Tucker: The term conspiracy theorist originated from the CIA in an attempt to shut down anyone who had questions about the JFK assassination and its 'fake' investigation. He says that the phrase conspiracy theorist is used as a control tool to stop you from questioning their corruption. He wants to know why he knows no one who died of Covid but four who were injured from the vaccine. Stay curious. Stay rational but stay open-minded. š„
"It's worth noting the providence of that phrase. It comes directly from the Central Intelligence Agency. In the aftermath of the murder of our President, John Kennedy. There was a very famous and entirely fake investigation into it called the Warren Commission. People were reading it critically noticed anomalies and raised questions about it. That phrase conspiracy theorist entered the lexicon in my country. It was designed to shout down and shame people who ask legitimate questions... There are far more people who just noticed like well that doesn't make any sense. You told me it was safe and effective. How come I don't know anybody who died of covid but four people were injured from the vax? What is that? 'Shut up, conspiracy theorist. Racist.' The first step is recognizing that that's a control tool. Those are not the responses of someone who seeks an honest adult conversation with you where you share evidence where you arrive at consensus. That's someone who believes that he can make you shut up like you would by yelling at your dog so he can go do something awful without you interfering with him. So anyone who uses the term conspiracy theorist is by definition discredited. Why don't you address the specifics of the claim I'm making? Doesn't mean every theory is true. Given what we now know about so many different things how can I in good faith dismiss something out of hand? I just can't at this point. You have to stay curious, stay rational. People should always stay rational. Where is the evidence for it? But stay open-minded."
Candace Owens: Larry Silverstein took out an insurance policy that covered acts of terrorism just six weeks before the attack and inexplicably broke his routine of having breakfast in the World Trade Center on that specific morning of all times. What an amazing coincidence! In interviews, Larry told the media that they "pulled" building seven. How did they have time to set up the explosives to do such a thing? None of this makes any damn sense. "Larry was quite lucky. He obtained the lease for the Twin Towers just six weeks prior to 9/11. He also took out an insurance policy which fortunately included coverage for acts of terrorism. When it came time to collect, when the towers went down, Silverstein claimed two incidents of terror, which allowed him to seek double indemnity. He collected 4.5 billion dollars from insurance on the towers that he had invested in just six weeks prior to the 9/11 attacks. I was so shocked looking at that that I wanted to debunk that...Larry was more lucky than that...Unbelievably. Every morning he used to have breakfast meetings at the World Trade Center but at the morning of 9/11, by the way this is according to Larry in his own interview, he just broke his own routine. He fortunately, on the morning of 9/11 had a dermatologist appointment, and that spared his life."
Tucker on Alex Jones: Abortion is obviously human sacrifice. Every ancient civilization used ritual sacrifice on children and it's counterintuitive to biological evolution to pass on your genes. There must be a spiritual evil guiding these ideals. "It's human sacrifice. Obviously...They didn't even attempt to convince you that you aren't taking a human life. The presumption is that you are, of course. And with technology, we know that you are. They are basically saying that killing people is ok. And then I found out that that is what every society has said in recorded history. The ones that are very famous: The ancient Canaanites, the Mayans, the Aztecs, all the Mezo-American civilizations but also the Western European civilizations in the Nordic countries. They were also committing human sacrifice. There is something about killing other people ritually as an offering to the spirit world that is a constant through human history. Every civilization has done that. That raises the question, why? That's such a counterintuitive to come to. Evolutionary biology tells us that the whole point of existence is to continue existence. It's to pass on your genes to another generation and many more. That's the assumption I had my whole life and yet every civilization from the beginning of time has reached the opposite conclusion: We will be happier by killing the fruit of our womb, children. We will be rewarded by the gods for doing this... You have to ask why is that. How are they all reaching the same conclusion? Really, the only logical conclusion is because some outside force was telling me that. The spirit world is real. And that there are demons telling people that you will be happier, that you will be safer, that you will be richer, that you will be more powerful if you take the life of a child. Of some helpless human being. It is stealing the future. A child is the closest thing to God. It is a wound against God, it is stabbing God. Civilizations convince themselves of all kinds of crazy things, right? But when every civilization convinces itself of the SAME crazy thing that is not an obvious conclusion... I've somehow reached the conclusion that killing my own child would make my life better, how am I reaching that conclusion? I'm not reaching that rationally, something or somebody is telling me that obviously."
