Three years of Joe Biden’s treasonous open borders policies has brought millions of people from all over the world into the U.S. Many of them are criminals and now they’re doing what invaders do; take and terrorize. Police sources tell local news outlets that 75 percent of the crime in New York City is now committed by illegals. Latin American gangs are taking over apartment blocks in major U.S. cities. Is this just the beginning? Alex Newman joins us to analyze what’s going on and what we can expect in the coming days and months.
Also in this episode:
A former deputy chief of staff to New York Governor Kathy Hochul is accused of spying for the Chinese Communist Party;
The revolution begins to eat its own. California reparations bills are exposed for what they are, empty virtue-signaling, and the people who took them seriously are now angry.
Kamala delivered a characteristically vapid stemwinder to close out this week’s DNC. It was, per usual, long on rhetoric on short on substance. We dissect her speech as well as Trump’s reaction to it. _________________ Catch all episodes of The New American Daily by visiting For reliable news and in-depth information, explore The New American at Subscribe to our print magazine today and save over 25%! Check out our social medias and more! - Visit for more on The John Birch Society.
According to the legacy media, the Harris-Walz ticket has turned into an electoral juggernaut. Meanwhile, the hapless Trump-Vance ticket embarrasses itself and falls farther and farther behind. Is it all astroturfed hype and gaslighting, or is a Harris come-from-behind victory in November a very real possibility?
Also in this episode:
The globalists at the World Health Organization just declared a global health emergency over monkeypox—just in time for election season.
Nobody knows Kamala Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, better than the people who live under his leadership. Minnesota native and Emmy award-winning journalist Liz Collin joins us to dish the goods on this radical man posing as a moderate. Collin is the author of the Amazon bestseller They’re Lying: The Media, the Left, and The Death of George Floyd and creator of the hard-hitting documentary, The Fall of Minneapolis.
Also in this episode:
The Biden Regime has accomplished very little, but when it comes to getting immigrants naturalized just in time to vote, it has succeeded wildly.
Everyone counted Ukraine out, but then it launched a surprise assault—into Russia. Does this change the course of its losing projection?
The legacy media are suddenly insisting, loudly and unanimously, that Kamala Harris was never a "Border Czar," and that such an office does not exist. We puncture this latest media lie, and look some more at Harris' real record.
Also in this episode: Biden bows out, but even in his swan song, he sang many falsehoods.
In his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, Trump’s running mate had one overarching message: when the Trump-Vance administration moves into the White House, the ruling class’s globalist policies will be on the chopping block. Vance’s speech took aim at the North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA), suicidal immigration and energy policies, perpetual wars, and overseas manufacturing. It’s time for all of that to change and put America first, Vance declared.
Also in this episode:
Is Joe Biden calling it quits?
Butler officials contradict Secret Service.
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Donald Trump is going with Ohio senator and bestselling author J.D. Vance as his vice president. Vance, once a Never Trumper, has embraced the MAGA movement and positions so well that the idea of having him in place of Trump is no comfort for the Left. The New American’s editorial staff take a closer look at Vance’s imperfect voting record.
Also in this episode:
Teamsters’ president signals pivot to the Right;
Rapper Amber Rose speaks at RNC;
Classifieds docs case thrown out.
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On July 13, 2024, someone tried to assassinate Donald J. Trump. Was the shooter’s opportunity to fire multiple shots a result of security ineptitude or something more sinister? When you consider the close proximity of the shooter and overwhelming evidence that his position was known before any shots were fired, the latter becomes very plausible. TNA’s editorial members weigh the two scenarios. They also look at other important aspects of the shooting, such as the media’s response, and traps to watch for going forward.
Wall Street and the Deep State were instrumental in the rise of National Socialism (Nazism) in Germany, and unfortunately for humanity those same forces of tyranny are alive and well today, warns totalitarianism scholar Dr. David Hughes in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. Various well-known dynasties including the Bush family and the Rockefeller family are implicated, he said. Dr. Hughes, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Lincoln (UK) and author of the new book Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State, pointed to the Covid response and the Great Reset as glaring examples of resurgent totalitarian tendencies. However, humanity can and must stop these forces, he explains.
The line between the regulators and the regulated is murky, if it exists at all. Emails obtained by a longstanding health journal reveal that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises departing employees to work “behind-the-scenes” while at Big Pharma to influence the supposed oversight agency. Many oversight experts are surprised, but Congress isn’t.
