Three quick stories illustrate how kids are being attacked by the radical left from every angle, as I covered on today's episode of The JD Rucker Show.
DC Library Displays Books Promoting LGBT Agenda Ahead of Christian Book Story Hour
Protesters failed to prevent or disrupt a Christian story hour in a Washington, D.C., public library on Wednesday.
The story hour at the library in the Cleveland Park neighborhood was part of a 15-library Brave Books tour, which began on Feb. 9. The readings featured five Brave Books authors—Christian actor Kirk Cameron, Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik, former White House press secretary Sean Spicer, Turning Point USA contributor Jack Posobiec, and Brave Books founder Trent Talbot.
The library prepared for the event by displaying 36 LGBT-themed books in a shelf topped with the message “Cleveland Park Public Library Celebrates All Races, All Religions, All Genders, All Sexual Orientations, All Countries of Origin, All Classes.” A library worker told The Daily Signal the library put up the display just one day before the reading.
Virginia School District Boots 14 Sexually Explicit Books to County Libraries
A Virginia school district’s new superintendent decided Wednesday to remove 14 sexually explicit books from school libraries and donate them to the county government’s public library system.
The 14 “young adult” novels to be removed from libraries in Spotsylvania County Public Schools by order of Superintendent Mark Taylor, on the job since Nov. 1, include...
It is not clear whether the Spotylvania County government’s library system would accept copies of the 14 books from the school system, or place restrictions on minors’ access to them if it does. A committee of school district staff consulted by Taylor had defended the 14 titles.
Democrats Walk Out of Committee Meeting After Hearing How Dismemberment Abortions Tear Off Babies’ Limbs
Outraged Montana Senate Democrats walked out of a committee hearing Tuesday because they did not want to hear how abortions brutally kill unborn babies.
According to Montana Public Radio, the Democrat lawmakers objected to what they claimed was “unnecessarily graphic and inflammatory” language about abortions.
The state Senate has been holding hearings on a series of pro-life bills this week, including state House Bill 721. The pro-life legislation would ban dismemberment abortions that kill nearly fully-formed second-trimester unborn babies by pulling them apart limb from limb while their heart is still beating and then removing their body in pieces from the womb.
During three different segments of today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, we came across full-blown wokeness that must be eliminated. Unfortunately, some believe that simply punishing them is enough to make them change.
We will never end wokeness as long as the radical left inflicts more damage to a brand than the right.
Will Hunter Biden's latest round of indictments finally yield fruit? Will they be used by Democrats to force Joe Biden out of office?
DNA could be used as a Global ID. Apples playing games with governments and your data. The border crisis is serious and nearly everyone knows it. Hamas's evil knows no bounds. UPenn loses big thanks to their president. Hopes for achieving the American Dream are fading. The CIA is a data monster. Melania has a VP favorite. Climate change cult is stupid.
Yep, it's a jam-packed episode of The JD Rucker Show.
In recent weeks I've received both compliments and criticism for voicing my faith on both my websites and my show. That was never the intention; I didn't realize there had been an increase in references to Bible-believing Christianity but judging by comments I guess it happened naturally.
Some of the comments say I'm excluding people of other religions such as Jews who can and should be allies on the political front, not to mention cousins within the Judeo-Christian family of faiths. My reply is consistent when I say I can be friends and have allies of any faith, but expression of my personal faith is not meant to exclude. On the contrary, my hope is that doing so will attract others to read the whole Bible and accept its truths while also keeping those within the faith focused on embodying those truths.
It's within that second hope that Pastor Cary Gordon was able to express his feelings on today's episode of The JD Rucker Show. All too often I get too deep into the political and cultural aspects of life in America. I don't spend nearly enough time discussing the degradation of faith in America from both outside the church as well as within. Pastor Gordon has spent a good deal of time on the latter by exposing the challenges we're facing as an evangelical movement. The "liberal" church continues to grow and with that growth comes a spreading degradation of the United States of America itself.
His recent documentary, Enemies Within: The Church, exposes the tremendous threat we face as a religion and as a nation. While many are busy fighting atheists and other religious groups for influence in America and abroad, Pastor Gordon highlights the fight within the walls of churches across the nation. Whether one is a Christian or not, those who believe in conservative values likely appreciate the risks posed by a church that is growing increasingly "woke."