Wow. Tucker just said that insiders insinuated to him that in many cases the "aliens" are more than likely Nephilim alluded to in Genesis 6 and every ancient religion. Genesis 6 refers to a spiritual union between angels and humankind that created giants. Every ancient religion has referred to these creatures, including Native American culture and the oldest Mesopotamian civilization. He says that the US government clearly possesses technology that is not publicly known about. He thinks that the government has been attempting to convince the populace that the supernatural is not real for the last eighty years because they are likely in bed with dark spiritual forces.
What timing! I'm literally writing a thread on this topic right now and have been studying this in-depth!
What timing! I'm literally writing a thread on this topic right now and have been studying this in-depth!
"All creation myths and one of them is that the belief that supernatural beings take physical form. They all believe that. The Greek Myths, Jesus. They aren't just shadows floating around. They are physical. They reproduce with people. Christianity, Jesus. That's what the story is. It's described in Genesis as well, in Genesis 6. It's not just the religion of the ancient Hebrews or the religion of the modern Christians. It's Hinduism as well...The American Indians. All the same. If every culture in the world is reaching the same conclusions about something. Maybe there is something there. Maybe it's not so crazy to think that what everyone else has always thought since the beginning of time which that there is this combination of human beings and the spiritual realm. I don't understand the specifics of it but I know that it has been written about since people have been writing...
I think that's what we are looking at. It sounds out of the realm. It's not a crazy thing to think. I can't prove it..
What was it that led you to believe that?
Talking to a lot of people.. I was really shocked by what credible people told me. I became completely satisfied that they were not lying...
The belief that the real struggles are in the spiritual realm. That has been a constant belief since the beginning of history. Everyone has thought that except us in the West since 1945. I can't say that enough. Once you get perspective on this question. You are like, ok that may sound crazy to someone who thinks buying sh** on Amazon is the meaning of life...The fact that there is a lot of shit going on that we cannot see or measure with our senses. That is absolutely true..
The main thing they want you to believe is that the supernature is not real. Then you have to ask yourself why? Why is that important to you? Why do you care if I think the supernatural is real? How dare you as my government try to get involved in my spiritual beliefs. Why has that been so important for 80 years? To convince me the supernatural is not real? My gut response is because it is real... They lie for a living. Reverse engineer their lies. Whatever they are telling is not true is the truth.
What is the motive? The obvious answer is they are working for supernatural forces. I think that's probably true.
I can't prove that. I'm suggestion that. I believe it. I believe that because I was told directly by people...
The other reason I think that... When I hear lying..What's so important to them to get all these journalists to repeat these lies? Why? Why are they doing that? Why bother?
Stories debunking claims about UAP's and UFO's. They are conspiracy theorists. Why would you attack someone for that?"
Listen to ABC nonchalantly report on how Bush was part of a secret society at Yale where they met at tombs and do secret rituals. Iām not making this up. āThe video tape provides a grainy glimpse into what appears to be initiation rituals of a secret society thatās been around since 1832ā¦ They are trying to scare the initiates..Frighten them..
You canāt argue with the success of Skull and Bones.. Famous alumniās include John Kerry..George Bush, and George W. Bush..ā
Stormy Daniels loses a defamation case and is ordered to pay 550k to Donald Trump but refuses. Calls our justice system a f***ing disgrace and copes. "He just got another 250k because Avenatti fu**** up the paperwork...Now I'm getting sh** on all over again. He is allowed to tweet whatever he wants. It also proves that our justice system is a complete disgrace."
Robert Kennedy JR openly admitted to the public that his father was going to remove the clandestine services from the CIA one week before he was killed. What are the chances that JFK wanted to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and then Robert Kennedy wanted to make moves as well and then ended up dead himself? When is it going to come out that the CIA killed Robert Kennedy because it's hard to believe any official story that they have fed us over the years? Why is it that those who openly talk about dismantling the CIA or stopping wars ends up dead by lone gunmen soon after?