Also in this episode:
@ 22:50 | Speculation about Joe Biden’s next move and his condition continues;
A congressional investigation reveals that White House officials bullied the largest book retailer in the world, Amazon, to suppress a pile of books critical not just of the Covid injection but vaccines in general. The list of childhood vaccines has grown exponentially over the last half century. All this begs the question: Since the government has made it clear that public safety is not its primary concern, why is it so obsessed with the public perception of vaccines?
Visit for more on The John Birch Society.
In overturning a lower court's decision, the Supreme Court recently ruled that anyone with a domestic-violence restraining order leveled against him is barred from having firearms. The chief justice said the decision aligns with traditional laws preventing people posing a danger to fellow citizens from being armed. Constitutional law expert Joe Wolverton Jr. joins us to discuss the constitutionality of the decision.
Also in this episode:
23:05 | SCOTUS upheld a Trump-era corporate tax on foreign investments.
37:10 | Nearly half of current electric-vehicle owners want to go back to gas-powered vehicles.
51:25 | Donald Trump made a campaign promise Reagan made but never delivered on regarding the education department.
Globalist, leftwing, and open-borders parties were hammered in the recent elections for the European "Parliament," sparking concerns among establishment voices that those trends foreshadow similar developments in the United States, explains The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. France saw globalist and pro-mass migration parties especially devastated, setting up a potential dramatic shift in French politics that will reverberate across the European Union. However, the establishment media is spinning several phony narratives about the election. And the background of the EU, which is the globalist model for the world, has remained largely hidden. Alex breaks it down here.
China hopes to get its way in Taiwan without firing a shot. Also, Iran and Russia are producing thousands of new attack drones.
DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.
AstraZeneca has pulled its Covid vaccine from the worldwide market for “purely commercial” reasons because improved products are now available, according to major media reports. The backstory is that the company has been sued and admitted in court of dangerous blood clotting issues in patients.
Many countries had already reported problems: the United Kingdom and Ireland, Australia, Denmark, and several others, though the European Union labeled it safe in the face of ample evidence to the contrary.
Retired Air Force Major Tom Haviland meets with The New American senior editor Rebecca Terrell to discuss these latest developments. He has been researching Covid-jab-related adverse effects since losing his job in 2021 as a military contractor. His crime: refusing Biden’s mandates.
Haviland’s research indicates that blood clotting issues from other Covid vaccine manufacturers are just as bad as those caused by AstraZeneca. Embalmers in the United States have reported rampant “white fibrous clots” in cadavers since the Covid pandemic. Haviland also has new information from cardiologist and endovascular specialist reports that the same phenomenon is turning up in living patients.
Haviland is the author of Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Surveys Show Possible Link to Covid Vaccines.
China and their allies are on the move and all out war could be right around the corner.
DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.
,rumble user_TheNewAmerican Horrific Blood Clot Statistics after the Jab rumble_video_NenVr__qR4e,
Previously Aired 1/18/24
These white fibrous blood clots never existed until the vaccine was given out. That fact alone is a terrifying one. Watch the video for so much more information.
DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.
China just sold a record amount of U.S. debt, and Japan’s currency is in trouble. Japan, like China, holds an enormous amount of U.S. debt. In fact, Japan holds more U.S. debt than China. The New American breaks down what this means for America.
Also in this episode:
@ 24:30 | Unlike the U.S. dollar, Argentina’s currency is making a comeback. We break down what the United States can learn from this;
@ 38:15 | The judge overseeing Donald Trump’s hush-money case lost his cool, and the prosecutor’s star witness admitted to stealing tens of thousands of dollars;
@ 51:04 | TNA Senior Editor Rebecca Terrell discusses her interview with election-integrity activist Steven Stern.
Read "China Sells Record Amount of U.S. Debt in First Quarter"
Major warnings continue to flow out of our intel agencies. What does all of this mean? Watch the video for much more information.
DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.
Iran launched more than 300 missiles at Israel over the weekend, most of which were intercepted by Israel with help from the United States. What will Israel do next, and what lessons can we draw for our own security?
Also in this episode:
@ 13:40 | Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, along with half of the lawmakers in the House, sided with the intelligence community — and against citizens — on warrantless spying.
@ 24:10 | Democratic lawmakers are going after private citizens as part of an effort at “reverse court packing.”