For the months after the 2020 election was stolen, I spent most hours of nearly every day trying to figure out how to fix it. I spoke to attorneys, conservative leaders, and fellow patriots to see what courses of action could be taken. My perspective on the situation from around the middle of November, 2020, until some time in mid-2021 was that if the proper election results were going to be honored and if Joe Biden could be prevented from remaining in the White House, it would be due to the Will of God moving America in the right direction.
As is the case now with pretty much everything in my life, my philosophy at the time was to fight the good fight and know that God handles the details. None of us know what role we will be chosen to play in any of the events around us so it behooves us to do what we believe is right from a Biblical perspective so we can be there if God chooses to use us. To those who are not Bible-believing Christians, your philosophy may be similar without the supernatural component. You want to fight for your freedoms, your families, your communities, and your nation and if things work out, we will be victorious in the end.
Either way, we fight.
But as months turned into a year, we saw more and more calls from the right to "move on" and focus on 2022. This was a disastrous choice that far too many made. It was obviously disastrous to many of us who realized that a stolen election that goes unpunished and unresolved will lead to more stolen elections. That's exactly what happened in 2022. My hope was that perhaps NOW more patriots would wake up to the reality that this is going to be the permanent state of affairs in most states and thereby the nation if we don't fight it now ceaselessly until it's fixed.
The 2020 election was stolen. It seems many conservative pundits and show hosts have forgotten this. Maybe they've been gaslighted like so many Americans into believing that there wasn't massive, widespread voter fraud in 2020 based solely on corporate media repeatedly saying there was no massive, widespread voter fraud in 2020. For others, it's just a matter of self-preservation; acknowledging the stolen election is a surefire way to get blacklisted from Google ad money or massive Facebook traffic.
On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I had the pleasure of speaking to someone who shares my views on, well, pretty much everything. Seth Holehouse, better known as Man in America, joined me in what turned into a lovefest of voter fraud AND vaccine "conspiracy theories." We're both considered to be "fringe" now since we still talk about the stolen election and we continue to reveal the truth about the jabs, but I no longer consider either term to be pejorative. We're telling the truth. Anyone who tries to deny that can dig themselves a ditch.
We went through some of the important elections on the ballot in less than two weeks. Coincidentally, we consider the two most important elections to be important for the same reason. Arizona and Pennsylvania hold the keys to exposing what really happened during the 2020 election. If Kari Lake and others can win in Arizona and if Doug Mastriano can win in Pennsylvania, we have a tremendous opportunity to finally get the truth from official sources. Both states were at the center of the stolen election and both gubernatorial candidates are adamant about bringing the truth to light.
As former Trump advisor Peter Navarro told Holehouse, getting the right people elected in November will go a long way toward finally illuminating and possibly reversing the stolen 2020 election results. It has always been a longshot, but Bible-believing Christians like Holehouse and me must acknowledge that if it's God's will for the truth to come out, it will no matter how much the forces of evil try to cover it up. Conversely, if the truth is not supposed to come out then there's nothing we can do to force it out into the open. The results are above our paygrade. All we can do is fight the good fight as we do not know what our role is in the plan.
No discussion about conspiracy theories with Sell Holehouse would be complete without a deep dive into some Covid-19 "vaccine" information. Both of us are bombarded with new reports daily. I can tell you from first-hand experience that there is no shortage of theories. We just have to sift through and discern what is real and what is false. This is why we are in the process of building
Holehouse shared an extremely interesting theory about the bioweapons. From his perspective, the disease itself was just the excuse to roll out the real bioweapon: the jabs. He shared leaked information from the Chinese Communist Party that dates back two decades but that coincides eerily with what we're seeing today. If the CCP wanted to take control of America (they do) but they didn't want to destroy the fertile land (they don't), then the easiest way to do it would be to poison the people with a bioweapon that couldn't target them or others.
Covid-19 doesn't quite fit the "targeted bioweapon" requirements because it can affect anyone. But the various Covid jabs we're distributing in the United States and other western nations are NOT being distributed in China. Could the push to vaccinate every man, woman, and child on earth be tied to an attack by the CCP? It's conspicuous, as we noted in the show, that the people targeted most heavily by vaccine mandates in America are medical professionals, first responders, and military. If you want to destroy a nation, those are the professions you want hit the hardest.
