The Oakland NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) has directly called out the failure of the “Defund the Police” movement and leaders who promote light-on-crime policies. It says there needs to be an emergency declaration on crime in Oakland.
Meanwhile, Ukraine peace talks are reported to begin in early August. And in other news, film studios facing writer strikes are going on hiring sprees for AI.
In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp, we’ll discuss these stories and others, and answer questions from the audience.
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The Biden administration is looking to roll back Trump's tax reforms, while also putting into place new tax programs including against businesses with the new corporate tax. To learn more about this, and how these programs could affect American taxpayers, we sat down for an interview with Wendy Damron, External Relations Manager at Citizens for Self Governance Charleston, and the District Captain of the South Carolina Convention of States Project.
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We all hear stories about the music industry, the good and the bad, what it's like dealing with record labels, rising to the top, and going independent as many artists are now doing. To get a better sense of the music industry, and life behind the scenes, we sat down for an interview with Mason Musso of the hit band Metro Station, and now with Social Order.
#MasonMusso #SocialOrder #MetroStation
What Instant Fame Is Like In the Music Industry: Interview With Mason Musso
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We recently interviewed Mark Meckler, president of Convention of States Action, about his movement calling to invoke Article V of the Constitution to call a convention of states to amend the US Constitution. Not everyone is on-board with the idea, however, and to get the other side of the story we sat down for an interview with Robert Brown, a constitutional expert at The John Birch Society.
#ConventionOfStates #Constitution #ArticleV
Arguments Against the Convention of States—Interview With Robert Brown
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The Chinese government is reinforcing its alliances with Russia and North Korea, as it brings back its hostile form of “wolf warrior” diplomacy. And in other news, a new report from the US Intelligence Community details how intel agencies are turning their sights domestically, in a move that is raising concerns across the political aisle. In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp we’ll discuss these stories and others, and answer questions from the audience.
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