@ 33:30 | John Birch Society CEO Bill Hahn discusses how Birchers headed off the Convention of States at a gun event.
House Speaker Mike Johnson is trying to find a way to pass a new massive Ukraine funding bill, a priority of the Washington political establishment. Preventing Russia from victory is also a top priority of the globalists, who have publicly claimed that a Russian victory would end the New World Order.
Also in this episode:
@ 17:45 | How do we scale back U.S. presence around the world?
@ 22:52 |On Monday, Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, killing a top general and triggering promises of retaliation from Iranian leadership;
@ 33:48 | Isolationism versus non-interventionism.
The war on family being pursued by evildoers, including the explosion of transgender mania at every level, is about restructuring society and moving toward a tyrannical global order, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman on this episode of Behind The Deep State. In fact, from the very beginning, advocates of the sexualization of children understood that breaking down the family would help bring about totalitarian government and Marxism. Now, evildoers are working to capture the hearts and minds of children and drive a wedge into their families at the earliest possible ages.
Many believe the purpose of the covid-19 vaccine was for population control. Now we have horrific news regarding placentas since the vaccine. Is this just a coincidence?
DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.
,rumble user_TheNewAmerican The Dangerous Slope From Transgenderism to Transhumanism rumble_video_a0lcj__qR4e,
Every day, Americans are assaulted by psychological warfare demanding they accept "transgenderism." But the "trans" agenda goes far beyond creating tolerance for people with gender dysphoria. There’s a diabolical agenda to ultimately eradicate biological humanity, whether "trans" activists know it or not. In this episode, we look at powerful and influential figures in technology and trans activism who admit this is the goal. Also, The New American's editorial team has a lively discussion about whether things are getting worse or better.
,rumble user_TheNewAmerican The Ben Armstrong Show | China's Military Surrounding Taiwan Right Before The Election rumble_video_4ONdp__qR4e,
China hopes to get its way in Taiwan without firing a shot. Also, Iran and Russia are producing thousands of new attack drones.
DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.
60 years later, the assassination of John F. Kennedy continues to pique the interest of Americans. While many "conspiracy theories" abound, the official narrative of President Lyndon Johnson's Warren Commission continues to mislead a new generation that is searching for the truth.
Why was the president taken out? "Kennedy was a disappointment," answered Andrew Muller, chief of operations of Liberty Sentinel Media. "And he was not a disappointment to the American people . . . but he was a disappointment to the establishment," argued Muller, saying that Kennedy stepped out of line and did not fully conform to the globalist conspiracy.
Muller, the author of the cover story in The New American's special report on the 60th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, makes the case that John F. disrupted the elitist agenda in three ways: by attempting to dissolve the CIA, withdrawing troops from the endless Vietnam War, and speaking out against secret societies.
In this episode of Conversations That Matter, hosted by The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman, a counter-narrative is provided to the establishment media and academia's long-standing narrative on this crucial event in American history.
Islamic terrorism is in the news a lot today but almost nothing is being said about how the Deep State, Communists, and globalists have all sought to weaponize Muslims, explains The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Under the leadership of KGB boss Yuri Andropov, the Soviets sent thousands of agents into the Muslim world to radicalize Muslims and use them to attack Israel and the West. Western governments, meanwhile, armed and trained Islamic extremists in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and other nations under various geopolitical pretexts. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
One cannot change his or her sex by taking hormones or mutilating reproductive organs since every cell of our body is created male or female on a chromosomal level. Gender dysphoria, a condition in which one feels at odds with his or her biology, is exceedingly rare and does not require life-altering interventions. At the same time, the consequences of such interventions can be nothing short of catastrophic for children and their families. Permanent sterilization is only one of the consequences one might experience after undergoing a "transition." That is why the pervasive ideology and practice of transgenderism are nothing but madness, according to Dr. Miriam Grossman.
Why are more and more children and teens diagnosed with once rare gender disorders? Why are gender clinics popping up across the nation? That is because groomers, activists and useful idiots in the education system, the government, and on the Internet spread dangerous and scientifically baseless ideas that confuse young minds. In this interview with The New American, Dr. Grossman, a seasoned psychiatrist treating children, adolescents and adults, talks about her new book, Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness, addresses the HHS protocol on "standard of care" for "transgender" youth and urges parents to protect their families from the catastrophic evil of transgenderism.