It's a theory with legs. Unfortunately.
Between the stolen 2020 election and the risk of bioweapons spreading across America, it's clear that I'll need more than an hour with Seth Holehouse on the show. More must come.
Yesterday, the fascists at Twitter banned Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most respected cardiologists and internists in the country.
Today, he came on The JD Rucker Show to discuss Twitter. But what ended up happening is the good doctor dropped bombshell after bombshell. That's what happens with people like Dr. McCullough. He's such a wealth of information that it never stops with a simple question.
We discussed the medical censorship that's happening in California. He explained how myocarditis does harm and why he believes it's the spike proteins that are causing the issue. He even offered a path forward for doctors and patients who want to take charge of their medical lives even when it goes against the orders of the budding medical tyranny in America. He recently joined The Wellness Company and encouraged both doctors and all American citizens to do the same.
The Satanic Temple continues to be the best champion for radical leftists who want to overturn abortion bans that are popping up in red states across the nation. Democrats have tacitly accepted that this is really about "Satanic Abortion Ritual," and therefore helped frame this issue in a way the Christian conservative right has always viewed it: Good vs Evil.
The context of this move cannot be dismissed. For the Satanic Temple to claim it's a religious right to kill a preborn child is acknowledgement of what they and the left truly desire. This isn't about a woman's bodily autonomy. It's about a religion's need to sacrifice children. Some leftists may balk at that characterization, but the devil is in the details.
Joe Biden declared the "pandemic is over" right around the time his regime ordered another 100 million at-home Covid tests. So which is it?
The answer is his statement about the pandemic being over was Joe being Joe, lost in the talking points he's been programmed to regurgitate and botch. They just can't seem to pump him with enough stimulants to keep him from saying dumb stuff, and the claim about the pandemic being over is just an example of him going off the regime's script. That's why they're now busying themselves trying to scare up more concern for the so called autumn and winter surges.
There WILL be another surge, though not one that should concern anyone other than the most vulnerable. This surge will be based on Covid "tests" that are designed to paint every last coronavirus speck as a positive test so they can ramp up numbers and start pushing the latest round of jabs once again. Sadly, they've already started that before the so-called "surge" has been manufactured.
I covered this today on today's episode of The JD Rucker Show.
The various analyses of the current situation in Europe and the narrative-shaping news coming out of Ukraine have been mostly wrong. That's not new; we've been saying since February that the sanctions against Russia would backfire and do far more harm to Europe's and America's economies than to Russia's and we were called "Russian propagandists" as a result.
Now, the same people who said the sanctions would tank Russia's economy and do little to harm western economies are saying Europe's economies ARE going to crash, but that it's somehow a good thing because it will put an end to The Great Reset. Once again, I'm forced to debunk these claims. The crashing of western economies is EXACTLY what the architects of The Great Reset want.
You can't sell a reset when things are going well. You can't Build Back Better until a nation is effectively destroyed. This has been the case from the beginning and it's how the globalist elites plan on pushing us down their Neo-Marxist road. I detailed all of this on today's episode of The JD Rucker Show.
Here is my list of four grievances I'd like addressed. They're in order of increasing magnitude; if he doesn't fix Truth Social that's not a big deal, but if he keeps pushing the jabs it may cost him the election. I discussed them in more detail on the latest episode of The JD Rucker Show. Call this an intervention...
With so many moving parts in the globalist elites' agenda, it's often hard to draw proper connections between the various components. Dr. Carrie Madej has been studying many of them and came on The JD Rucker Show today to reveal how they're all part of the evil plan.
Let me state up front that I enjoy watching Elon Musk's various antics. In many ways I actually like the guy and I have the utmost respect for his undeniable ability to be the greatest capitalist of our time. It's important that everyone understands that this is not a "hate on Musk" post, not by a longshot.
With that said, I'm concerned, skeptical, and even a bit scared about his offer to buy Twitter. For those who don't know, the richest man in the world made an offer Twitter would be stupid to refuse. He's willing to overpay for the social network in order to take it private and do what he needs to do to "unlock its potential."
I have zero doubt that he can do just that. My concerns lie in what that really means. While the vast majority of conservatives are focused on the near-certainty that he would open it up as a freer speech network than it is today (it really couldn't get more biased with its censorship), I'm more focused on three things.
