to make changes in life, how to turn your inner critic into a coach, why trusting your gut is a superpower, what Ben thinks about Dave Castro's recent exit from CrossFit, how you get a team to respect their leader, how Ben dealt with recent big name exits from his gym and much more...
00:00 Intro 00:26 How Not to ‘Fail by Default’ 13:10 Intention Vs Intuition 18:19 Dave Castro’s CrossFit Exit 29:43 How to Become an Effective Leader 48:46 Unique Advantages of Introverts 54:59 Turning the Inner Critic into a Coach 1:01:21 Earning Respect as a Leader 1:21:46 Impactful Athletes to Work With 1:30:40 How Emotion Alters Flow States 1:36:43 Ben’s Reaction To Katrin Leaving 1:48:41 Where to Find Ben
Carl Zimmer is a science writer, journalist and an author who specialises in the topics of evolution, parasites, and heredity.
Life is the thing which illuminates our corner of the universe. It gives colour to an otherwise cold, brutal void. But what is life? How is it defined? Despite seeming obvious at first glance, this question is one of the most contested in science.
Expect to learn what are the most extreme forms of life which can live in the vacuum of space, how life might have begun in rock pools, why aliens might be so different to us that we don't even recognise them, how a slimemould that looks like dog vomit can learn its way through a maze and much more...
00:00 Intro 00:38 Our Awareness of Life 10:09 What Constitutes Life & Death? 20:45 Animals with Weird Ideas About Life & Death 25:48 Understanding Life for Fungi 34:21 Other Forms of Life in the Universe 40:16 Origins of Life on Earth 44:48 Are Viruses Alive? 50:13 Discovering a Better Definition of Life 57:10 Where to Find Carl