The establishment opinion cartel has claimed again and again that Donald Trump colluded with Russia. However, even though this turned out to be a false narrative, there was Russian collusion. But the collusion was with Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump. In this episode of Beyond the Cover, investigative journalist R. Cort Kirkwood discusses the real collusion. Kirkwood wrote the cover story "Durham Report Reveals the Real Collusion" in the June 26 issue of The New American magazine.
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,rumble user_TheNewAmerican No Case, No Matter: Destroy Trump / Beyond the Cover rumble_video_eNTAj__qR4e,
In this episode of Beyond the Cover, host Gary Benoit interviews longtime New American contributor R. Cort Kirkwood about the indictment of former President Trump and why all Americans should be concerned about how the law is increasingly being weaponized for political purposes. After all, the indictment not only fails to make a case against Trump, it does not even say what the crime was that Trump allegedly covered up. In the interview, Kirkwood explains that if the Deep State can weaponize the law to take down a former president, it can do the same to any of us. Kirkwood wrote the cover story “No Case, No Matter: Destroy Trump” in the May 15 issue of The New American magazine.
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The Murdoch's and globalists want to stop MAGA and Tucker was key. Find out all the reasons why Tucker is gone and you may not see him again.
DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.
A bill has been filed in Congress to shut down the U.S. Department of Education, which as The New American magazine's Alex Newman explains in this episode of Behind The Deep State, has been a critical tool in weaponizing schools against liberty, family, and America. Among other elements, Alex highlights how the U.S. Department of Education and the federal government more broadly centralized control over all schools, and then injected radical ideology into classrooms across America, in addition to dumbing down the nation's children. Congressman Thomas Massie's bill is one way to begin dismantling the machine and defanging the Deep State!
,rumble user_TheNewAmerican Intelligence Officer Warns About a Bio-Weapon That Could Take Out 60% of America rumble_video_QcSmi__qR4e,
If our enemies attack, they will surely use bio-weapons with their tactical weapons. This is scary stuff but someone has to talk about it. Watch the video for so much more information.
DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.
Conservatives and traditional Americans must resist the relentless push to normalize homosexuality, homosexual "marriage," and transgenderism even within the Republican Party and the broader conservative movement, warned MassResistance Field Director Arthur Schaper in an interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. The organization, which is on the front line of the culture war, has seen a series of enormous victories, including shutting down drag queen shows for children, exposing convicted sexual predators involved in the perverse events, and removing grotesque material from libraries and schools. Schaper said the organization has also successfully forced liberal media organizations to retract attacks against MassResistance based on dishonest claims by the discredited far-left hate group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center. But much more work remains to be done, as LGBT forces are now working overtime to get established within conservatism.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff gives warnings and her worries about the vaccine.
DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.
Moderna gets greedy and sues Pfizer but ends up exposing the truth about COVID. Also, 400 scientists from 34 countries declare the vaccine a medical crisis! That's not all, Dr. Naomi Wolf says Denmark Stops Covid Vaccinations for everyone under 50.
DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.
Now the FBI takes Mike Lindell's cell phone! The FBI can be STOPPED! Republicans have the power right NOW! They are letting this happen. Watch the video to find out the truth that RINOS don't want you to know.
DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.
The Deep State is getting ready to pin the blame for the Covid vaccine catastrophe on Donald Trump, explains The New American's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. It began in earnest with the release of a new report by a Democrat coronavirus response committee in the House of Representatives accusing the Trump White House of pressuring the FDA to approve the vaccine on a faster timeline. Now, the leftwing media and Deep State are using the report to blame Trump and his officials for the problems. But is Trump really at fault?
There needs to be a mass exodus from government schools as part of the effort to restore and preserve freedom in the United States, mom and show host Quisha King--a heavyweight in Florida politics--told The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Conversations That Matter. King, who made national headlines by calling for a mass exodus and works with the group Moms for America, also revealed that she had an abortion--with all the pain that entails. She also blasts Critical Race Theory and other tools being used by the radical Left to divide and destroy America.
The federal government is launching a war on so-called disinformation that is cover for silencing critics while promoting government-approved disinformation, warned former federal officer Celeste Solum in this interview with The New American magazine Alex Newman for Conversations That Matter. According to Solum, who worked in disinformation and attended government trainings, all non-government narratives are in the crosshairs for total silencing. Former Homeland Security boss Michael Chertoff is overseeing the latest effort, she added. Patriots and those who love freedom must continue to speak out.