First, I'm not sure that expanding Twitter's power is a good thing regardless of who's running the ship. It's already a huge time suck as a conglomeration of echo chambers and a way to make everyone's vitriol towards each other in public even more vitriolic. I'm a fan of the concept of a huge digital town square where ideas are shared and communication is open, but I've been nothing but disappointed in every iteration so far. That's not a huge deal and if that was my only concern, I wouldn't even voice it as the other positives would likely outweigh this one negative.
Unfortunately, there are other negatives that are more important. The second and much bigger concern is that conservatives who see the value in his private ownership of the company are either forgetting about or are unaware of the other source of censorship for apps like Twitter. As Gettr, Truth Social, and other "freer speech" networks have learned, Google and Apple still hold major sway over what is and isn't allowed. They both took down Parler during the opening stages of the conservative purge in early 2021 until Parler was willing to start censoring. Unless Musk is going to buy Apple and Google too, he will not be able to circumvent censorship against so-called "hate speech." Only Gab is able to do that simply because they do not have an app on Apple or Google so they are not beholden to their whims.
Again, by itself it's not a big enough deal for me to ring any alarm bells. The third one is.
I'm not convinced that Elon Musk is not part of the cabal of globalist elites who are driving the world towards oblivion. It's not just his past statements in support of universal basic income, socialism, praise of the Chinese Communist Party, or his founding of a company that wants to install microchips into our brains. These are perspectives that part of his business world and do not necessarily point to an allegiance with The New World Order.
But here's the thing. He's been conspicuously NOT a globalist elitist, which is exactly what the globalist elites would want from someone who is supposed to bring the "reluctant" folks in line with their plans for The Great Reset. They wouldn't try to trap conservatives, libertarians, or America-First patriots with Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, or George Soros. They would send in a trojan horse, and Elon Musk fits the bill.
Considering that all I have is speculation about their machinations and very little evidence that he may be a globalist elite shill, I would put the chances of this being the case at about 20% at this stage. But it's a significant enough chance that it's worth noting. Conservatives and Christians have been battered for three years. We haven't had major victories in a long time and we really hope we can get one. Considering how well their plans have been executed surrounding the 2020 stolen election, Pandemic Panic Theater, and Ukraine-Russia, I don't see it as a given that the Musk move isn't part of the plan as well.
It probably isn't. All I'm asking is that we pay close attention and not assume all is wonderful if Elon Musk takes Twitter private. Think about it from the globalists' perspective. If they wanted to send in a Trojan Horse to indoctrinate freedom-loving people, Musk is the right guy to do it. He's spent the last couple of years espousing his beliefs in freedom while not actually doing much about it. Twitter may be his first righteous move in this endeavor. Then again, it may be the perfect setup to give the globalist elites access to brainwashing the conservative masses.
On today's episode of The Midnight Sentinel, I discussed this for two segments before spending the last one talking about the importance of a plan for water should the crap hit the fan.
For well over a year, we have warned that there's something very wrong with the Covid-19 "vaccines." It isn't just the basic and increasingly acknowledged fact that they are neither safe nor effective. The combination of the seemingly unhinged push by the powers-that-be and the ongoing advancement of The Great Reset agenda has made many of us very concerned that we have it all wrong. Maybe it's not that the jabs aren't working. Maybe they're working exactly like they were intended to work, though not as a way to improve our medical situation.
Yes, conspiracy theorists have speculated for months about what sort of diabolical control and/or depopulation components have been integrated with the jabs. Some have claimed there is a connection between 5G mobile technology and the vaccines, Covid, or both. On the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel with JD Rucker, we added an authoritative voice to the chorus.
Lt. General Thomas McInerney has been on my show and others many times over the last couple of years. He was blowing the whistle on the stolen election long before election day. He was at the forefront warning people about the jabs based on advice her received from multiple doctors. Now, he's talking about the 5G aspect of the jabs.
It was an intriguing conversation as we bounced ideas off one another. I've studied the connections myself, though not as much as many who are far more knowledgeable on the subject. All I know for sure is that there are either a whole lot of coincidences surrounding the jabs and 5G or there's a connection.