America is at a critical crossroads where it will either lose its liberties and constitutional republic or experience a re-awakening of freedom and a true restoration, warned U.S. Senate candidate Josh Clark in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. Clark, a homeschooling father and successful businessman who retired as a lawmaker after two terms, also warned about organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, a globalist organization that Alex refers to as Deep State HQ in America. If successful in entering a runoff with Hershel Walker, Clark is confident that he will win the race to represent Georgia in the U.S. Senate.
There is no question that the world we are living in today has changed dramatically from the world we lived in just a couple of years ago, and that the change is for the worse not the better. What kind of world will we live in in the not-too-distant future if current political and technocratic trends continue? What’s behind those trends? And what, if anything, can be done to change our present trajectory? In this episode of “Beyond the Cover,” host Gary Benoit interviews New American publisher Dennis Behreandt about his new book End Game, which convincingly demonstrates that the present trajectory is intended, and that the final destination will be a dystopian world controlled by power-driven elites and technocrats who envision themselves as becoming gods on earth. Yet, Behreandt explains, this planned fate for humankind is far from inevitable. And in his book, he includes a hopeful, realistic scenario for saving and restoring our precious freedoms.
Prior to the 2020 elections, the establishment media dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation. But now even the New York Times recognizes the story as genuine. We was the laptop story covered up? And why are those who once said that the story was a hoax are now admitting that it was true all along? In this episode of “Beyond the Cover,” C. Mitchell Shaw, a regular contributor to The New American, answers these questions and more. Shaw wrote the article “Hunter’s Laptop Now Recognized as Genuine” in the April 25 issue of The New American.
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,rumble user_TheNewAmerican Border Breakdown: Treason, Not Incompetence | Beyond the Cover rumble_video_PxXtd__qR4e,
The cover story for the March 28 issue of The New American is titled “Border Breakdown: Treason, not Incompetence.” Treason is a very strong word. It that really what is happening? In this episode of “Beyond the Cover,” host Gary Benoit interviews the story’s author, R. Cort Kirkwood, who makes a very strong case that the border breakdown is by design, not incompetence, and that the word treason is apropos. He also explains why the political elites have effectively erased the border.
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Woke banks and investment companies such as BlackRock are waging war on American energy and jobs while funneling U.S. investment into Communist China, but states can resist--and many are doing so. In this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman, West Virginia State Treasurer Riley Moore discusses how the coalition of 16 states he is leading is working to defund and divest from BlackRock, which has around $10 trillion under management.
According to Riley, BlackRock's "woke" policies targeting American energy production as Russia and China use reliable energy are a national security risk and a threat to U.S. allies. Their vision of "woke" capitalism, forcing companies to focus on "Environmental, Social, & Governance" (ESG) rather than customers and shareholders, is dangerous and unpopular. So, as the steward of West Virginia's public money, Moore said he has an obligation to get that money out of BlackRock and other "woke" banks and companies.
The Deep State has declared war on freedom-loving Americans, very much including those who want their government to secure the border. A recent manifestation of this war was the sabotaging of a “We Stand America” event held in the border city of McAllen, Texas. In this episode of “Beyond the Cover,” host Gary Benoit interviews The New American’s senior editor Alex Newman, who was on the scene at this event, which was sponsored by Women Fighting for America. Newman, who will be writing a forthcoming article for TNA about the sabotage, discusses what happened, including how the many Americans who had purchased tickets online were falsely told that the event was cancelled. He also reports about what’s happening at the border and some of the people he interviewed there, including Mark Morgan, former head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, who charged that Biden has “destroyed the border.”
In this episode of “Beyond the Cover,” host Gary Benoit interviews The New American’s senior editor Rebecca Terrell about the “Defeat the Mandates” march against COVID tyranny that was held in Washington, D.C. on January 23, 2022. Terrell covered the March for TNA along with contributing editor Veronika Kyrylenko, and the two have co-authored a photo essay on the march that will appear in the February 28 issue of TNA. In this interview, which was done prior to the publication of the February 28 issue, Terrell discusses not just happenings at the patriotic march, but also the great enthusiasm she felt being with more than 30,000 like-minded Americans and witnessing another exciting manifestation of the great awakening that is sweeping America. While Terrell mingled with and interviewed folks who attended the march, Kyrylenko interviewed march organizers and speakers including Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and others.