Logically, it makes sense. Putting out a control and depopulation tool would not be effective if its activation couldn't be controlled. If even more people started showing signs of major medical challenges or even death at the early stage of rollout, they would not be able to inject as many. Plus, it allows for better targeting. If they just wanted to kill off everyone, they would have unleashed a far more dangerous disease than Covid. It was the tester, the trial run, and the factor necessary to get as many men, women, and children on earth jabbed.
Unfortunately, General McInerney had even worse news for us on this episode. He is hearing a lot more about the potential for the next bioweapon coming from a Wuhan wet market near you to be a hemorrhagic fever. The death rate on such diseases is exponentially higher than with Covid-19. If it can be spread through aerosols like Covid, we could be in for far worse than Pandemic Panic Theater and 5G.
The war against humanity is being waged all around us. We have precious few people standing up to share the truth. Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney is one of them.
Get Dr. Zev Zelenko's Z-Stack Protocol to improve your immune system against... whatever.
Judging by what's being published on most conservative news outlets and what's being broadcast on most conservative shows, Pandemic Panic Theater seems to be a thing of the past. Very few are fighting against the medical tyranny that continues to rise around the country because it seems like most are under the false belief that face mask and vaccine mandates are done.
They're not done. They were paused for the sake of pushing the Ukraine-Russia narrative. It's unfortunate that so few seem to recognize this. When inexplicably in February there was a wave of Democrats at the city and state level ending the face mask mandates that most of them had been promoting just days or weeks before, the vast majority of conservative pundits and commentators claimed Democrats must have been reading the polls.
This is a false notion. It had absolutely nothing to do with the polls. Democrats don't really care that much about polls, especially nine months before the election. Moreover, there were plenty of Democrats who are not even up for reelection who pulled down their mandates at the same time. No, this was a narrative shift, not a anything driven by poor poll numbers.
That should concern us because it means a narrative shift in the future will likely mean the return of Pandemic Panic Theater. All we need is a new real or contrived variant to hit the streets for the stage to be set. Then, the powers that be will determine when they're ready to move on from the Ukraine-Russia war or whether to run both ops simultaneously. A lot of it will depend on the election; will Democrats be able to cheat enough to preserve their power or will the GOP landslide be too absolute. If they think they can win with an achievable amount of cheating, expect a new variant or even a new disease to pop up a couple of months before election day.
But my episode of The Midnights Sentinel, replayed from the live show at 2pm on Red State Talk Radio, wasn't about predicting when they're roll out the next wave of Covid hysteria. It was about preparing as many people as possible with the truth about Covid-19 and the so-called "vaccines." I often find myself assuming that pretty much everyone knows by now that the jabs aren't working as they were originally sold, but that's not true. There are still many Americans today who believe the jabs will protect them from the catching the disease.
There are three groups of Republicans as it pertains to the 2020 election. The first is a relatively large group but whose numbers are shrinking. This group believes Joe Biden really got 81 million votes, including more votes from Black voters than Barack Obama. They think 2020 was the most secure and accurate election in history. In other words, they are actually Democrats.
The second group is the one I'm in. It's the group that knows the 2020 election was stolen and the only time we need to stop looking into it is when every perpetrator of the theft is brought to justice.
The last group believe the 2020 election was stolen, but there's nothing we can do about it so we must move on. We'll do better and get 'em next time. This group is the one that includes candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama, Mo Brooks.
Sadly for Brooks, he's been fading fast in the polls after having a commanding lead last year. But he's run an absolutely horrible campaign and squandered the good will he received with Donald Trump's endorsement. But by claiming recently that he is in the third group who believe the 2020 election was stolen and there's nothing we can do about it, he has lost his only real asset: Trump's endorsement.
Things are heating up across the globe. It isn't just Ukraine. Taiwan is squarely in the Chinese Communist Party's crosshairs. Iran is turning more militant. North Korea is testing weapons again. Wars and rumors of wars are abundant.
Then, there's Pandemic Panic Theater. Just when we thought they'd done their worst with Omicron and it fizzled on them, reports of new variants as well as "more dangerous" versions of Omicron are making the news. And just as many lockdowns are ending, more seem to be in the planning stage for whatever the powers-that-be have waiting around the corner, most likely near election time in the United States.
Supply chains are crumbling. Stock markets are crashing. Crypto restrictions are coming. Employment remains an enigma. I'm generally not a doom-and-gloom guy, but I'm truly worried about an economic collapse on the horizon for the first time ever.
I didn't freak out when Y2K was supposed to take down the world's technology. I didn't panic over the 2008-09 housing market collapse because I figured the economy still had the resilience to bounce back eventually, and I was correct. Obamacare got me a little worried in 2010-11, so we began our first mini-foray into "prepping" by getting a couple of bugout bags and a few buckets of freeze dried food. But it was just a phase and eventually my fears subsided.
The Trump era brought hope for continued prosperity until Covid-19 came around. When the toilet-paper-apocalypse sprung into inexplicable effect in 2020, I was among those who called for calm and lambasted those who bought a year's supply of Charmin, not because prudence is unappreciated but because they were manufacturing scarcity for the rest of us. Throughout it all, I never thought the economic collapse was around the corner.
Today, I do.
I am new to the whole "prepping" thing, but I've done extensive research over the past few months in anticipation of where we're at today. By no means am I an expert nor am I an economist, but I see gas and food prices rising rapidly and that's enough to chap my khakis. You see it as well. You've probably taken some steps to get ready, but if you're like most Americans you're not really ready at all.
In this episode of The Midnight Sentinel, I explained why I'm turning at least some of my attention towards helping people prepare for what's to come. As always, the biggest concern is being spiritually prepared. All the survival food and ammunition in the world is worthless if you do not have faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Beyond that, the physical needs are great in a near-future America in which stores and retailers like Amazon are no longer stocked with items necessary for survival. While most preppers recommend starting with 72-hour bugout bags, the various potential crises we face are more suited for bugging in. This is why I prioritize short-term food and water storage. Make sure you have enough food and water for two weeks, then a month, than a couple of months. MyPatriotSupply is the sponsor that we recommend for that.
As for water, most people underestimate this. It takes approximately one gallon of water per person per day to survive.
After you're stocked up for bugging in, it's time to get ready for bugging out. I'll be posting more stories and articles about this in the future. For now, recognizing that we face multiple threats and realizing there's a strong chance the supply chain will fully crumble in the near future is a good start.
In the second segment, I spoke to Our Gold Guy, Ira. It's funny that after 300 shows, I never had him on before today. The volatility in financial markets sparked by Russia and the threat of China makes physical precious metals a hot topic. Ira's wealth of knowledge was appreciated. You can schedule a precious metals consultation with him on our other website.
It's not time to panic yet, but it's definitely time to prepare. Things are getting strange on multiple fronts. It's better to prepare and not need it than to be unprepared when you need it.
Over the past few months, I've been very critical of doctors who work against what I believe to be the best interests of their patients. Before anyone asks, no, I'm not a doctor. But I am cognizant enough to read the studies, see the statistics, and realize that remdesivir can be extremely harmful. I can read different studies and realize ivermectin can be extremely beneficial. You don't need to go to medical school to read the facts presented by doctors and pharmacists. To say otherwise is like saying one needs to go to culinary school to know whether or not the food they eat tastes good.
I may not be cooking the food, but I know if I like it. I may not be performing the studies, but I can read the results.
On the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel, I spoke at length with Dr. Kris Held. She has a private practice which gives her more freedoms than the majority of doctors who are beholden to the various healthcare systems for a job. As a member of AAPS, she is able to discuss the insights many talented doctors are sharing about treatments, the vaccines, and everything pertaining to Covid-19. I tapped her brain in this interview and it was quite enjoyable.
One of the biggest points of contention I've made over the months is that doctors who should know better are still pushing remdesivir, panning ivermectin, and endorsing the jabs on everyone. I asked Dr. Held why. She explained that many if not most doctors are doing so under duress.
If there's one thing that Roger Stone has proven over the years, it's that he's willing to fight against any foe regardless of the possible repercussions. He's faced off against Democrats, the Department of Justice, and countless "activists" who have been trying to silence him for decades. And yet today, he perseveres. Today, he's continuing the fight.
One of our shared interests is in continuing to expose the massive, widespread election fraud that stole the 2020 election from the rightful president, Donald Trump. On the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel, Stone discussed why he feels the fight must continue even if most Trump supporters have moved their hopes forward to the 2024 election.
"Will we continue to have free, fair, transparent, democratic elections as we have had in the past and where, frankly, I fear we did not have in 2020?" he asked. "When the media is so adamant, 'no, there's absolutely no evidence, it's a fantasy by Trump,' well that's how you know it's more than that."
He went on to detail how there's a record of irregularities and anomalies in the last election that did not get properly investigated, examined, or adjudicated. As we've said many times, election fraud in 2020 was never disproven. Nearly all Democrats, many Republicans, corporate media, and Big Tech engaged in the most massive gaslighting and propaganda campaign in American history at the time, though Pandemic Panic Theater has arguably eclipsed that campaign in size.
"While I cannot say definitively that the election was stolen, I can say that the evidence that it was is overwhelming," he continued.
We may complain about it a lot, but other than educate people about it, we haven't been able to take many actions. We will hopefully change that in the future with upcoming summits (more on those later) but for now our best tool is sharing the truth. Stone has bigger plans. He's currently seeking plaintiffs who have donated to the Republican National Committee to sue for transparency. This will help to shine a brighter spotlight on the shenanigans that took place in 2020.
"We have had very substantial election audits in Arizona, in Georgia, there's an ongoing effort in Wisconsin and Michigan," he said. "But why has the Republican National Committee not paid for any of this? Not a dime.
"So the President, God love him, continues to raise money for them and they don't use the money for any useful purpose other than lining their own pockets. I want to know how much the consultants made. I want to know how much the RNC paid Brad Parscale in hard dollars and dark money.
"And I'm going to file a lawsuit if I can find a plaintiff who has given substantial money or even unsubstantial money, who therefore has standing.
"The Republican National Committee is a criminal enterprise. If you give your money there it will not go to help Donald Trump even if Donald Trump is the one signing the solicitation. That money is not being used to fight for clean elections. They were well aware of the fact that the Democrats were going into all of the swing states and sponsoring legislation and pushing regulators to loosen the laws making election fraud easier.
"But what did Ronda ROMNEY McDaniel do about it? Why would you have a Romney relative? I mean, Mitt Romney is a traitor. Mitt Romney knifed Donald Trump in the back the same way his father, George Romney, knifed Barry Goldwater in the back. Mitt Romney believes in nothing whatsoever."
He's absolutely right.
You can help Stone by donating to Stone Defense Fund for his legal needs or Stone Family Fund for his and his wife's personal needs.
There are certain doctors who are blowing the whistle on the ways our government has handled Covid-19. It seems that the only advice coming out of DC or otherwise is to get vaccinated. Any treatments or preventative measures are either ignored or outright discouraged. Everyone remembers the false notion that Ivermectin is just a "horse dewormer" despite the fact that it has been used by humans since long before Covid-19 ever existed.
One doctor who is spreading the truth is Dr. Peter McCullough. He has been censored and attacked for doing so. He has taken considerable losses for his adherence to the truth, but he persists. I was blessed to have him on my show. Among many other important topics, he discussed the six things everyone should have on hand as Omicron spreads.
As a very clear disclaimer, we are NOT recommending the following nutraceuticals as "treatments" for Covid-19. You'll need to consult your doctor for that. But all of these have demonstrated efficacy in fighting or preventing the disease, particularly Omicron. It would also behoove us all for me to mention that four of the six items listed by Dr. McCullough are available through Dr. Zev Zelenko's Z-Stack protocol. Use promo code "Freedom" if you do decide to purchase it. I take it daily myself.
With that said, here is what Dr. McCullough had to say about the six things to keep in your medical toolbox:
"If there was six things in the over-the-counter toolbox, I would put in there that Povidone Iodine. That's about $5 if you buy it online. And then after that it would be Zinc, 50 mg a day. Vitamin D, 5,000 IUs a day, increased to 20,000 a day during active treatment. Vitamin C, 3,000 mg a day, active treatment. And then Quercetin, 500 mg a day for prevention, 500 mg per day for active treatment. And then one last one, which is over-the-counter antacid/antihistamine which actually reduces viral replication and that's Famotidine or Pepcid, but at a high dose, 80 mg a day active treatment.
"So that over-the-counter list, if there was a shopping list if people were going to, in a sense, 'brace themselves' for Omicron, which it looks like it's going to hit everybody."
He then went on to describe the prescription drugs that many are taking to treat Covid-19 such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, among others.
This intriguing interview is a must-listen for anyone who wants to know how things are going with Omicron and what to expect in the future.
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